Modifying upload.php / Modifying CPG for my purpose Modifying upload.php / Modifying CPG for my purpose


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Modifying upload.php / Modifying CPG for my purpose

Started by MacCool, June 29, 2006, 02:28:04 PM

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I'm currently trying to adapt CPG for my needs. First, let me explain, what I'm trying to do.

Ok, so my project is about users being able to offer products, but without actully having an online-shop. So users will be able to insert products - if they want with a picture - and if other users are interested in that products they can contact that user via a contact form (I will modify the ecard module for that purpose) for a price quote.
So, ok, the thing is, users should be able to insert products even when they don't have a picture for it. So I thought, this might be accomplished by modifying the upload.php to include an option to use an URL to a dummy image-file (a transparent 1-px-gif for example), which would say "Create product listing without Image" or something similar.

I hope, you can follow me so far.

Right, so now I'm first of all trying to find the part in upload.php where I can change the text input fields which ask for the number of upload/URL fields into combo boxes (0 - n number which is set as maximum).
Then I also want to add a combo box for said fake-upload, which essentially would just use the URL-upload function to load the mentioned tranparent gif n number of times...

Hm, hope you get what I'm trying to do here...

Help would be greatly appreciated!


I think I understand...

In Group Manager, enable "URI Upload". That will provide a box on upload.php for entering a URL (which you can provde a link to the users as to where the dummy image file is at).

You can change the text that appears at the top of the Upload.php page in your language file. That way you can tell the user's right on that page what the url is. Some of the text may also be in upload.php. I don't recall and I don't have ftp access right now to see how I changed mine.

Did I understand correctly?