Multi Lingual cat/alb/pic titles and descriptions (experimental) - Page 2 Multi Lingual cat/alb/pic titles and descriptions (experimental) - Page 2


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Multi Lingual cat/alb/pic titles and descriptions (experimental)

Started by Abbas Ali, July 18, 2006, 08:47:25 AM

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I installed the plugin with japanese. I didn't fill japanese. But i want to add the Dutch langage.
Do you think i can fill the japanese field with dutch and go in the database to find "japanese" and replace by "dutch" in the translation table ?

Abbas Ali

Ok here you go...

First take a backup of your current database then go to database via phpMyAdmin or any other tool. In the cpg_config table there will be one row with 'name' column as 'mod_active_lang'. The 'value' of that row will be a string with your current languages (something like french,japenese). Edit the value to whatever language you want. Example french,dutch. Note that it is a comma separated string. There should not be any spaces between the commas or lang names.

Attached is the revised mod_lang.php file. Download it and replace your current mod_lang.php with this one. Then open the mod_lang page in browser and click on "Synchronize Languages" tab. This will add/delete the languages as per the settings in config i.e. as per the lang string you edited in the config table.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Thanks Abbas !! I have done what you said and japanese is become dutch  :)
Fortunately i installed the japanese langage more the first time  ::)


Is it possible to add this plugin on a 132 coppermine version ?
Because i have a 132 version very modified and i can't upgrade it.
If we can and if it is not automatic, i could do it.

Abbas Ali

cpg1.3.x does not support plugins. Plugins were introduced in 1.4. So we cannot add this rather any plugin to cpg132.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems



I installed and edited everything correctly, but when I want to submit the translation I get this error:

Illegal variable _files or _env or _get or _post or _cookie or _server or _session or globals passed to script.

Anyone know what this means?

EDIT: I found that when deleting this in it does translate without errors

checkInputArray( $_GET );
checkInputArray( $_POST );

Is this wrong to delete?     

Abbas Ali

Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Hi Abbas

There are a module for Xoops, in that you can translate any thing capable of route interfering form.

very simple to translate: Yo especifi a lang, ([en], [fr], [es]) and in any form, you can post all the content in all langs..., for example: field Title: [en]Photo Title[/en][fr]Foté Titulé[/fr][es]Título Foto[/es]

is very good i think...

well, is a suggestion, maybe is impossible in the cpg core...
or maybe is dangerous, but is a suggestion if you did'nt kewn, i don't know much php

well, greetings

Abbas Ali

Thanks Quinti for the suggestion. The plugin which i have created is not well designed and i don't like it myself. I will go through the xoops site.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


first of all thanks for this great plug!!

worked fine until I upgraded to 1.4.13 applied the mods in index and functions php files... info in the database still there, but it doesnt show the info in the different languages...

Any ideas?? thanks in advance!

Abbas Ali

Make sure that the plugin is activated from plugin manager page.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems

Abbas Ali

Chief Geek at Ranium Systems



Of course not. 1.3 does not have a plugin system. Update your gallery.


I just update gallery, and install this plugin... This is great plug-in!
Very useful for multilingual sites!!! And what important - very simple install)


Can I add new languages to this plug-in after install?

Abbas Ali

I must confess that though i wrote the plugin - i almost forgot how it works. I think you cannot add new languages after install.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


hi there, i have installed your 'Multi Lingual cat/alb/pic titles and descriptions' plug in and it works great. But I have also installed 'title below thumbnail' link >,25076.0.html

unfortunately these 2 plug ins do not work together, do you have any suggestions.

i have also requested the same from the other plug in creator.



can someone tell me what's going on... this plugin at my gallery left off to work (((
all was fine, but yesterday, all new additions don't show at the gallery... I try to explain more detailed:
when I add/change description in mod_lang.php and then save changes, this description don't appear at the displayimage page under picture... in original description changes work... but when I add it at mod_lang.php - not. But in mod_lang.php this changes - saved. And in MySQL - saved.
In some languages changes don't work, but one language don't work at all... all descriptions don't show when I click on flag - it shows on original language - english.
Tell me please what can be a reason in?


it works fine , any new version on the way ?
I have created a button in admin menu for mod_lang.php

in ./include/ >> function theme_admin_mode_menu()
                '{DOCUMENTATION_TITLE}' => $lang_gallery_admin_menu['documentation_title'],
                '{DOCUMENTATION_LNK}' => $lang_gallery_admin_menu['documentation_lnk'],
'{MULTILANG_TITLE}' => $lang_gallery_admin_menu['multilang_title'],
            '{MULTILANG_LNK}' => $lang_gallery_admin_menu['multilang_lnk'],