need mod for Stramm's Shopping Cart and/or add. plugin's need mod for Stramm's Shopping Cart and/or add. plugin's


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need mod for Stramm's Shopping Cart and/or add. plugin's

Started by joost, October 06, 2006, 12:11:59 AM

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Please see my posting in the shopping cart thread:

This might very well be an open end project, as I can think of many more features allong the way.

This project can be done in fases, but item number 1 through 3 have some priority.

I have to install one of the watermark plugins/mods, that seems to be no real problem. I mention it here because it might be integrated along with the above.

I would hope this can be setup as a plugin to not complicate future updates to much.

Current site: none. I am experimenting on a dummy site and if you are really interested you can look: The albums are password protected: joost

I will need mods done to the template, but I might dive into that myself - that doesn't seem to be to complicated.

Money: I don't have a clue. $100 is no problem and I would donate the code to the project. If is is going to be a lot more than I would keep the code, get some people that want the same options (and there seem to be quite a few) to pitch in and get the code from me. As soon as some money has come in I would make the code available. If more people financially join right away I would, as far as I am concerned, take no rights to the code whatsover.

If needed, pm to


just to help possible takers
1,2,4 are easy to do. 1+2 (filename in admin order overview [as in the basket] and some more placeholders in the email). 4 needs some redoing of functions. When calculating the totals there's html in some vars that's getting returned

3 is different. The shop isn't built with different price levels for different albums/ items in mind. The shops base is a very simple structure. So changing that will mean a total revamp of this plugin. I doubt it's doable in an adequate time frame.

@joost, you can use any watermarking mod that fits your needs. I'd tend to a permanent watermark mod to avoid high CPU loads


@Stramm - regarding the watermarking - I intend to do just that - Thanks

Regarding sub 3) althought I haven't looked at the code, my idea is pretty simple. It requires just a few more fields. One extra field in the album setup, one extra field in the pricing structure. These filters determine which of all the entered prices are visible to the end user. Whoever is picking this up, I would like to see that this is coordinated with Stramm so that we are all going to be using the same database setup in the future, even if you don't need these extra options.


maybe your idea is simple... however without knowing the code it's kinda strange to talk about it
the extra field in the albums table.... this you can only use eg. to show/ hide the 'add item' area above the intermediate image. To configure it you'd need to introduce a new plugin hook in modifyalb.php

The extra field in the pricing structure... why... that's silly
You'd have only the possibility to chose between to prices then -> the global one or the extra price level. If you do it, then that you can set prices for every single album. You won't need to enable the override feature with an extra entry in the albums table cause the additional prices are in a new table. If an override price for the selected item in a certain album exists, then it overrides the global one.

The above switch in the album properties I consider to be useful (turn on/ off the shop for certain albums)

Lastly to say... I've played a lil bit with it and it's possible without to much hazzle in the way I described above. To avoid much queries I had to save the aid in the session/ cookie too. So far it'S running smooth on my testbed (without the new table, plugin hook etc), just with hardcoded sample data. If you'd include an array where you write down the new prices manually it'll already work.


to answer your question about the table setup...

I'd use an extra field in the albums table 'shop_enabled' or similar
I'd create a new table shop_prices: id, aid, gid, price


Glad to see you are thinking and playing with my ideas.

QuoteIf you'd include an array where you write down the new prices manually it'll already work
you lost me on this comment.

I am not going to argue, you have put much more thought into this than I did. I will be happy with any additional feature over the current shop anyway.

Let me make sure I understand what you just said in the listing above:
- you agree with the switch in the albums
- in the pricing structure, there are default prices to be used if the shop switch is on  and
  you can specify prices that only show in a specified album - in this case the default prices (including default add to cd and default shipping) don't show

I would be perfectly happy with this.

For the sake of clarity, let me explain what my idee was, because it is not so silly as you might think (it might be more complicated and therefore not worth it...)

In the pricing setup you ad a code to every line item, like A or B or C or .... You can have 5 prices with code A, 3 with code B, and so on. In the album setup, you tell the album which code goes with the album, no code means no shop, code A means only the pricelist items with an A are shown, and so on. With just a couple of pricing sets you could serve hundreds of albums, certainly a nice feature. Specifically for commercial phototgraphers, they can have a setup for weddings, a setup for schools, one for a sporting event, a showcase album without any pictures for sale.

Maybe you got my point right away, but I just wanted to make sure.




I've thought of a reason to keep the thread open. I've thought a very useful mod helpful for people accross the world.
I'd like to know how to change the currency to something different to US Dollars. I myself would only like to trade in Great British Pounds (GBP), and I am sure there will be many who wish to trade in different currencies. However I have no idea how to do this.


This is not a support thread, that's for paid help.
Don't hijack threads, open your own thread in the plugins board if you do not find the answer there (if you search you'll find what you're looking for... -> has already been asked and answered)