Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image ) - Page 8 Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image ) - Page 8


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image )

Started by Sami, September 23, 2006, 05:10:47 PM

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Thanks, here you go:


As you have very customized template plugin couldn't apply it's js and css file by it self so you need to add them manually !
openup themes/your theme/template.html
add this code before </head> tag

<link rel="stylesheet" href="plugins/highslide/include/highslide.css" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="plugins/highslide/highslide.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.highslide {
cursor: url('plugins/highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur'), pointer;
    outline: none;
.highslide-image {
    cursor: pointer; /* opera */
cursor: url('plugins/highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur'), pointer;
    border: 2px solid white;
.highslide-loading {
   display: block;
color: white;
font-style: 'MS Sans Serif';
font-size: 9px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 3px;
opacity: 0.60; /* w3c */
filter: alpha(opacity=60); /* ie */
border-top: 1px solid white;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;
background-color: black;

padding-left: 22px;
background-image: url('plugins/highslide/graphics/loader.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 3px 1px;

</style><script type="text/javascript">   
hs.cpghs_graphicsDir = 'plugins/highslide/graphics/';
hs.cpghs_loadingText = 'Loading...';
hs.cpghs_loadingTitle = 'Click to cancel';
hs.cpghs_restoreTitle = 'Click to restore thumbnail';
hs.cpghs_outlineType = 'rounded-white';
window.onload = function() {

and then add this to your body tag


and after that, right after body tag put this div

<div id="highslide-container"></div>

I don't have my test bed so please test it and confirm ....
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Oh its a beautiful thing!
Thanks so much for your thorough help with such a fantastic mod.

PS - Also appreciate your seeing my template as "very customized" - now that your mod is working my next task is to clean up what has become a bit overwhelming !!


I got a question to this plugin.

Does the view counter of every image still work?

P.S. Oh now I know sorry for this question.


I'm having a really bizarre error. All my galleries work great with this script, ie:
However, I noticed that when I look at this gallery the script isn't working:
When you click on a thumb it just goes to the normal intermediate picture page. As far as I can tell there is nothing special or different about this gallery. Why is this problem occuring?


@deejaymoni: This plugin does not effect on view count yet and view count of image will work as a normal

@Garibaldi: Your filename under album #147 is not regular you have blah. blah.ext instead of blah.ext and plugin only work on regular filename
here is the tip:
- Do not use space on your filename (*nix os couldn't work with this filename)
- Do not use special char. only _ is allowed
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Joachim Müller

Extra dots in filenames has been fixed. You (Garibaldi) are using cpg1.4.8, which is outdated. It's mandatory to upgrade, most recent version currently is cpg1.4.10.


Thanks, I upgraded successfully but the files still wouldn't work. I then uploaded new versions of the files without the extra "." and it works fine now. Thanks for the help!

Hein Traag


i stumbled upon this plugin and i must say it is awesome!

I did not hesitate to add it to my personal CPG. Have to test it on my other CPG to see if it does work alongside the other list of plugins there ;)

Added dutch.php



I've installed your plug-in and love it - but also see some of GauGau's concerns about reaching CPG functions like comments and ratings.
I have tried to code these type of links within the intermediate popup window - but couldn't get them to work.  Thought - someone sees thumbnail > opens intermediate picture popup > = great time to offer them comment and rating links.
Found the following original(?) code that also had navigation in Custom Overlays (see lower on their page)

Can you tell me how, or can you provide code that will insert "Custom Overlays" with Comments & Ratings links to your mod? 
Thanks for any help in advance!


Among "Detail" and "Close" I would like to see "Send as eCard" too.

Could this be done?


@Hein:Thank you so much for contribution , I'll add it to package

@Gephri: This is not easy , could be done with AJAX
You can add your custom overlays to codebase.php

@olti:I'll add this feature to next version
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


One thing I've noticed that keeps happening recently is that it takes quite a long time (10-15 seconds) to load an image after I click on the thumb... it just says Loading and finally the image pops up. Any ideas why this takes so long (I am on DSL). Here's my site:


As you set fullsize pics for your slide it takes time to load that pic (for the first time) and this is normal
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: Sami on December 25, 2006, 06:05:04 AM
As you set fullsize pics for your slide it takes time to load that pic (for the first time) and this is normal
I have mine set to Intermediate though, it still takes 10-20 seconds to load that which doesn't make any sense


Here's a follow-up on this full/intermediate sized picture problem. Here's my gallery:

I tried going to a picture and when the highslide came up I clicked view image, and it is definitely the large, fullsize image. This was when I had the plugin set to Intermediate. I then switched the plugin to full size and repeated this process, same result. Both times it is clearly loading the full-sized image but only displaying it in a much smaller area, thus making the load times very inefficient.

Any ideas?


Great plugin! It would be nice if it actually counts image views and have the abillity to rate pics from here. If that was possible, I wouldn't need the detail page of an image.



here the galician translation for High Slide



Discovered that IE shows the cpghs_creditsText at the very top of the intermediate image popup in highslide.  However FireFox shows the text lower than at the top - as if there is a line break or something.  Couldn't find a way to correct - any ideas?

Also, I have some rather small intermediate images and when they popup, the three words that I have in the cpghs_creditsText  actually wraps into the center of the picture.  Can you tell me how to set up "nowrap" for that part of the code?
Thanks for a great mod!