Unable to view uploaded pics Unable to view uploaded pics


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Unable to view uploaded pics

Started by madmanbean, September 01, 2006, 07:13:44 PM

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Have spent all day reading this bb and trying all suggested.
Have upgraded to latest version (.9) and checked all files there, have checked permissions and done all troubleshooting I can find out about. Seems images are uploading to albumns/edit but I do not see a preview thumbnail and when moving on to place an image into a gallery I get that familiar message "The previous file could not be placed. You have successfully placed all the files". I have read everything I can about this problem but cannot see what is wrong.

I have set up a test user account and if anyone can look and tell me what is wrong I will be able to sleep tonight!


you can login as a registered user using uers "test" and password 1234

As requested I will not post the bug info here.

Thanks for your help..

Joachim Müller

Quote from: madmanbean on September 01, 2006, 07:13:44 PM
you can login as a registered user using uers "test" and password 1234
The test user account isn't particularly helpful without a link to your page ;)
When getting the generic error message "The previous file could not be placed", then you haven't applied the settings suggested in the upload troubleshooting section of the docs. You need to set file upload fields to "1", URI upload fields to "0" and enable debug_mode. Please review your settings.


Sorry if I sound stupid but I have read and reread that section. I am very new to all this..hadnt changed the uri section to nil but have now done so..
The url of the site is in my post though.. it is http://www.nickbean.co.uk/rats/

I have already set the debug mode though as well as the upload field to 1

have now tried t again and yes getting a proper error message as below

The file 'albums/userpics/10001/shark~1.jpg' can't be inserted in the album

Error executing ImageMagick - Return value: 127

Cmd line :
convert -quality 80 -antialias -geometry 100x64 'albums/userpics/10001/shark~1.jpg' 'albums/userpics/10001/thumb_shark~1.jpg'

The convert program said:
sh: line 1: convert: command not found

File: /home2/nickbean/public_html/rats/db_input.php - Line: 402

thhat does not really mean that much to me dut it may to someone out there


just found this on another bb..seems relevent but still not not understand

I was getting this error:
The convert program said:
sh: line 1: /usr/bin/X11/convert: No such file or directory

So under config "Path to ImageMagick 'convert' utility (example /usr/bin/X11/)" I left the field blank. Now I can upload pics again



You need to either obtain the correct path from your host or use GD2 instead.


Ok..really appreciate your help here..have contacted my hosting company and they have confirmed that gd is available and enabled.. From what I can understand coppermine is pointing to image magik.. so how and what do I change to use gd2??
hostig company reply below..

I can confirm that GD is available and enabled as you can see from the PHPINFo page for the server:


GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPG Support enabled
PNG Support enabled
WBMP Support enabled
XBM Support enabled

Beyond Ego Limited Support Team


Ok..must thank everyone for their help and suggestions..I have spent  a trying to sort this and Guess what?? the answer was there all long in the help files that I could have sworn I had read! The reson this had been overlooked is that my version of coppermine was auto installed by my web host and the default used was to use image magik which had no path entered.

The answer was in the readme.txt file which I had not read

The problem was solved by entering advanced thumbnais and changing the thumbnail editor to hd!!

A day of my life wasted? NO..a valuable lesson learnt!