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cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image )

Started by Sami, September 23, 2006, 05:10:47 PM

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New version with Admin Control panel and new feature
check the first post for more ...
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Works 'out of the box' :)

Still hangs at the non-image types (zips, and I even tried a movie/wmv).  I don't know if it needs an exception list as much as an "image include" config of sort. 

Looking forward to the new versions Sami, great work !


Thanks Ron for feedback
plugin will check the url of file so if it was started by album it will apply the Jscript and if it was started with images it will ignore it
You've custom thumbnail for those file and you store it under album folder , so plugin take it as a image file !
Do you have any idea for how should I check this , I've access to the url only (may be I should try is_image() function ;) )
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP

Thanx again Sami for this new great Plugin  ;D

Produce a pretty nice effect on my INDEX.PHP (here).
But unfortunately, only on INDEX !  ???
No other page can produce HighSlide effect  :-[ Here for exemple.
I do'nt know why, maybe on THUMBNAILS Class !
There is no error message nowhere  ???



Sorry Pyap I can't find the problem on your thumbnails page but I'm sure it is because some customization that you have on that page

I've found it ... I'll fix it ...soon ;)

Off Topic :
You are so Hot ,Don't burn your self !!!
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Here is the quick fix for it until new release ;)
under codebase.php on line 284 replace this code:

$exper = '#<!-- BEGIN hs_thumb_cell_init -->\s*<a\s*href=\"(displayimage\.php\?album=.+cat=.+pos=.+)\">\s*<img\s*src=\"(.*?)thumb_(.*?)\"\s*class=\"(.*?)\"\s*width=\"(.*?)\"\s*height=\"(.*?)\"\s*border=\".*?\"\s*alt=\"(.*?)\"\s*title=\"(.*\n.*\n.*\n.*?)\"\s*/><!-- END hs_thumb_cell_init -->#i';

with this

$exper = '#<!-- BEGIN hs_thumb_cell_init -->\s*<a\s*href=\"(displayimage\.php\?.*)\">\s*<img\s*src=\"(.*?)thumb_(.*?)\"\s*class=\"(.*?)\"\s*width=\"(.*?)\"\s*height=\"(.*?)\"\s*border=\".*?\"\s*alt=\"(.*?)\"\s*title=\"(.*\n.*\n.*\n.*?)\"\s*/><!-- END hs_thumb_cell_init -->#i';

Hope it work for you ...
BTW thank you for feedback
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP


QuoteYou are so Hot ,Don't burn your self !!!
[OoT] ;D do'nt worry ! i'm OK  ;)  [/OoT]

Here's FRENCH.PHP for HighSlide Plugin.
But around line 51 : 'Dispaly_Title_Caption'=>
It's "Display" is'nt it ?

For French Users, copy this code, save as french.php indide /plugins/hightslide/lang/
  Coppermine 1.4.x Plugin - HighSlide
  Copyright (c) 2006 Borzoo Mossavari
  Translate to French by PYAP
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  Skip Intermediate Page and show full page on the page
  Based on Highslide JS @ http://vikjavev.no/highslide/ 

if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) { die('Not in Coppermine...'); }

// Lang setting for installation process
$lang_plugin_highslide_install = array(
'button_install'=> 'Installez',
'button_submit' => 'Envoyez',
'button_cancel' => 'Annulez',
'button_done'   => 'Fait',
'cleanup_question' => 'Voulez-vous supprimer la Table MySQL correspondant au stockage de vos reglages ?',
'install_note'  => 'Configurez ce plugin en utilisant la barre d Admin.', // Note about configuring plugin
'install_click' => 'Cliquez ce bouton pour installer le plugin.', // Message to install plugin

// Lang setting for Caption
$lang_plugin_highslide = array( 
'detail'       => 'Detail'// Lable of the link to intermadiate image
'close'        => 'Fermez'// Lable of the close link
'title'        => 'Titre'// Lable of the title
//Lang setting for configuration and admin panel
$lang_plugin_highslide_config = array(
'display_name'  => 'HighSlide', // Display Name
'config_title'  => 'Configurez HighSlide', // Title of the button on the gallery config menu
'config_button' => 'HighSlide', // Label of the button on the gallery config menu
'page_success'  => 'Reglages Configuration a jour.', // Page success message
'page_failure'  => 'IMPOSSIBLE de mettre a jour vos reglages !!!', // Page failure message
'version'       => 'Ver 2.0'// HS 2.0
'pluginmanager' => 'Plugin Manager',
'expand_all'    => 'Depliez tout',
'main_title'    => 'HighSlide plugin Config',
'Style_of_border'   => 'Style de Bordure : ',
'Disable_Admin_Mode'=> 'Ne pas demarrer le Plugin pendant le Mode Admin : ',
'Link_To_intermadiate'=> 'Liez vers les intermediaires :',
'Link_for_Closing'=> 'Lien pour fermer : ',
'Dispaly_Title_Caption'=> 'Affichez le Titre comme legende : ',
'Custom_HTML_Caption'=> 'HTML perso comme legende : ',
'Yes' => 'Oui',
'No' => 'Non',
'Wrob'=> 'Bord exterieur arrondi',
'W10b'=> 'Bord Blanc de 10px',
'Ogb'=> 'Bord exterieur diffu (glow)',
'Nob'=> 'Pas de bord exterieur',
'Nb'=> 'Pas de bord',
'note1' => 'Ces options ne sont pas encore disponibles !!!',

Not try your quick fix yet !


Pascal YAP


I'd try your quick fix with success  ;D
All Albums use HighSlide now.

But finally, i prefer this plugin before the quick fix. Only because HighSlide do not count clicks at all !
Then in fact this first issue, was'nt an issue but a new request  ;D
It would be nice to have this two possibility inside HighSlide Config  ;)



Thank you for lang file I'll add it to next version
I'll add a new option (apply to index only ) , would you translate it too ::)
and thanks for typo ;)
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP

"apply to index only" ==> "Appliquez uniquement sur la page INDEX"

and maybe : "apply on all pages" ==>"Appliquez sur toutes les pages"




When I try to install the plugin, I get this:
Fatal error: hs_install(): Failed opening required 'plugins/highslide/include/init.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/endocent/public_html/2006/plugins/highslide/codebase.php on line 33


I take the last reply back.

meanwhile, the plugin only seems to be working on the index page, not the album pages...


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP


Hey Sami, very cool plugin. I had seen you were creating a plugin back in the Modifications/Add-Ons/Hacks board and kept looking there for it. Never thought to check out this board... duh...  :P. I works great on most themes but as we come to expect about javascript there's a conflict with LightBox JS for the fullsize popup. Not a problem though as most people will only use one method (unless they're game for a lot of conflict issues!  ;)).

My suggestion would be a setting in the control panel to toggle the popup to be either the intermediate or fullsize. I say this because some people have very large fullsize photos and it could take time loading them even though they are sized to fit the browser window. Also, people who want to sale photos (and we know there's lots of them from the paypal thread) will most likely watermark the fullsize image and make the intermediate image low resolution without a watermark. I do this because I want people to have an idea of what the actual photo looks like without the mark in the middle.

Thanks again.

Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision

Pascal YAP

Gizmo, Sami,
I say this because some people have very large fullsize photos and it could take time loading them even though they are sized to fit the browser window.
Real. I agree  ;D



@Gizmo : Thanks for suggestion
@Pyap : Thanks for translation and agreement ! ;)
@All:  I'll release new version soon , then
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


New version with both Gizmo & Pyap sugestions applied , released (check the first post)

@Pyap:The french lang file is included , but I'm sure that you can translate it really better than Google ;)
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP


QuotePyap sugestions applied
Fine ! Thanx  ;D

QuoteThe french lang file is included , but I'm sure that you can translate it really better than Google
Yes ! For sure ! But i'm not Emile ZOLA or Victor Hugo  ;)


Pascal YAP


Well  ???

I can'nt use this Plugin because my CPG had some video and some FLASH !
Then, those files are definitivly out if i use this plug !
There's no possibility to view those files.
Also, I apply this plugin only on my INDEX.PHP, not on all pages... sorry.

Is it a major issue ?
Or is this Plugin is for use only with PIX  ? (jpg, gif, png) Yes, i know   ;)