Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image ) - Page 16 Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image ) - Page 16


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image )

Started by Sami, September 23, 2006, 05:10:47 PM

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Hello and a happy new year!
You're obviously right! Tried it today and everything worked fine. I suppose I've done a essential mistake: I didn't emptied my local cache! :-[
I think this has to be the clue. But whatsoever - it works!

Thanks for your help and for developing such a great and nice piece of software...

Wishing you all the best.


How can I modify highslide to ask for username/password if the user is not logged in? In other words I want the guest to be able to see thumbnails and browse through categories but only see thumbnails and when the gust clicks to view a picture it would ask him to log in. Thanks for response


Is there a possibility to show next/previous arrows to scroll through albums?
And could the comments from coppermine also be displayed in the popup?


Quote from: grrrrr on February 12, 2008, 10:26:27 AM
Is there a possibility to show next/previous arrows to scroll through albums?
And could the comments from coppermine also be displayed in the popup?

I am also looking for this feature. The plugin is great but without next buttons its a lot of clicking when viewing larger albums.


I'd like to start off by saying that I love Highslide! Thanks you so much for creating it!
I was hoping to get it working with the Slider mod in Coppermine (link here: http://coppermine-gallery.net/forum/index.php?topic=41197.0).
My Coppermine albums page: http://woodardphotos.net/coppermine/index.php
Coding something like this is a bit beyond me, and any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for your time.
- Jake


Note: In the meantime, a new version 3.04 has been released, look here.

============================================= v3.02 - 2008/03/20 - 01:00 GMT
by Timos-Welt (http://www.timos-welt.de)

New features:
- Control bar with next/previous arrows

Still missing features from v 2.3:
- I did _not_ change function and variable names in highslide.js to cpghs_... - if the plug in
  gives you javascript errors, please use v2.3 instead!
- I have no idea of JavaScript, so I simply can't do that. If you know JavaScript, feel free
  to change these beasts and mail them to me ( Timo at timos-welt.de ).

Known Issues:
- Will not work if you have custom title on thumbnails!

If you already have 3.0 or 3.01 installed, simply overwrite highslide folder with the one included.
If not:
1. Uninstall any previous version.
2. Delete settings table if asked.
3. Copy Highslide folder to your plugins folder.
4. Copy hscnt.php to your gallery root.
5. Use plugin manager to install it.

Always remember to have fun!  ;)


Thanks for the update!  It works like a dream!
Any hope of getting Highslide v3.02 to work with Slider?  (see my post above http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,36558.msg247850.html#msg247850


I'm just porting the slider mod to a plugin, the plugin will be compatible of course. Gimme just a few more days, ATM I'm doing the configuration stuff.

Look here for the plugin in action: http://pics.timos-welt.de




Note: In the meantime, a new version 3.04 has been released, look here.

============================================= v3.03 - 2008/03/31 - 01:00 GMT
by Timos-Welt (http://www.timos-welt.de)

New features:
- can now be used together with plugins 'Imageflow' and 'Slider'

Still missing features from v 2.3:
- I did _not_ change function and variable names in highslide.js to cpghs_... - if the plug in
  gives you javascript errors, please use v2.3 instead!
- I have no idea of JavaScript, so I simply can't do that. If you know JavaScript, feel free
  to change these beasts and mail them to me ( Timo at timos-welt.de ).

Known Issues:
- Will not work if you have custom title on thumbnails!
- If 'Link to intermediate' is set to 'yes', and visitor clicks on 'detail' link,
  image counter will increase again, so his view will be counted twice.

If you already have 3.0, 3.01 or 3.02 installed, simply overwrite highslide folder with the one included.
If not:
1. Uninstall any previous version.
2. Delete settings table if asked.
3. Copy Highslide folder to your plugins folder.
4. Copy hscnt.php to your gallery root.
5. Use plugin manager to install it.

Always remember to have fun!  ;)

Edit: Added spanish language to zip.


very nice updates on this script.  thank you.

can it be added to other places in the gallery that have thumbs?  such as the upload page (or better, jupload), or when you "edit files" in the album?


 Thank you for your great job !
The script works like a charm in Coppermine 1.4.16. Tested on Firefox v2.0.0.13, Opera v9.26 and Internet Explorer v6.0.29 (not 7 because I just hate IE...). Also compatible with Lightbox Slideshow (on detail-intermediate page).
Installation and use are very simple (even for ma gran'ma)  ;D

Once again, THANKS !


Really fine Job.. congratulations!
is the v3.03 already working with Slider?
i attach the spanish lang


I'm currently working on a complete replacement for Highslide, because I think that Highslide has become too fat for what it's needed in a image gallery like Coppermine, and I don't like its license. The replacement plugin will work together with Slider, Imageflow and both will be able to utilize it. See here for beta version of the script: http://enlargeit.timos-welt.de/

Give me some more days to finish it. I had to learn JavaScript and its DOM from scratch, so there's still plenty of room to improve it.

Thanks for the spanish language file, I'll add it to the ZIP.

Highslide and Slider can be installed at the same time, but Slider will currently not use the Highslide effect.


Edit: Link corrected.


You have been working since yesterday, im following the process at the alpha - link. Looks really good! By the way im asking myself how serch engine friendly is to use this plugin. mmm :-\
let me know if i can help you with some icon or whatever realated with design
Thanks for share your work!


I've corrected the link; EnlargeIt! is now beta. I'm working really hard on it.

Joachim Müller

Please start a seperate thread for your plugin. Postings related to your plugin mustn't go into this thread, as the codebase differs.


i managed to get this working on thumbs almost everywhere on my site, edit pics thumbs, jupload thumbs, etc.  it's great.

Thank you for your help :)

Craig Walsh

I've installed your plug in at www.bark.ch and I like it very much. 

The problem of the "missing" intermediate (mid-size) image still remains when a visitor clicks "detail" at the bottom of the larger image on our CPG website.  This takes the visitor, still, to the same page as before, where the intermediate image resides, and when it's the page for one of the problematical images --- my brother-in-law doing his hood ornament impression, for example --- CPG still comes up with the message that the page can't be found.

I have played around with the settings on your plug-in.  If I don't "link to intermediate" then this isn't a problem, but then the visitor can't see details about the image, vote, add comments, send an e-card, etc.

So while I like your plug-in and wish to keep it on our website --- it unfortunately hasn't solved the problem of the missing intermediate (mid-size) images.

Can you plug-in get the image details, e-cards, etc. without the intermediate image?
Craig Walsh
CPG Photo Gallery - www.bark.ch
Member of the Association of Photographers (AOP)


Fantastic plugin, but V3.03 does not work...  Any hints whats wrong with "conflicting" scripts?


resp. have a look at the source code below..  IE complains that
Quotehs.expandSteps = ;
has a syntax error.. Opera does not.

Thanks a lot!


<link rel="stylesheet" title="Standard" href="plugins/imageflow/js/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="plugins/imageflow/js/imageflow.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/unmomento/style.css"  />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="plugins/highslide/include/highslide.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="plugins/highslide/highslide.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
  .highslide-image {border: px solid ;
  cursor: url('plugins/highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur'), pointer; }
  .highslide { cursor: url('plugins/highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur'), pointer; }
  .highslide_dtails { color: ; }
  .highslide_dtails_over { color:; }
  .highslide-caption { border: px solid ;
  background-color: ; }
  .highslide-loading { background-image: url('plugins/highslide/graphics/loader.gif'); }
  .hscontrolbar { background: url('plugins/highslide/graphics/controlbar5.gif'); width: 167px; height: 34px; margin-top: 25px; margin-right: 25px; }
  .hscontrolbar a:hover { background-image: url('plugins/highslide/graphics/controlbar5-hover.gif'); }
  </style> <script type="text/javascript">   
hs.graphicsDir = 'plugins/highslide/graphics/';
hs.loadingText = 'Loading...';
hs.loadingTitle = 'Click to cancel';
hs.restoreTitle = 'Click to restore thumbnail';
hs.expandSteps = ;
hs.expandDuration = ;
hs.restoreSteps = ;
  hs.restoreDuration = ;
  hs.captionSlideSpeed = ;
  hs.allowMultipleInstances = ;
hs.fullExpandTitle = 'Click for original size';
// remove the registerOverlay call to disable the controlbar
    thumbnailId: null,
    overlayId: 'hscontrolbar',
    position: 'top right',
    hideOnMouseOut: true

<body><div id="highslide-container"></div>