slideshow questions w/ template slideshow questions w/ template


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slideshow questions w/ template

Started by dresdek, October 21, 2006, 08:20:58 AM

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Hello, I have a problem when I view a slideshow of my gallery in IE. Everything in my template works well until I watch a slideshow. I have a table that holds another table that holds the {GALLERY} tag for the slideshow to show in. The inner table changes but the outer doesnt adjust to the inner table change in the same way. An example is when I start with a big image the outer/inner table are both large. In the next slide however, when the image is smaller, the inner table adjusts to this new height but the outer remains the same height from the previous slide, so there is extra space between the outer/inner table. Also nothing is height defined in my template. The slideshow works beautifully in firefox as both inner/outer tables adjust to the change in image height for each slide. What is the difference in how it works in each browser? Also what should I be doing to my template, or maybe elsewhere to fix it?


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
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The first thing I noticed is that you are missing the </body> and </html> tags. Check your template.html. There may be others so check through the file.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


ok fixed it cool thanks, still curious about how firefox treats html differently than ie though that wuldve caused it before to work on firefox and not ie

Joachim Müller

The slideshow uses proprietary Microsoft-only filters for image transitions. All modern browsers should be able to display the slideshow - some with nicer visual effects, others just one pic after the other.