how to set the album that without logging in no photo's appearing??? how to set the album that without logging in no photo's appearing???


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how to set the album that without logging in no photo's appearing???

Started by farang, June 18, 2006, 06:26:56 PM

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I succeeded with a lot of playing around and practizing to get more or less familiar with v1.4.8. Allthough my WEB-hoster supplied me with a manual of 30.000 words   ::) I am not succeeding to solve my following problem. Can one of you give me a hint please?

When I surf to the album it presents itself but straight-away with random photo's and the last oploaded photo's.

As I like to combine the album for private use and business use for the time being I do not like that the photo's are showing right away. I only want specific photo's to be showed after login in with a specific password. I think that must excist but a manual of 30.000 words read by a newbee and not in his own language..... ???  . Anyway, it is no lazyness!

Thanks in advance


- Remove random photo and last upload by going to
admin mode=>config=>Album list view=>the content of the main page
and remove "random,x" & "lastup,x "(x is a number)
- set  admin mode=>config=>User setting=>Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access to no (in this way every one should first log in to view your pics)
- Use admin mode =>groups to set the permissions for specified group
also there is a good manual here to read ;)
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Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: bmossavari on June 18, 2006, 06:43:21 PM
- Remove random photo and last upload by going to
admin mode=>config=>Album list view=>the content of the main page
and remove "random,x" & "lastup,x "(x is a number)
- set  admin mode=>config=>User setting=>Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access to no (in this way every one should first log in to view your pics)
- Use admin mode =>groups to set the permissions for specified group
also there is a good manual here to read ;)

thanks for being that fast. The first part o.k. within minutes, the other part now: I don't have the bit you mentioned concerning unlogged users I cannot find in the form under "User settings" or am I a dummy? I am now struggling since you reply. Whenever I enter the album (not as administrator) I can open the specific file without password. I am sure that the solution is around the corner but this corner is a long walk! Sorry.



what is your CPG version !!!? it should be there :o
if you are using other language than English please set your default language to english and then look for "Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access" under user settings
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: bmossavari on June 18, 2006, 09:12:21 PM
what is your CPG version !!!? it should be there :o
if you are using other language than English please set your default language to english and then look for "Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access" under user settings

v.1.4.8 ?

"User settings

Allow new user registrations verification
No Notify admin of user registration by email 
No Allow two users to have the same email address 
No Users can have private albums (Note: if you switch from 'yes' to 'no' any current private albums will become public)

No Notify admin of user upload awaiting approval   
No Allow logged in users to view memberlist"

I cannot find more, not in user setting either somewhere else!?

Furthermore everything goes quit smooth. Now I am in the stade that a visitor views the whole content without login in. So I prepare further and try to adjust afterwards with your gighly appreciated advices.


do as what bmossavari suggested
remove the random pix and latest pix
and then go to ur album properties
and set the Album can be viewed by
to members of the registered groups
so that means when a guest visit your gallery, he cant see anypix unless he login, is that what you want  :)
Haalaa Boro Ye Chayi Vasam Dorost Kon Ta Man Ye Fekri Be Halet Bokonam ;) Ye Hendooneye Shotoriham Biyar Bizahmat :)
Visit My Site
Check Out My Gallery


- I'm sure there is a lang file problem... did you copy english.php that comes with 1.4.8 to your cpg?
"Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access" should be between "Allow new user registrations verification" and"No Notify admin of user registration by email"
- copy english.php to lang again
- post a link to your site
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: bmossavari on June 19, 2006, 07:20:15 AM
- I'm sure there is a lang file problem... did you copy english.php that comes with 1.4.8 to your cpg?
"Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access" should be between "Allow new user registrations verification" and"No Notify admin of user registration by email"
- copy english.php to lang again
- post a link to your site

I start working on it and come back to you. In the mean time I studied and printed the most important pile from the manual.
I am sure, that there are some differences in between manual and the download! The first "problem" which wasn't a problem of course has been solved, but because of certain I think important things are missing indeed like:

sort my pictures
update album
reset album properties

Anyway, I play a bit more around   ::) and keep you informed.



Quote from: farang on June 19, 2006, 03:22:30 PM

I start working on it and come back to you. In the mean time I studied and printed the most important pile from the manual.
I am sure, that there are some differences in between manual and the download! The first "problem" which wasn't a problem of course has been solved, but because of certain I think important things are missing indeed like:

sort my pictures
update album
reset album properties

Anyway, I play a bit more around   ::) and keep you informed.



I got a lot, but without logging in I could not manage to get rid of the photo's/text.

1. I cannot find ur album properties
2. "allow new user reg."
    than "user reg. requires email ver."
    than "notify admin. of user by email"

NO "allow unlogged users...."

I know, I'm useless, but I'm stuck.

WHENever I have to copy "english.php to lang (?) plse inform me more detailed! I know........ :-\


- yes please first copy english.php (the one that comes with ver 1.4.8) to your lang directory
- please post a link to your site
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: bmossavari on June 19, 2006, 08:44:00 PM
- yes please first copy english.php (the one that comes with ver 1.4.8) to your lang directory
- please post a link to your site

hi!, No, you are not get rid of me!!  :D

To make the story short: I struggled around and got (and want to get now) the album public at one site. I am (mis)using the album as a website untill I have created a proper one. I better send you the link otherwise you are getting lost with my idea:
In the mean time I had to split a certain target-group and created another site for that. I did the same, loaded Coppermine  and started again as a public album and, I must admit, it seems a good idea! It suits quit well and works fast. The site is:
ONLY now I am so enthousiastic that I want to use "My Gallery" which is automatically part of the album as a private album for my own photo's to enable to share my pics. But I want to keep controll and I don't want to make that part  public so I can supply a password to the people I like to invite. No other opload-users, only me.

By the way, in the last uploaded version of Coppermine I don't have again what you mentioned: "Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access" should be between "Allow new user registrations verification" and"No Notify admin of user registration by email". I got again: allow new user reg.
                                              user reg. requires email verif.
                                              notify administrator.........

and that's it! It seems to be version 1.3.2. Does that say something to you??

So I was looking and looking but cannot find how to make that specific gallery private with a password.

Thanks a lot in advance!