Kaki top theme Kaki top theme


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Kaki top theme

Started by Siberiantiger, August 03, 2006, 01:09:12 PM

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I want to use the KAKI TOP theme in Copermine Photogallery, but i want to completely remove the leftside meny:

Your Link 1
Your Link 2
Your Link 3
Your Link 4

Is this possible, and how?

Joachim Müller

Edit themes/kaki/template.html accordingly (using a plain-text editor, notepad.exe is fine). This is ridiculously easy: if you want to remove something, just search for the string you want to see removed. As there are only three plain text files that come with a theme (template.html, theme.php, style.css), this should be dead easy. ::)



Just wanted to check in and tell everyone i solved this problem by editing the template.html for the kaki_top theme and totally removed the leftside menu with the "your link 1......"

First of all, i am NOT a webdesigner and does not now much about web/html coding, but i found a very smart way to do this. I opened the template.html in MS Frontpage 2003 (could be any webdesing tool) and in view mode i just marked the area i wanted to delete and then watched the code it marked, and deleted it. Save and that's it!

Not i got the design/look on the kaki i wanted. I did not touch the php or css file.

Joachim Müller

Ouch, that's the wrong method. Don't use a WYSIWYG editor when editing Coppermine files, particularly not MS Frontpage. I clearly told you to use a plain text editor, because I wanted to avoid issues that come from using crap editors like MS Frontpage. I'm absolutely sure that Frontpage messed with the code (Frontpage is notorious for "improving" code by it's own logic), at least rendering the resulting code invalid. Don't let yourself get fooled into believing that everything is fine - things probably work in your browser on your box, but this doesn't mean that your page is fine for others (using other browsers).

Quote from: Siberiantiger on August 04, 2006, 08:38:04 AMFirst of all, i am NOT a webdesigner and does not now much about web/html coding
Then don't build your own website. The whole point of running and maintaining a website is that you have at least basic skills in the technologies used.

Quote from: Siberiantiger on August 04, 2006, 08:38:04 AM
[...] but i found a very smart way to do this.
As suggested above: not a smart way at all.



I actually agree with you.. i have never liked MS Frontpage myself, but i did not explain the solution good enough.. I actually just used Frontpage to see what lines was affecting this change. Then i opened up the html file in notepad and removed those lines..

And to be sure, i manually edited the html file just by using notepad once again with the original file, and removed 1 and one line from the section where the leftmenu was inserted.. so yes, there is some basic skills present ;)

The result is looking good both in alle the latest versions of opera, firefox and ie (those are the most popular browsers here in norway)

Joachim Müller

OK, then your advice to others was misleading though anyway. I was just replying to make it absolutely clear to everyone coming across this thread that you mustn't use WYSIWYG editors at all. I don't understand why you need Frontpage though - opening template.html with notepad, clicking on "Edit" - "find" and entering the search terms you were looking to replace (in your case "Your Link 1") would have given the same result.
Additionally, notepad doesn't display the line numbers in the gutter bar, so using Frontpage to just find out the line number won't help you at all if you can't go to a specific line number using notepad. Of course there are other plain text editors that do have line numbers displayed, but that's not the point I was trying to make.

We maintain a forum for two reasons:
1) to help the person who actually starts a thread
2) to help others who come across similar issues, browsing the board for answers

Subsequently, we correct statements like yours if we're convinced that others may mis-interpret your advice. Don't get this wrong: we encourage people to post their solutions as you did. We just need to clarify some statements for the benefit of others.