bridging Coppermine with Amember bridging Coppermine with Amember


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bridging Coppermine with Amember

Started by michelleta, July 24, 2006, 03:46:23 AM

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We plan to set up a paid members directory where a payment is made and the user enters some data (about herself) and uploads a photo. The plan is to use a script called aMember to handle the memberships and payments.

We want to do very basic things with the gallery and data: search and sort on the various fields that the user has filled in or selected (blue, hazel, brown) (blonde, red, brown, black). (aMember will allow us to create a sign on with as many fields as needed and will then store the data...but we need a script that will access it and display it and handle the photo upload...) Other users visit this directory for free (no sign up) and can search and sort on characteristics. The search results would show thumbnails that link to larger still photos along with all that personal data that has been entered (probably in aMember).

I'm not sure if Coppermine will allow users basic search and sort functions, and is there a way for it show the data associated with the photo? Are there any clues to integrate it to aMember? We are experienced html, javascript, css, basic coders... and has been hard to learn even the most basic information... search, sort...

To complicate matters, we plan three different directories: 2 as described above, and one more that visitors actually pay to get to a protected area. This one is free to see thumbnails, and then after paying, visitors can see moving clips and only a couple of pieces of data. We plan to set the data in this one up via an admin function (no uploads). However, can Coppermine handle a link to the moving clips?

If anyone can suggest anything or point me in the right direction to assist me to make this happen, I'll really appreciate it.

Joachim Müller

Not sure why you need to create yet another script that will just handle authentification and login (instead of using a script that already exists). However, if you're ready to create such a script, you need to be familiar with PHP and mySQL as well, so it should be pretty easy for you then to come up with a custom bridge file that will do what you're looking for.
If I were to create an app similar to yours, I'd rather check if the login/sign up process available by Coppermine (or any other app that offers similar features) can be modified to fit your needs.
Coppermine comes with searching, access permissions etc. Please read the docs.


Thanks for your reply.
Maybe I didn't communicate very well. It's hard to communicate when you don't hardly understand anything much about what you're asking about  :'(

What we need is a script that will read the data (the characteristics the member has provided about herself) from amember and then display it along with a photo at our site. We also want visitors to be able to search, and sort by those characteristics. I've never seen Coppermine display more than a photos and a photo name. I've not found anything that indicates that a visitor to a Coppermine gallery can search for a photo (or photo characteristic) or sort the photos by a selected order...

What we're looking for seems really simple: there's a db with info (amember). We want to display the data alongside an associated photo (call this a record). We want visitors to be able to search and sort the records.

We don't know PHP, and barely the basics of how sql works, so we need an app that already exists, or someone who can show us the key that will unlock the door... or perhaps someone who can write what we need.

Joachim Müller

The code you're looking for hasn't been written. Since none of the devs knows your script amember nor the database structure underneath it, we couldn't come up with such a piece of code, even if we wanted to. But I doubt that anybody from the dev team is going to look into this, as there's no benefit for the devs nor the community. If you need the code that badly, you'll have to write it. If you're not up to this (lacking coding skills), you'll have to hire a coder then. If you're ready to do so, post your budget and a moderator will move this thread to the paid support board.
Look: we're not Santa - you can't just ask us to come up with custom code for you that nobody except you would benefit from (OK, you can of course ask for it, but nobody will do it anyway).
Pulling data from a third party-app is one thing, creating the logic within Coppermine to insert it where you want it to go is tricky.
Quote from: michelleta on July 26, 2006, 05:59:52 PMWhat we're looking for seems really simple
You'll have to let coders decide if this is simple. It's simple for the human to describe in a natural language what you would like done, yet it is hard (or at least involves a lot of work) to accomplish this code-wise.


Im using amember as well with coppermine.
It doenst actually have its own database but uses Coppermine's.