Moving galery from one domain to another [help req] Moving galery from one domain to another [help req]


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Moving galery from one domain to another [help req]

Started by akulion, October 24, 2006, 07:01:59 PM

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I wanted to ask what I need to do to move my entire coppermine instalation from one domain to another?

Where all would I need to make changes so that I have minimal impact because of the move?

Btw I did a search before askin - only came up with 1 topic, which was about moving hosts.

Also on a side note:

What do I need to do to install 2 coppermine galleries in the same database? Would I use different table prefixes perhaps?





I did that not long ago.  All that I needed to do was to copy the db over using PHPAdmin, change the domain on the config page & run the update located in the admin page.  As I recall, the table prefix is set when you run the install, so yes, to install 2 or more galleries in one db, all you need to do is change the prefix.

Thank god for Coppermine!

Joachim Müller

Has been asked and answered quite often, please use the search.


Quote from: johndankey on October 25, 2006, 08:53:30 PM

I did that not long ago.  All that I needed to do was to copy the db over using PHPAdmin, change the domain on the config page & run the update located in the admin page.  As I recall, the table prefix is set when you run the install, so yes, to install 2 or more galleries in one db, all you need to do is change the prefix.


thanks  ;D

gau i did use search but i couldnt find the answer for the domain bit so i asked  :)

Joachim Müller

Iced Coffee

Quote from: johndankey on October 25, 2006, 08:53:30 PM

I did that not long ago.  All that I needed to do was to copy the db over using PHPAdmin, change the domain on the config page & run the update located in the admin page.  As I recall, the table prefix is set when you run the install, so yes, to install 2 or more galleries in one db, all you need to do is change the prefix.


I did it, but I don't know why I only see this warning when I try to enter my cpg at the new domain:
Fatal error :

I see nothing else but that. Please help !!!

Iced Coffee

Quote from: Nibbler on January 03, 2007, 04:21:05 PM

Thanks Nibbler, I can see the error now:

QuoteFatal error:

While executing query "select * from cpg148_plugins order by priority asc;" on 0

mySQL error: Table 'hpgiadinh_novbb.cpg148_plugins' doesn't exist

Could you pls help how to correct this?


Joachim Müller

The error message complains about the table missing, so you appear not to have restored the full dump from your old server. Create the table manually by running the following query in phpMyAdmin:CREATE TABLE cpg148_plugins (
  plugin_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  path varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  priority int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (plugin_id),
  UNIQUE KEY name (name),
  UNIQUE KEY path (path)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Stores the plugins';

Alternatively, you could run the update.php script. Make sure that your mySQL user has got the privilege to create a table.

Iced Coffee