Another problem ... display size Another problem ... display size


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Another problem ... display size

Started by Bruce, October 20, 2006, 02:43:50 AM

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Okay, another questions, so another thread....

ONLY when I have the theme "fiblue3d" running, the gallery display runs off larger than my normal resolution of 1024x768. Only with that theme - the others display at normal size. It looks like the background image file at the top is repeating - I looked at it in my image viewer and the width shows as 967x120 - which should fill the screen without repeating. yet - I can see an additional piece of the image to the right of the normal image.

I *think* I'm describing this correctly, but I know nothing about programming although I have designed a few websites and work with images all the time.

I looked at both the CSS file and the PHP file for that theme and found nothing there about the width of the tables. Is it perhaps somewhere I can edit to keep the display within normal size?


A link to your gallery and if need be, a test login name and password so that we can take a look.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


remove repeat-x from topbkg class definition under style.css :


background: url(images/cellpic_bkg.jpg) #003E5E repeat-x;

color: #FFFFFF;

font-size: 13px;

font-weight: bold;

height: 50px;

line-height: 140%;


But this way you have empty space on large view
maybe it's better to create bigger image or different image
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: Sami on October 20, 2006, 07:09:41 AM
remove repeat-x from topbkg class definition under style.css :


background: url(images/cellpic_bkg.jpg) #003E5E repeat-x;

color: #FFFFFF;

font-size: 13px;

font-weight: bold;

height: 50px;

line-height: 140%;


But this way you have empty space on large view
maybe it's better to create bigger image or different image

Okay, let me try to understand this, because I don't know PHP at all ....

...all I need to do is remove just that bit after the #003E5E color code, correct? That should be no problem - and then upload the new style.css to the directory.

But you said I could also create a new background graphic to replace that? I would guess it should be sized to appx 1000x120 (the other is 967x120) in order to fit the display properly without an empty space like you thought? And it just has to be named "cellpic_bkg.jpg" (unless I rename it in the style.css?).

Okay! I think I can handle that.
Thank you!


I love puzzles! OK... what you see with your background image with wide monitor resolutions is that the image is repeating. The same thing is happening with the original fiblack3d background image but because of the way the image is used (the moon in the middle with dark edges), you can't tell it unless you expand your browser window as wide as you can. You won't notice it until you get to a monitor resolution of about 1400x1050 like mine. Because your image has very defined edges, this trick won't work for you.

There really isn't anyway to stretch your background image without distorting it so what you want to do is make one that is at least 1400px wide or wider. Make sure what you want visable as the main focus is towards the left side of the image and as higher resolutions monitors come along, the image will already fit the table.

I've attached a couple of images to show you that the original theme has this issue but the author out-smarted the browser. You can see the moon start to be repeated.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Here, try this image for your background. I've increased the width and it seems to look ok.

Also, don't think in terms of your monitor but what others will be using. You don't know if someone with an 800x600 monitor (poor soul) or someone with a new Mac 30 inch Cinema Display will be viewing your site so expect the unexpected in web design. Trust me... I've been learning this the hardway!  ;)
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Quote from: Gizmo on October 20, 2006, 05:11:39 PM
I love puzzles! OK... what you see with your background image with wide monitor resolutions is that the image is repeating. The same thing is happening with the original fiblack3d background image but because of the way the image is used (the moon in the middle with dark edges), you can't tell it unless you expand your browser window as wide as you can. You won't notice it until you get to a monitor resolution of about 1400x1050 like mine. Because your image has very defined edges, this trick won't work for you.

There really isn't anyway to stretch your background image without distorting it so what you want to do is make one that is at least 1400px wide or wider. Make sure what you want visable as the main focus is towards the left side of the image and as higher resolutions monitors come along, the image will already fit the table.

I've attached a couple of images to show you that the original theme has this issue but the author out-smarted the browser. You can see the moon start to be repeated.

I'm glad you love puzzles, because I don't:)

Okay - I see what you're getting at, but this is really puzzling to me because the table is defeating all I thought I knew about an image filling the space. What I did, if you go to my gallery again, is to make a new image more in line with the colors I wanted to eventually get that parrot my forum ( I don't know if I have the skills with CSS to get there but I need to try - having someone do it is too expensive.  Anyway ...

The new image I made started as 967x120 (like the original). I had already removed the "repeat" snippet from the code. It still doesn't fill the table, but leaves a blue space like I think another guy said, and it doesn't fill the table top to bottom like the original. Certainly not 120 pixels.

Next step was t increase the width of the new image to 1000x120. Same thing! No top/bottom fill, still leaves a small space at the far right.

Now I'm viewing this on a 20" quality Samsung monitor at 1024x768. Every other theme displays correctly on that monitor with the same browser. I am left clueless as to why now the top/bottom doesn't fill to 120 pixels, or why the table still stretches when others don't. Did I miss a table tag somewhere in the CSS that determines the width of the table?

And appropos of nothing at all ... the new font I put in the style for the top table doesn't appear:) Gak....


Geez louise ... can this possibly be a BROWSER issue? I just checked the gallery in Opera 9 rather than my usual Firefox, and it displayed correctly (although the height of the image is still off a bit).

I have issues with Opera in my forum and my website with menus and scripts not working correctly - but never had an issue with tables displaying correctly before. I also notice that while in Firefox the text is justified left - in Opera it is centered! Since I didn't code this stuff it certainly isn't something I screwed up like I could have done with my forum or website menu.

I guess I'll never get to the bottom of this, and my limited knowledge of CSS is not helping. Too many things at work here for me to figure out:) And forget trying to learn CSS ... at age 60 with memory problems from heart surgery ... I don't retain info long enough to handle that.

I appreciate all the help, at any rate.


When I look at your site with FF and IE, it looks fine. Maybe you can attach a screenshot to show where you are having issues. Don't worry, just keep the info coming and we'll get to the bottom of this.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Quote from: Gizmo on October 20, 2006, 11:43:22 PM
When I look at your site with FF and IE, it looks fine. Maybe you can attach a screenshot to show where you are having issues. Don't worry, just keep the info coming and we'll get to the bottom of this.

Okay, good:) 2 screenshots attached. The first is the main page. You can see the scrolbar along the bottom for the width problem in FF (for me, anyway) Second is images inside an album showing the justification of the images and text.


For the first issue with the scrollbar, what size browser window are you looking at? On a 1024x768 monitor, if you're not logged in, does it disappear? My quess is yes since you have both the {SUB_MENU} and {SYS_MENU} on the same line and this results in a very long line of menu items when logged in.

The second issue shouldn't be answered here since you already started a thread on it but somewhere in your css file, you've made a mistake since it works with the original css file. Please direct this on the other thread.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Quote from: Gizmo on October 21, 2006, 01:09:33 AM
For the first issue with the scrollbar, what size browser window are you looking at? On a 1024x768 monitor, if you're not logged in, does it disappear? My quess is yes since you have both the {SUB_MENU} and {SYS_MENU} on the same line and this results in a very long line of menu items when logged in.

Hmmm... okay. I don't know what you mean by "what size browser window". I have the app open to full screen, so I imagine it would be 1024x768, no? I haven't tried the gallery without being logged in, actually.

RE the two keys you mention ... If they are on the same line the author of the theme did it that way. I haven't changed anything in the code except the "no repeat" segment earlier, and also adding a different font to the title table. That's all. Can you advise how I should handle changing that?

The second issue shouldn't be answered here since you already started a thread on it but somewhere in your css file, you've made a mistake since it works with the original css file. Please direct this on the other thread.

I've confused myself what questions I asked where:) But that said, I have made only the 2 small edits mentioned abobe to the style.css file. None others, so anything that is wrong there is from the author of the theme - a person named "DaMysterious".


Here is a quote from the readme file that came with the theme by DaMysterious. He created many cool themes from CPG 1.3x but has since retired from the business and many of his themes are unfortunately no longer available.
QuoteAll my themes are best viewed on 1024x760 of higher.

If you want to separate the 2 menus onto different lines in your template.html find

and replace with
              {SYS_MENU}<br />{SUB_MENU}

The second issue is here where you opened another post -
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Quote from: Gizmo on October 21, 2006, 01:53:08 AM
Here is a quote from the readme file that came with the theme by DaMysterious. He created many cool themes from CPG 1.3x but has since retired from the business and many of his themes are unfortunately no longer available.
If you want to separate the 2 menus onto different lines in your template.html find

and replace with
              {SYS_MENU}<br />{SUB_MENU}

The second issue is here where you opened another post -

Okay, got that, thanks.

First - you were correct about the issue being different if not logged in. I tried it and itdisplayed perfectly - so the issue indeed appears to be as you said about the sysmenu and sunmenu. But rather than make the menu in 2 lines (how would that look?), can I instead remove a few of the links from the admins menu, like "favorites", "most viewed", or "whatever"? I also just noticed that while most of the menu items are separated by "::", the login/logout item does not, so I will have to search for that and put it in.


If you want to remove some items from the menu, check out the Final Extract plugin that does just that -
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Quote from: Gizmo on October 21, 2006, 02:15:21 AM
If you want to remove some items from the menu, check out the Final Extract plugin that does just that -

Thanks - I'll do that:)


Many thanks to Gizmo for his help. I installed this plug-in and successfully removed 2 menu items. Everything displays fine now in both browsers I use.

Great support here!