....Illegal usage.... ....Illegal usage....


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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....Illegal usage....

Started by wintersdorff, October 11, 2003, 02:14:44 PM

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When I use Postwrap for coppermine and open application full screen I got the error .....Illegal Usage...... When I switch ...open application full screen off.... it does not find the module ( or link ti copermine) .

Cas in you old forum, somebody had about the same problem, could you eventually send to me the file you send to him as well to me.


www.winti.lu - The truth well told -



your problem can be easily fixed.
Open up the pnuser.php and look for the following code :

if ($CPGwindow == 1 ) {
Header('Location: '.$url );
} else {

replace this with this code :

if ($CPGwindow == 1 ) {
Header('Location: '.$url );
} else {

If it does not solve the problem, try using the module with Postwrap disabled and let me know if it then runs fine.



Thanks Cas,

This did solve the problem of the illegal usage. Another effect now is I cannot get it to run properly in Postwrap. It always "jumps" to the standalone version, but running thru the login and end up as logged in . It makes no difference if Run with Postwrap is ticked or not.

I can get it to run thru postwrap by, instead of calling it thru {pnCPG} calling it with ........modules.php?op=modload&name=pnCPG&file=index&url=../coppermine, but of course than it does not run thru the login in so the client needs to login twice.

Any ideas ??

If you want to see the effect go to www.winti.lu on the left menu there are 3 different version of calling it so you see. (Gal; Gal test; and Gal Test2)

Thanks again

www.winti.lu - The truth well told -


looks to me , you have Full  Screen enabled in the config of pnCPG. If this is enabled, it looks like jumping to standalone mode but it will log you in.
If you disable full screen, it will open up within PostNuke (with or wirhout PostWrap).



Dummy I am...of course. You are great support. Now I can switch from my eGallery to coppermine.

The only thing is that it does not work with Postwrap, its giving me a blank page, but without PostWrap it works fine.

Thanks again,


PS: Anyway I prefer this hack to a real modul. It is much quicker in loading as i doesent need to always reload the complete postnukepage. The only enoying thing is the fixed height only working with px in frame, but I can live with that.
www.winti.lu - The truth well told -


Sorry...I have to revise a little.

If one does use it without PostWrap the effect is while logging out of PostNuke and for instance logging back in again, the logging into Coppermine will remain on Guest account. ( Cookies ??) This happens as well on your site.

But with Postwrap enabled I just get a blank page with nothing on it. Do you have an idea of what it could be ?

www.winti.lu - The truth well told -


i have also the problem, when i enable the postwrap option and open now the coppermine gallery with the pnCPG link, all other postwrap link don't work (404 error)  :cry:  :cry:


Winti & Hardlocke,

can you supply me with your OS, Webserver,PHP & PN version please ?



Windows 2003 Server (IIS), PHP 4.33, Postnuke 0.726


PHP 4.3.3  and latest Linux. Here more info .http://www.server-2.com/phpinfo.php

 My CMS is Envolution based on the latest Postnuke
www.winti.lu - The truth well told -



Have send you3 updated files by e-mail.
Please post your comments here.



now i get the error
Wrong method of calling this module use {} instead of []..
after upgrading the specified files... (postwrap modus doesn't care)


Hi Cas,

Its weird, now I get this: You must be logged in to use our projekt environment...
The "Guest"account doesent seem to function anymore.

After having logged to Postnuke, I can get to the Gallery again.

With PostWrap enabled I still got the blank page.

www.winti.lu - The truth well told -


Okey, the above problem is resolved (now i start pnCPG wit {pnCPG})

i installed the new files, but after i switch to postwrap-mode and access
to the gallery (this work fine) all other postwrap link doesn't work anymore!


what are your settings within Postwrap ?
Why use postwrap, is there a special reason ?


i took out the Guest account since Coppermine does not really need it,  will bring it back as an option in the next version.
As for postwrap, how did you configure that ?
Same question for you, why postwrap (which also uses an iframe) ?



with postwrap i have no unwanted additional border  :lol:
can i remove this in the pnCPG configuration?


on my site, they look the same, with or without postwrap.
Can you set up 2 links so I can see the difference ?



Did not know it uses iframe as well.

Cas , as you took out the guest account in the new files you sent to us, it does not work anymore at my end, when you are not logged in into Postnuke.

I agree the guest account is not needed, the more it was confusing.

Here the message.

You must be logged in to use our projekt environment...

As in most of the visitors are not logged in they wont be able to see the gallery unless they log in or first have to create an account.

I rather prefer the non guest account changed files but working for non registered or on logged users.

Thanks Cas
www.winti.lu - The truth well told -


Again easy to achieve. Open up index.php, located in the pcCPG directory.
Take out the following code :

if (!pnUserLoggedIn()) {
die ("You must be logged in to use our Gallery...");

It still says 'projekt environment' on your end which was a type from me.
