Most Simple Comment Spam protection for 1.4.x - Page 3 Most Simple Comment Spam protection for 1.4.x - Page 3


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Most Simple Comment Spam protection for 1.4.x

Started by pinpoint222, September 14, 2006, 06:24:21 PM

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i think static image rotation is possible. But i am not the php coder so will not be able to code that for you. This mod is for static single image confirmation. For dynamic see the other mods/Plugins in the Comment subforums.




THANKS A LOT  :) :) :) :) I am really greatful for those helpful stuff. Greetings.


I'm wondering if there's a php-varible in CPG, that allows to check if you are a "logged in user" or a "not logged in guest" !?

Then it would be possible to force only "not logged in guests" to pass the Spam Protection...

For Example, in Joomla, you could use the variable $is_user in that case -
does CPG offer something similar?

Thanks in advance

Joachim Müller

Just answered your identical question on the German support board. Please don't cross-post in the future, as this causes extra moderation effort.
The dev team doesn't recommend to use this mod, as it is based on a security-by-obscurity concept that we don't approve. We recommend using the captcha-mod or captcha-plugin instead, which comes with what you're up to (option to display the spam protection only for non-registered visitors aka guests).
As suggested in the thread subject, this mod is suppossed to be simple. If you need advanced stuff, go for the advanced mods.




Want to thank you for providing this.
Seem to have stopped the spam problem I had on my coppermine site.


Thanks for the help, everyone!

I'll know in a few hours if it works on the bots that say "Very Nice Picture. Do You Mind If I Invade Your Site and Take Your Last Beer?"


This fix has been working great for two weeks now, many thanks.


Quote from: pinpoint222 on September 14, 2006, 06:24:21 PM
Read the instruction in doc Or PDF..and apply the Mod properly. Incase you need help post in this thread
You might want to consider adding a simple plain txt version. I had a VERY hard time adding this piece of code to theme.php because of the strange sources (pdf and doc hardly work for code at all!)

Just consider adding it as txt.


Here's the code for theme.php (from Step 2) shortened for speed// HTML template for the form to add comments
$template_add_your_comment = <<<EOT
<form method="post" name="post" action="db_input2.php">
$msg_body ="";
$toxic "";

<table align="center" width="{WIDTH}" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="maintable" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr>
<td width="100%" class="tableh2_compact"><b>{ADD_YOUR_COMMENT}</b></td></tr><tr>
<td colspan="1"><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="tableb_compact">
</td><td class="tableb_compact">
<input type="text" class="textinput" name="msg_author" size="10" maxlength="20" value="{USER_NAME}" />
</td><td class="tableb_compact">
</td><td width="100%" class="tableb_compact">
<input type="text" class="textinput" id="message" name="msg_body" onselect="storeCaret_post(this);" onclick="storeCaret_post(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret_post(this);" maxlength="{MAX_COM_LENGTH}" style="width: 100%;" />
</td><td class="tableb_compact">
</td><td width="100%" class="tableb_compact">
<input type="text" class="textinput" id="message" name="msg_body" maxlength="{MAX_COM_LENGTH}" style="width: 100%;" />
<td class="tableb_compact">&nbsp;</td></tr></table></td></tr>
<tr><td width="100%" class="tableb_compact">
<tr><td colspan="1"><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td class="tableb_compact" align="right">
<b>Enter this Code <img src=""> in the Box</b></font></td>
<td class="tableb_compact" align="left">
<input name="thenum" type="text" id="checkit" > Type Four Letter Code
</font></td><td class="tableb_compact" align="left">
<input type="hidden" name="event" value="comment" />
<input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{PIC_ID}" />
<input type="submit" class="comment_button" name="submit" value="{OK}" />


Also, why this:

STEP6: AddthisjustbelowtheselinesSoitbecomes
Step8:Fromthezippedfolder uploaddb_input.phptoyourserverandoverwritethe
Andthatis it. YourSimplepersonalspamprotection is workingnow.

If it needs to be added to a file that is already in your package, why did you put this in your 'manual'?
Forgive me, but this is just VERY strange and hard to understand this way.

Could you explain the actuall steps needed?



OK, I found out there's a nice captcha plugin now, so disregard my previous messages. (Can I delete them?)

Joachim Müller

Quote from: jult on April 27, 2007, 07:24:01 PM
Is there a way to edit posts in this forum?

Quote from: jult on April 27, 2007, 08:03:41 PM
so disregard my previous messages. (Can I delete them?)

We don't want users to edit out their postings - they remain as reference. That's the whole point of a support board - postings remain for the benefit of others. That's why you can't edit nor delete your postings. Meta-discussions about forum permissions should not go into an announcement thread though.


Quote from: jult on April 27, 2007, 07:23:19 PM
Also, why this:

STEP6: AddthisjustbelowtheselinesSoitbecomes
Step8:Fromthezippedfolder uploaddb_input.phptoyourserverandoverwritethe
Andthatis it. YourSimplepersonalspamprotection is workingnow.

If it needs to be added to a file that is already in your package, why did you put this in your 'manual'?
Forgive me, but this is just VERY strange and hard to understand this way.

Could you explain the actuall steps needed?

I know everything cooked can b thrown into zip folder .The Manual is everything.It has everything even if you do not have the files like db_input.php or db_input2.php You can create it using that manual. If you find any step already been done in the files that came with Zip folder then Just Consider that step done. you do not need to redo something which has already been done...

It is very important to explain how db_input2.php is created and how it is modified at what place. It is very simple if you simply follow the instructions. Explanation of all steps is full so

1-- one can follow it easily as novice
2-- One can/others can trouble shoot easily
3-- one can go back to original CPG system cancelling/suspending any modifications
4-- if future version of CPG files are changed then one must know what might affect working of this MOD

So far for the last 7 months i have found no spam since installation of this MOD and i can say that have not received spam complaints after its version 1.0 was released.

For Text version of Manual COPY all code from .DOC file and paste into a new Blank Notepad file and save that notepad file as "somefilename.txt" and you can have TEXT version of the manual.


I've tons of spams in the comments that I would like to remove. Any programs that I can use to completley remove these comments without destroying my albums?



Don't ask unrelated questions on a mod thread. Start your own after searching the board.


So all i really need is the info from the beginning of the post and i should be good to go
cause it gets confusing having to run through all these posts to see when or how it actually worked
i just want to complete working guide with all possible errors modified and updated
is that in the first post?


Quote from: deandre81 on July 07, 2007, 09:58:20 PM
So all i really need is the info from the beginning of the post and i should be good to go
cause it gets confusing having to run through all these posts to see when or how it actually worked
i just want to complete working guide with all possible errors modified and updated
is that in the first post?

Yes.Download the Zipped file from First Post.You do not have to read full thread and its content.
Read the instructions fully in the manual which comes within zipped folder. Then apply it .Always make a backup of your Theme folder before you change anything in it. That is universal safety advice.
If you face any problem which you cannot solve and is not answered in this thread at all then post in the thread.