request to new plugin digibug. request to new plugin digibug.


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request to new plugin digibug.

Started by djriknet1, December 12, 2006, 03:49:48 PM

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dear developers.

I like to have a plugin to the gallery with this features:

first we have to copy the features of the digibug api plugin (
as adition to that i like the following.

In the database of the photo's should come a indicator to indicate if there is a high quality picture available.
the high quality pictures will be in a "album2" folder with the same path and name as the picture in the gallery.

by the batch add i like the option to check if the high quality picture exists, if yes, set the indicator.

only when the indicator is on, the option to buy the photo by digibug should be available.

As coppermine already have a page "most viewed" i like to add "buyable pictures"

in the picture edit mode, should be possible to turn on this indicator, if you turn it on, it should check if the picture is indeed there.

when you click to the digibug api to buy a photo the high quality picture should be transferred to digibug.

I have a budget of about $100,- to have this all done,
there is a test gallery available at where you may do everything to test.
the final gallery where i like to use it as first is

I like to have this al in a way of a plugin, so we can offer all the other coppermine users to use this in the future.

Hope to hear soon.

Hendrik Kroon

Joachim Müller

Not a valid feature request, see "NO SUPPORT in FEATURE REQUESTS". As you're willing to pay, I'm moving this thread to the paid support board.

Joachim Müller

As I can see now you already have already started a double posting with identical content on the freelancer board. Deleting the other, double posting.