Stats: Gallery statistics by date Stats: Gallery statistics by date


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Stats: Gallery statistics by date

Started by François Keller, November 12, 2006, 03:03:00 PM

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François Keller

Stats: Gallery statistics by date

This plugin is an adaptation from Nibblers Mod

It add a new menu button for opening a statistic page.

- unzip package to plugins folder and use plugin manager to install it

english.php italian.php (thank's Lontano) and french.php are avaible in the package. Feel free to translate in your language

New Version
Version 1.1:
-Adding some others stats inspired by Pslawinsky's Mod
-Adding dutch.php lang file (Thank's Hein)
-adding german.php lang file (Thank's M@rk)
-adding spanish.pgp lang file (Thank's Just_some_guy)
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Davide Renda

Nice, easy and useful! Good work Fratz!
Italian lang file attached


Nice work, Frantz (I tried to + Karma and hit smite by accident - I'll be back).

I can toggle the year (2006), but if I try to open any month I get the error processing a database query (2 test sites).  I'll see if I can get more info.

François Keller

Thank's for your contrib (it will be added in the pack)
What is the error message ? I've no problem on my site (see here)
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Quote from: FrantzI've no problem on my site (see here)

Ahh, but you do - not as severe.  Somewhere in your javascript (both IE & FF).

Here's the message I get -

QuoteWhile executing query "SELECT DAY(msg_date) AS period, COUNT(*) AS number
            FROM cpg146_comments
            WHERE YEAR(msg_date) = 2006
            AND MONTH(msg_date) = 10
            GROUP BY period
            ORDER BY period DESC" on 0

mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(msg_date) AS period, COUNT(*) AS number
            FROM cpg146_comme

Also - - Line: 249 (this is an unmodified file)

François Keller

Ok I've correct the code (in version 1.1)

@ All, I've made a new version(1.1) of this plugin, adding some others stats inspired by Pslawinsky's code
See attached on the very first post
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Hein Traag

Thanks Frantz!
Dutch lang file attached ;)


Quoteupdated dutch.php - <dutch> Tekst klopt nu beter bij de statistiek </dutch>

François Keller

Thank's Hein,

Original pack updated in the first post with duch lang file
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I installed this plugin, but cannot get it to work...
It loads the page for about half a minute, and then displays a blank page.



"25976 files in 294 albums and 37 categories with 13930 comments viewed 7348911 times"  :o

I'm guessing that you have too many stats !  It's timing out.


lol, that could be it...
Although, when i use the stats mod that i found floating around, it does kinda work...
(think it was a mod for this plugin, have searched for the exact location, but can't seem to find it again, i'm talking about

François Keller

This plugin is a mix from two Mods, see links in the first post of this thread
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Quote from: Frantz on November 19, 2006, 08:51:01 PM
This plugin is a mix from two Mods, see links in the first post of this thread
I'm using atm


Tried those, but all i get is 'The selected album does not exist'


You cannot possibly get that message by using the code I posted, since the code does not contain the message in the first place.

Hein Traag

Frantz. Updated dutch.php a bit. Attached file to my previous post.
