copy/ paste bbcode img URL below intermediate image - Page 3 copy/ paste bbcode img URL below intermediate image - Page 3


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copy/ paste bbcode img URL below intermediate image

Started by Stramm, September 16, 2006, 07:16:10 PM

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Quote from: zrbarnes on March 21, 2007, 05:26:42 AM
Are you starting with my version or the original?

the thing is your modified plugin shows only img code and original plugin shown only bbcode i wish to display both of them, and important point to remember is the thumbnail must link to intermediate image page, i got it to work to display img code and bb code but can't make it to link bb thumb to intermediate page.

please tell me how to do that.



please read the thread to find examples on how to modify the bbcode plugin code to fit your needs



How can I hide the copy/paste bbcode if an album is private for guests but not for the users, and I don't want that they can use it in forums? I added this but it doesn't work.

function bbcode_add_data($pic_data){ //$pic_data
$a_data = $ALBUM_DATA['visibility'];


<a href="javascript:toggleLayer('hotlinking');" title="View Hotlinking Information">View Hotlinking Information</a>
<div id="hotlinking" style="display: none; margin: 0px 20px 0px 20px;">

if($a_data != 2){

more code...

//closing table and visiblity div
$bbcode_data .= '</table></div>';

//finally we add the created stuff to the picture data and return it to coppermine
$pic_data['html'] = $pic_data['html'].$bbcode_data;

return $pic_data;


If I change if($a_data != 2) by if($pic_data['aid'] != n) -n is the private album id- then it works, but I must to know the album id.


Stramm sweet mod. I have everything where I want it but I can't figure out where in the code to open the [url] and [img] code dialog box so that it will display all the code.

I have edited the plugin to just display the img tag and would like to see it all in stead of having to scroll.


what about setting the textarea to have ~3 rows??


Thank you Stramm, you always point me in the right direction (not sure how I missed it)  :-\


Hi Stramm. Great mod.

How do I modify this to change the top button to use the intermediate image instead of the thumbnail?


I've just sussed it. It was as simple as changing this line from this

$thumb_url = get_pic_url($pic_data, 'thumb'); //thumb url

to this

$thumb_url = get_pic_url($pic_data, 'normal'); //normal url
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


 :) work fine

I used with THEME name "blue_dragon"  doesn't work well for me DUE TO THEME

now I switch my theme to  "zymic_xstatic" and this MOD work pretty good  :)



Hi, I'm new here and I'm not sure if this is the best place for this question, so I apologize if it is in the wrong place. I searched the forums and haven't been able to find anything that would help me do this (at least that I understood). What I want to do is modify this plugin (codebase.php specifically) to display a link rather than a bulletin board code. I've been able to do this with a static link, but I'm not sure how to do it with the following link:

<a href="{ECARD_TGT}" class="navmenu_pic" title="{ECARD_TITLE}">Send Ecard</a>

The bracketed items (ECARD_TGT and ECARD_TITLE) don't translate when the link is clicked and I suspect that I have to include something additionally into codebase.php to get it to recognize them and act upon them, but I'm unsure of what would actually accomplish this. I've experimented with a few different things, but I really don't know enough to do it on my own unless I get lucky somehow.

Basically, my end goal is just to have a more visible link to send an ecard below the image (in addition to the link in the navbar). If anyone has a suggestion, using either this plugin or a different method, I'd love to hear it. Thank you.


Of course that wouldn't work. Neither the placeholder {ECARD_TGT} nor {ECARD_TITLE} are defind. So the script doesn't know it should replace them and even if it would, then it has no clue what to insert there.

To add a line of code that allows you to send an ecard of the shown image you'll need to add something like this...

echo "<a href=\"ecard.php?pid={$pic_data['pid']}\">Send Ecard</a>";


Thank you Stramm, I appreciate it. I'm having a little trouble getting it to work, though. I'm afraid I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to this. If you wouldn't mind, could you please clarify where exactly I'm supposed to place it, if I should remove anything else, and what my file should look like in the end?


in codebase.php right after
$bbcode_data = '<table align="center" width="'.$CONFIG['picture_width'].'">'.$script_data.'<tr>';

add in a new line
$bbcode_data .= "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"ecard.php?pid={$pic_data['pid']}\">Send Ecard</a></td></tr><tr>";


Thank you for that. I was able to get it to work perfectly. For anyone else out there who wants to use this plugin to create a more graphic "send ecard" button below the image, here is an example of the code. (I removed the BBcode because I didn't need that, I just wanted the ecard link).

//this just brings everything in form... we create a table etc.
        $bbcode_data = '<table align="center" width="'.$CONFIG['picture_width'].'">'.$script_data.'<tr>';
$bbcode_data .= '</tr><tr>';
$bbcode_data .= "<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"ecard.php?pid={$pic_data['pid']}\"><img border=0 src=\"sendecard.jpg\" ></a></td></tr><tr>";
$bbcode_data .= '</tr><tr>';
$bbcode_data .= '</tr></table>';

I saw a few people looking for that, so hopefully this will be helpful. Note: replace the image listed with your own image url. If you don't want an image, replace it with text.

Thank you Stramm.


Quote from: zrbarnes on February 23, 2007, 09:11:31 AM
I don't really know where to post this, so hopefully this is the best place. I modified your BB code plugin so that it would display html tag links instead, and combined it with the javascript toggle display div to make it visible only when you click on a link that sits below the picture. I also removed the copy code, because it didn't support FF.

Awesome alternative to the original version.  How would you add a credit link to  be generated with each url tag such as "Visit for images galore"

-- Skidpics


Quote from: skidpics on September 02, 2007, 05:03:45 PM
Awesome alternative to the original version.  How would you add a credit link to  be generated with each url tag such as "Visit for images galore"

-- Skidpics

Figured it out.. Just add the linking information on lines 141, 143 and 145, after &nbsp;/&gt;&lt;/a&gt; of each entry..  An example would be: 
&nbsp;/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;<br><a href="" class="style1">Browse or host your pictures on </a></p>';


Now, how would I incorporate another background linkage for let say a Myspace profile background for the large picture?

How could I get it to output with this format???

I would have to have the format something like this on output:
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position:top left;
border-width:0px ;
border-style: inset;
<a href="" class="style1">Browse or host your pictures on </a></p>


Quote from: skidpics on September 06, 2007, 07:37:48 AM
Now, how would I incorporate another background linkage for let say a Myspace profile background for the large picture?

How could I get it to output with this format???

I would have to have the format something like this on output:
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position:top left;
border-width:0px ;
border-style: inset;
<a href="" class="style1">Browse or host your pictures on </a></p>

If I can get the general idea, then I will report the working results once completed..


Hey... i just wandt to add my ver of this plugin...
it got a more cool look i think.. maby you can use it stamm..

But i must say/"ask" i will like the fields to be out of the white and down in the gray.. can som 1 help me with that?



Dear Stramm
I am trying to  change code for forum
when user hit it will target picture page not full size
here is code which is regulat

but I want something like this


so this is picture link I want user to get target  to POS=-xxxxx number

how I can edit CODEBASE to target that
is there anyway  or not?

found it now thanks

here is  QUOTE from ur message

Quote from: Stramm on October 16, 2006, 08:29:35 AM

2. the path to the pic is stored in the var $fullsize_url
if you want a different one, you have to modify it... eg. replace
$fullsize_url = get_pic_url($pic_data);  //here we grab the url to the fullsized pic
$fullsize_url = 'displayimage.php?pos=-'.$pic_data['pid'];

thanks  :)