Smf and Coppermine problem: Not logging in Smf and Coppermine problem: Not logging in


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Smf and Coppermine problem: Not logging in

Started by Pyrobon, September 29, 2006, 08:51:17 AM

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I have Joomla bridged with SMF forum. All working perfectly, i installed Coppermine in the same database than the other two and bridged it to SMF through the bridge manager. I'm a little confused about something though... will this bridge it with Joomla too?
Anyway, when you click log in on Coppermine it directs you to the logging in page of SMF, so you put your username and password and log in, but if you return to Coppermine you still haven't log in. It stays in this cycle and i have to turn off the bridging. Any idea on what to do?


Coppermine Install:
Forum Install:
Coppermine version: 1.4.9
Forum version: SMF 1.1 RC3
Test user account: prueba / 1234

Bridge manager settings:
Forum url:
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../forum/
Use post-based groups?:  0 


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board




It's working perfectly now O_o thank you very much.
I don't know what changed. :)


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board