Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard - Page 30 Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard - Page 30


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Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard

Started by Sami, September 17, 2006, 07:04:22 AM

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Apply suggestion 2 from,36319.msg258786.html#msg258786

Edit: looks like you have a BOM at the start of the file, caused by editing it with an application that does not correctly support unicode.


Thanks Nibbler,

i will try to clean the output buffer.

oh, ok! Thats possible - i edit the file with a editor of Joomla - so maybe this editor isnt the best editor to make these changes. I will remove the BOM and check the captcha again.

Thanks a lot for your help!!



i changed the code in the captcha.php from:

$code = $oPhpCaptcha->Create();

to this like in the other thread:

$code = $oPhpCaptcha->Create();

but the code isnt still there.

@Nibbler - i don't see the BOM (for me a BOM is a "bad character" in the code) in which file do you see the BOM?


I am seeming to have this same issue. It began right around July 18th, for us.
It kept leaving processes open on the server for the captcha.php file, which ended up shutting down all php scripts we were running.
I had to remove the captcha plugin to be able to stop the processes from reoccurring, but now, we are dealing with lots of spam comments. I want to put captcha back on, but not if we can't get the images to show when logging on or doing anything else...
Please help...


Try uploading a clean copy of german.php. The only reason I can think of as to why it works in other languages but not German is that there is something wrong with your German lang file.

The BOM appears as a »¿ at the start of your page, but your browser may hide it from you.



so i uploaded a clean new german.php file but nothing changed. I renamed the english.php in german.php and the german.php in english.php. So if the german.php is wrong then it must be fine with the english.php (now the german.php). But the same error appears.

I searched in the source code of my page but i dont found the BOM??



The BOM is still there. Solution is still to remove it. Maybe it's coming from Joomla.


BUMP... I posted this before, but it went completely ignored...
We don't use German and it was working before, but now it is not:
Original post:
I am seeming to have this same issue. It began right around July 18th, for us.
It kept leaving processes open on the server for the captcha.php file, which ended up shutting down all php scripts we were running.
I had to remove the captcha plugin to be able to stop the processes from reoccurring, but now, we are dealing with lots of spam comments. I want to put captcha back on, but not if we can't get the images to show when logging on or doing anything else...
Please help...



Hi Nibbler,
thanks again for your answer - can you please tell me where exactly you see the BOM? I dont see them. THis would be very helpful for me.

Best regards.


It's in the raw output of captcha.php. I doubt that helps you. See if disabling the bridge has any effect.


Edit the file with notepad++ and choose the doctype "UTF8 without BOM" and save the file.
A BOM can't be "seen".
Look at "Byte Order Mark" on WP.


so i disabled the bridge - installed the plugin again but the captcha code is not shown.
I downloaded the notepad++ and opened the captch.php.
i try format -> encode in utf8 - without BOM and i tried format -> convert to utf8 without bom

both changes didnt help - the captch is not shown. I opend the changed captcha.php again and there is still dos/windows and ANSI info in the right side of notepad++

i think i have to disable the comment function for guets because without captchas there are to much spam comments :(

Joachim Müller

Quote from: phatair on July 31, 2008, 05:09:21 PM
thanks again for your answer - can you please tell me where exactly you see the BOM? I dont see them. THis would be very helpful for me.
Try the solution I posted in,25865.msg119270.html#msg119270


thanks for the link
but if i search in my complete coppermine or joomla directory for the BOM (»¿) i find around 100 matches in several files. This character appears in my jpgs, in other files and so on...
i cant believe that all this files are corrupted. i think i delete this plugin and only registerd users can comment the photos. this is not the best solution but i think i will not find the problem and i am not so good in this hole php thing - i dont want waste your time.

thanks a lot for your help.


@Sami:  I just wanted to comment on the plugin.

What a great tool! ;D  I've installed it in my amateur gallery ( and it is working great!  Now I can advertise this thing and really open up the registration gates without a flood of spambots.  Thank you for providing such clear guidance in the "Read Me" doc.  Everything works smoothly.




How I can hidden the captcha from the register.php? I dont find the code..


Just installed the Captcha 3.0 zip files.
The confirmation image was totally chicken scratches, no visible fonts.
I looked in the captcha.php and changed the number of noise lines from 70 to 4, then 1.
At 1 there is a blank box, anything else is totally chicken scratches.
So no way to even log in. I deleted the captcha folder to regain access to my own gallery.

What's going on?


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
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