Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard - Page 33 Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard - Page 33


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Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard

Started by Sami, September 17, 2006, 07:04:22 AM

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The problem is with the main gallery spanish.php not the plugin's spanish.php. Upload a clean copy of that.

Fabricio Ferrero

 :-[ The only thing I did with that file is check if there was an empty line. I din't try with a fresh copy of it. I already upload a clean copy and it's working perfect.

Thank you very much for the support!  :D

Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)

Joachim Müller

The BOM is not visible using notepad.exe. You need an editor that is capable to find the BOM. Please read up previous discussions about the BOM - I suggested a tool there as well to get rid of all BOMs at once and what editors are capable to handle utf-8 encoded files without messing with the BOM.

Fabricio Ferrero

Thanks for the advise. I will keep in mind. I have already my gallery working perfect.

Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)



Would it be possible to modify this plugin so that it only affects the comments and e-cards? I'm the only only one using my gallery so there are no registrations and there's no reason for me to enter the captcha code on the login page.

I had a look at codebase.php but I'm not sure what to edit.




Is there any way to create an auto-login link ( A link to send in an email to log into a specific account - with access to a specific album) with captcha enabled? This would be easier than sending the link and telling the person to login with a specific username and password. This way they would click the link and be automatically logged in.


Quote from: meek on October 21, 2008, 05:04:57 PM

Would it be possible to modify this plugin so that it only affects the comments and e-cards? I'm the only only one using my gallery so there are no registrations and there's no reason for me to enter the captcha code on the login page.

I had a look at codebase.php but I'm not sure what to edit.



I got it working by uncommenting case 'login.php':
            $valid_groups = explode(',', $CAPTCHA_DISABLE['login']);
            if (!in_array(USER_GROUP, $valid_groups) OR $CAPTCHA_DISABLE['login'] == '') {
                $exper = '(<input type="password".*</td>)';
                if (preg_match($exper, $html)) {
                    $newcpch = '<!-- CAPTCH PLUGIN 3 --><input type="password" class="textinput" name="password" style="width: 100%" tabindex="2" /></td></tr><tr><td class="tableb">' . $lang_plugin_captcha_conf . '</td><td class="tableb" colspan="2"><input type="text" name="confirmCode" id="confirmCode" size="20" class="textinput" style="width=50%" tabindex="3"><img src="captcha.php" align="middle"></td>';
                    $html = preg_replace($exper, $newcpch, $html);
and case 'login.php':
            $valid_groups = explode(',', $CAPTCHA_DISABLE['login']);
            if (!in_array(USER_GROUP, $valid_groups) OR $CAPTCHA_DISABLE['login'] == '') {
                if (isset($_POST['submitted']) AND !Validate($_POST['confirmCode'])) {
                    pageheader($lang_error, "<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;url=login.php\">");
                    msg_box($lang_error, "$lang_plugin_captcha_error", $lang_continue, 'login.php');
in  codebase.php


I have Captcha enabled for both registration and comments but I'm still getting a lot of spam. Is there anything I can do to stop it?  :(

Joachim Müller

You might want to try Akismet as well. Not related to this thread though, therefor no details here.



Hi all  :)
First of all thank you for the Captcha! It helped a lot.

But I have a question and hope that someone can help me:

I was changing server with my coppermine foto gallery and was using CAPTCHA 3.0 without any problems before. Now with the new server (I took all data from the old one) the anti spam code cannot be seen. That means the field for typing in the antispam code is there but not the visible code itself.

Does anyone know this problem and can give me a hint what I could check? Thanks.


Check the new server meets the minimum requirements for the plugin. Post a link to your gallery.


Are there any known bugs with this system and AOL Browser? I have a user that has used the AOL browser and when they type the captcha in it says its incorrect every time. If they use another browser it works fine.

Joachim Müller

None of the devs and supporters here is using the AOL browser (whatever flavor they use these days). If the AOL browser plays by the rules, there should be no issues with this plugin imo, as it doesn't use proprietary browser hacks.


I wouldnt think any self respecting dev would use AOL Browser! I'll just make a note in my site's FAQ that it's been known to cause problems and encourage users to browse with something more mainstream. Thanks for the response.


Okay experts :)

I am in dire need of help.  I'm a little fish swimming in a huge pond. I know very little about Coppermine and even less about PHP.
I have read through the majority of this thread trying to fix the issue on my own but, admittedly, I am now completely confused and lost.

I am hoping someone will extend some kindness and tell me what I'm missing to get the Captcha to appear upon registration. I've tried to turn on debug but even then I'm not seeing what it seems I should be seeing to decipher the problem myself.

All I want is to limit the ability of people to access my photo albums ... nothing super fancy.

Could someone help me out?


Having trouble implementing this to my gallery.

I did exactly as explained below. What am i doing wrong?
1. Download the file to my desktop
2. Unzipped it and copied the folder "captcha" via. ftp (filezilla client) to the plugins folder inside my coppermine gallery root.
3. Then installed it via plugin manager
4. Copied the file captcha.php to my coppermine gallery root.
5. Logged out to check the captcha image when trying to login. The captcha-image is not displayed. Not in IE or FF.
6. I tried going directly to the URL of the captcha.php file to see if it was displaying an image correctly there.
6a. In Firefox it gave the following error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function imageftbbox() in /home/tobiasau/ on line 119"
6b. In IE it was just a blank page.

I tried searching the forum for the errormessage aswell as "imageftbbox()" but did not find any feedback that actually helped me.

PHPinfo says that i have the following versions:
* PHP Version 5.2.6
* GD Version ...bundled (2.0.34 compatible)

Hoping that somebody recognizes the errormessage that i've been trying to figure out for the last two hours googling and searcing this forum. If this is something that has been Solved earlier, i apologize in advance, i hate being the guy that askes the same question as 50 others who haven't read the documentation properly :) I did try to search the forum without any luck, so im taking a shot on this reply :)


Forgot to mention that i have also tried uninstalling the plugin, removing the files from the server, redownloading from this thread, extracting, uploading via ftp, and installing again, but same happens.

Shout if you need an admin user to check it out, and ill supply it. :)


Minimum requirement for the plugin is:

Quote- GD 2.x (2.0.28 or later is recommended) with Freetype support

You don't have freetype support so the plugin doesn't work. Talk to your webhost to get it enabled.