Bridging Problem between Coppermine 1.4.8 to phpBB 2.0.21... Bridging Problem between Coppermine 1.4.8 to phpBB 2.0.21...


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Bridging Problem between Coppermine 1.4.8 to phpBB 2.0.21...

Started by NightriderXP, August 15, 2006, 09:19:27 AM

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I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and phpBB 2.0.21:

I have bridged them together, but when I enter the Gallery, I am not logged in even though I'm logged in to phpBB.  When I click on the Coppermine login, it takes me back to the phpBB index page...

Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.8
Forum version: phpBB 2.0.21
Test user account: testuser / testpwd

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../forum/nfphpbb/
Use post-based groups?:  0

Gallery Cookie Path: /
Gallery Cookie: cpg148
phpBB Cookie Path: /
phpBB Cookie: phpbb2mysql


Joachim Müller


I'm sorry.  I created the Test account in Coppermine rather than phpBB.  You should be able to log in now using the following:

testuser / testpwd



I just noticed that the Bridge seems to work perfectly for the Test account, but not for my Admin account.  I have cleared cookies in my browser too, but that doesn't seem to make any difference...


Joachim Müller


When logged in as an Admin in phpBB, I am not logged in when I go into the Coppermine gallery.  But when I'm logged in as the Test member, I am logged in when entering the Gallery.  So it seems that the Bridge is only working for non-Admin members...

This is what I see when entering the Gallery logged in as an Admin:

[Edit GauGau]
replaced hotlinked screenshot [ i m g ] [ / i m g ] with an attachment. In the future, please use attachments instead of hotlinks.

But if I was logged in as admin when entering the Gallery, I shouldn't be seeing this menu.  If I click on Login in the Gallery, I am redirected back to the phpBB Index page...

OTOH, this is what I see when logged in to the Test account in phpBB then enter the Gallery.  This part seems to be working correctly.  So it seems that I have a partial bridge that only allows regular members to remain logged in when entering the Gallery...

[Edit GauGau]
Replaced hotlinked pic [ i m g ] [ / i m g ] with an attchment for the same reason as suggested above



Try clearing your cookies. Even if Coppermine doesn't recognise your admin rights it should have at least recognised you as a registered member. Also make sure you selected the right type of phpbb bridge in the bridge manager.


Yes, I've cleared my browser cookies for the domain several times, yet still see the same results.  Basically if I am logged in as admin, the bridge doesn't recognize my account at all and acts like phpBB and Coppermine haven't been bridged, yet when I'm logged in as the regular test member, the bridge works perfectly...

Also, since I am working on a phpBB 2.0.21 board, I used the phpBB Bridge for 2.0.18 or Greater setting...



Make sure you are accessing your site using www. each time. If you are happy to PM the admin account details I can investigate for you.


Thanks Nibbler.  I sent you a PM with the admin login details...



I can confirm the issue. Have you applied any mods to phpbb that could have changed admin authentication code ?


Not really.  This isn't even my site.  On my site, I've installed over 800 MODs and have the Coppermine 1.4.3 Gallery successfully bridged.  On this site, there are only 3 installed MODs and none of them have anything to do with the Sessions or logging system...

The MODs installed on this site are:

  • ImageShack Panel for Posting Body
  • Configurable Smilies Table 2
  • Fast Resize Remote Avatar Mod

I have all but the last MOD and a whole lot more installed on my site...




Could you give me an idea of whether you can help me or if this problem has stumped you too?  I need to know one way or another so I can decide where to go from here...



If you are happy to PM me FTP and DB access then I can get it fixed. I don't know what else to suggest.


Thanks Nibbler.  That is a generous offer.  I sent you a PM...



Seems to be working ok now. Your phpbb admin account has an id of 1, which is strange since phpbb account numbers normally start from 2. You'll need to either reapply the marked sql change in bridge/ whenever you update your gallery or make yourself a new admin account.


Yes, I added my admin record long after the site owner had established her membership.  I copied my admin record from my Test Database to her Users table and since 1 is usually an available User ID, that is the User ID that I use...

So are you saying that Coppermine wasn't working for me simply because my User ID was set to 1?  If true, I should be able to change my User ID to any other number and it should work for me...

Ok, I checked and after changing my User ID to a number larger than 1 and clearing my browser cookies for the site, the Bridge seems to be working correctly for my admin acct.  Is there any reason why the User ID 1 should not be used?  This is the first time that it has caused me any problems when working on a site...

Thanks for your help on this Nibbler.  It would never have occurred to me that the User ID might be a problem...



That would explain it then. It's not a problem that the account was 1, the problem is that there was no corresponding entry in the user_groups table for user_id 1 since you manually added the account to only one of the tables. Apparently phpbb can tolerate this, maybe for backwards compatibility reasons, but I didn't allow for that. I only test against clean installs of the software we bridge to. Since the authentication query joins the user table to the user_group table you do need to be in both to be recognised. First time I came across this problem, thankyou for your cooperation in resolving it.


Interesting.  I didn't add a User Group record when I changed the User ID in the Users table to a value greater than one, but now the Bridge is working perfectly for me.  I will add a record to the User Group now just to guarantee that this doesn't become an issue for me again in the future...

I'm not surprised that we keep finding ways to break the software.  Over in Area 51, I would have hoped that I would have resolved every problem that could arise.  But every day, I get a new challenge that I had never seen before.  They keep me on my toes there and I imagine that we keep you on your toes here as well...

Thanks for all the help with this Nibbler...
