Shopping cart - Page 6 Shopping cart - Page 6


CPG Release 1.6.26
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Shopping cart

Started by Stramm, June 04, 2006, 09:02:32 AM

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Here is the shipping script
Anchorage, AK
Home of the frozen weasel


you'll have to modify photo_shop_checkout.php
the checkout button ---> you'll need to send paypal not only the total and the shipping amount, but info about every item. If paypal can't return all that info ... bad luck. Then it's not possible to go this way (cause you can't add the items to the shop db). I haven't looked into this and the paypal functionality. However I decided against that solution. A lil glitch in the users internet connection and he has paid but the purchease info doesn't get back to your shop.
As it is now... he orders and gets presented a bunch of payment possibilities, pays and when payment arrives you mark the order paid and deliver.... cool, and if paypal cvan return back... then the shop can automatically mark the order paid for you (not yet implemented)

The shop doesn't save info about each item in your pictures db. So it's not possible to have shipping depending on items. Would be possible to have different shipping costs for each album. The most expensive overrides all others.
If you don't hesitate to rewrite, then you'd assign shipping to the cart items and not the items in the pictures db., if no shipping is set, then the default is taken into account

Photo books  - shipping USD 10.-
Greeting cards - shipping standard

If the guy orders greeting cards... then what you've set in config rules. If he orders a photo book... then you override the standard shipping with the USD 10.-

Haven't looked into this yet, but I think it's doable without to much problems


One other thing that would be nice is a CAPTCHA on the checkout page. I have had spiders (i think) submitting orders. It is usually from an email address simular to I have had 3 in the the last 2 days.. 

I will play with the coding a little bit for the cart and see what I can break!  ;D
Anchorage, AK
Home of the frozen weasel



just one more question to this great plugin  :D

How does the admin get the pictures to send them to a foto service ?
I think the best way is to dowload all pics like the favorites zip download.
is there such function ?

Greets Michael



Thanks for the fast reply

so i have to try a bit coding  ;D
It can t be that difficult,
the function to write zip files already exists.

Greets Michael


should be pretty easy... maybe I do some coding regarding zip downloads too


zip download addon:

open photo_shop_admin.php and find
<span style="float:right;"><a href="mailto:{$user_email[$k]}">{$user_email[$k]}</a></span>

above add
<span style="float:right;"><a href="index.php?file=photo_shop/photo_shop_zip&oid={$oid[$k]}">{$lang_photoshop_admin['download_zip']}</a></span><br>

in photoshops lang file english.php
  'filename' => 'Filename',

below add
  'download_zip' => 'Download zip'

place the attached file into the photo_shop directory (unpack first)


That s it ! Saves a lot of time  :P

Thanks for solving this so fast

Greets Michael


Thanks for the paypal integration - thats saved alot of time  :)

One small issue - having used the shop plugin with no problems for several months, I just upgraded to version 1.3 in order to have the added paypal function and now I am having a display problem in the admin page.  This was highlighted by a previous poster but no solution mentioned.  Only one order shows when in fact there are lots more.  The orders are there but they are not showing.  From the pevious response I am assuming this may be a theme problem with the plugin but I have had no problems using my current theme until now.  I am wondering if the theme independace was missed in the latest version.


Your thoughts welcome.




I wasn't able to offer a solution cause I wasn't able to replicate this problem

I've imporetd the dump of the prev poster and all worked smooth for me... no problem with the themes I tried


Here my little "give back" for this Plugin  ;)

german.php laguage file Version 0.9 Beta (photo_shop_version 1.3)
which means you should have an eye on the translation  8)
by try a bit before use produktive !

The e-mail notification text (admin and user) also have to be changed!
(line 26-30 and 38-40 of german.php)

simply copy attached file into lang folder of photo_ shop plugin,rename it to "german.php"
and make sure coppermine runs with german language.

Greets Michael


Thanks for your contribution, it'll be part of the next version of this plugin


I tried reverting to classic theme to see if the afore mentioned wobbly was restricted to my own theme and the problem remained.

Still investigating.


other mods/ plugins running??
can you dump your photo_shop mysql tables and attach them to your next post?


cpg 148


Onlinestats v1.2
CPG miniCMS v1.5
CPG MassImport v2.0
Photo Shop v1.3


mod pack for 1.4.5 with bridge support (plus extra blacklisting and blocking features done by you - see post

Nibblers category theme manager

SQL dumps:

-- Table structure for table `cpg_shop`

CREATE TABLE `cpg_shop` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `oid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `uid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `cd` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
  `quantity` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `size` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '0',
  `price` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  `otime` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `status` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
  `aktive` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`,`oid`)

-- Table structure for table `cpg_shop_config`

CREATE TABLE `cpg_shop_config` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `type` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '0',
  `price` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  `max_items` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '0',
  `priority` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Table structure for table `cpg_shop_prices`

CREATE TABLE `cpg_shop_prices` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `aid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `gid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `price` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)


have you tried disabling all plugins except the shop? I'd need the dumps incl. data, not only the structure, for testing


Yes I have tried disabling the other plugins and no difference.

Weirdly the wobbly occurred almost at a random moment.  I upgraded th plugin, it was fine for a day or so and then suddenly when I was moving some active orders to the archive the wobbly occurred and has remained thre ever since.

I have linked to sql dumps as they are too large to put here.

SQL dumps here as zip file

[edit GauGau]Added hotlinked sql file as attachment.[/edit]


Okies, with your dumps I have the same probs as you. Will check into that the next days


Cool.  Thank you v much. x