Logo und Text Logo und Text


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Logo und Text

Started by fjenkel, June 25, 2006, 02:42:55 PM

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ich wollte mal wissen wie ich oben statt den Namen der gallery ein Logo hinbekomme und wie ich den Nutzungstext ändern kann
und wie ich die User gallery katekori löschen kann


Tststs... Das sind ja gleich 3 Wünsche auf einmal. Bitte bei unterschiedlichen Anliegen unterschiedliche Threads aufmachen.

Quoteein Logo hinbekomme und wie ich den Nutzungstext ändern kann
Was verstehst Du unter "Nutzungstext"?

Du kannst den kompletten Look deiner CPG in den Themes ändern. Schau mal im themes-Ordner von Coppermine, such dir dein Lieblings-Desing aus, mach davon 'ne Kopie und frickel daran herum.

Beim "classic" theme findest du das logo in der template.html eingebunden (such mal nach "logo"). Bei anderen themes mußt du mal selber schauen, wie die gestrickt sind.

Quotewie ich die User gallery katekori löschen kann

Gar nicht. :-)

Abteilung 4.1 der Dokumentation: Categories, albums and files

Wenn deine User aber keine persönlichen Alben anlegen dürfen (oder keine Alben vorhanden sind? - weiss grad nicht), wird diese Kategorie auch nicht angezeigt.
Einfach in der Gruppenverwaltung die "Persönliche Gallery" für alle Benutzergruppen abschalten.


Die user category wird nicht angezeigt wenn keine Bilder und Alben in ihr sind.
-> alles in der user cat löschen und in der config bzw. group control panel ausschalten ausschalten


QuoteWas verstehst Du unter "Nutzungstext"?

Na wenn man sich anmeldet muss man doch dein text bestätigen und den will ich ändern


Du meinst die Nutzungbedingungen.

Guckstdu nach der Datei "german.php" im Ordner "lang".

Suche: $lang_register_disclamer

Problem: vermutlich wirst du nur ein oder zwei, vermutlich aber nicht alle Sprachfiles ändern. Musst du also sehen, ob du alle anderen Sprachfiles rausschmeist, um nicht verschiedene Nutungsbedigungen zu haben.


wie erstelle ich ein neuen Style


Bitte nur ein Thema pro Thread! Zukünftig bitte beachten!

Solltest Du Themes meinen, schaue mal hier >> http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#creating

Gruß. Frank.


könnte es einer mal übersetzten ich hasse englisch

Quote2.3 Creating or upgrading your own themes
To upgrade an existing custom theme, to version 1.4.x, read the theme upgrade documentation.

Coppermine themes are stored in the "themes" directory, each consists of 3 primary files :

"template.html" the main template in plain HTML.
"style.css" the stylesheet associated with the template
"theme.php" the PHP theme file
Your Coppermine installation also includes a "sample" theme directory. The "sample" theme includes each of these files but does not show up in the user selectable list of themes in your Coppermine display. Sample's theme.php also holds a copy of every themeable function and template for your reference. If you opt to use the "sample" theme to begin creating your own theme, you should follow the theme.php instructions in the "theme upgrade documentation" and begin with a blank theme.php.

To create a new template, the best solution is to use an existing one as its core. To do that, make a copy of the folder of the theme you want to use as a basis. Then edit the "template.html" and "theme.php" files and replace all occurences of "themes/old_theme_dir" with "themes/new_theme_dir" in order for the links to point to the correct place.

When editing the "template.html" file do not remove the elements between {} these are the placeholders used by the script. Also keep in mind that despite this file being located in the "themes/your_theme_dir" directory, it must be coded as if it was in the main directory of the coppermine installation. For example, in order to display an image, you must use <img src="themes/theme_dir/images/image.gif" alt=""/> and not just<img src="images/image.gif" alt=""/>. The same principle applies for the "theme.php" file.

Be careful not to delete the line <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script> this javascript is necessary for the full-size pop-ups and other t functions related to JavaScript.

If you are using an HTML editor to design your template, the easist working solution might be to the "template.html" file into the main directory of your coppermine installation and edit it there. Whenever you load Coppermine, if the script finds a file named "template.html" in the main directory it will load it instead of the default one that you assigned in the CONFIG menu. Once you have finished editing your theme be sure to move the file back into the directory it belongs.

To modify the colors, fonts, font sizes, etc... used by the script, you should edit the "style.css" stylesheet whenever possible. For example, if you want to increase or decrease the size of the fonts you can simply modify the line with : table { font-size: 12px; }. Most of the font sizes used by the script are defined as a percentage of this size.

The "theme.php" file contains all the HTML templates used by the script. You can edit them, as well. When making modifications to these templates, be careful that you do not alter the lines that start with <!-- BEGIN xxx --> and <!-- END xxx -->. These lines are often used to identify the start and end of specific code blocks that the script will use to display your gallery.

If you're not sure how to go about creating your own theme, you could also have a look at the download section of the coppermine homepage: there are many user-contributed themes available for download that can be previewed on the coppermine demo page.

While you're in the process of creating or testing a new theme, you might not want your theme to be displayed to visitors of your site, but you (as the coppermine admin) may want to still be able to preview your theme. To do that, simply add theme=your_theme_name to the url in your browser.

http://yoursite.tld/coppermine/index.php?theme=your_theme_name will show the coppermine index page, using your theme
http://yoursite.tld/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=1&theme=your_theme_name will show the thumbnail view of album 1, using your theme
http://yoursite.tld/coppermine/?theme=xxx will reset your view back to the theme you chose as your default theme in coppermine config

Joachim Müller

...aber Du kopierst gerne unnötigerweise Text in Beiträge, um sie unübersichtlicher zu gestalten, oder? ;)

Lies mal http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=33218.0