Cross domain integration? Not subdomain integration. Cross domain integration? Not subdomain integration.


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Cross domain integration? Not subdomain integration.

Started by AWJunkies, December 06, 2006, 04:20:14 AM

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Is it possible to integrate two domains not subdomains?

Those can be integrated by the bridge system quite easily.

Now can these be integrated? I know with Vbulletin you can allow _POST _GET etc commands from another domain if you set the domain in the whitelist in the general settings. This allows you to log in and be redirected to the other domain quite easily. But what is all involved to have them share sessions. I know each domain will have its own cookie but I need one domain to be able to set the others cookie. Is that possible?

Let me better explain: is my forum community using vbulletin 3.6.4. I want that site integrated with (1.4.10). I have customized the header to be replica of and when someone logs in it logs into allwheeljunkies and redirects to I want that to happen except for it to loginto and create session or use vbulletins session and set cookie for so that the person is loged in there as well. They should be free to move from site to site via session. I wanted the register to link to and redirect back to as well as profile edits and viewing. Is this all possible? Been messing around with this for few days and getting closer and closer.

Also I would like to add the database for both these domains are the same. It is on my private server so they share the same login info etc tables for start with allwheeljunkies_  and start with allwheelphotos_


Ok so cookies can not be set by a different domain it is a security feature in the browsers. So few ways to go around this. Set a autologin feature through a session or cookie set by other site. SSL seems to come into play if you do not want any session jackings. HMM time to think about this some more.


Is there a huge advantage of joining sessions table between domains?


Current bridge system cannot support this, it can only be accomplished with nasty hacks afaik.

Quote from: AWJunkies on December 06, 2006, 09:09:05 PM
Is there a huge advantage of joining sessions table between domains?

I don't understand what that means, database tables are not related to domain names.


I will better explain soon. Working on all this coding right now.

Off topic real quick Nibbler did anyone ever universal my mod for jupload? If not I can fix it for use with any bridge. I have been cleaning up and recoding coppermine and mods. Jupload and multi edit and select folder system I did back year ago. Also I have a upload script and bridge file for people that had NUKE system to bridge. Was MIA past year in Dallas TX coding for a big company so didn't have anytime to support my mods. I will be back on here more often to help out. Any update on the new coppermine platform?? Well PM me when you get a chance. I will start some searching for my old mods and start up support again.