Installing problem with PHP??? Installing problem with PHP???


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Installing problem with PHP???

Started by housefan42, March 07, 2007, 07:59:02 AM

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Hi, I was here a while back when I wasn't sure what Coppermine is. Back then I didn't have a website but I have finally found one and am ready to install Coppermine. However, this is a problem I am having over and over. Be warned, I am both computer illiterate and a noob. Sorry if this is a really stupid question  ::)

I downloaded Apache, ImageMagick, and PHP from the minimum requirements. I extracted the zip file, I have WindowsXP, and all the files except a few showed a PHP logo. So I thought it was ready. However, I click on the install.php and a black box pops up running through what looks like html code. But it goes by so fast it could be anything. And then it disappears and nothing happens. I am at my wits. What am I doing wrong? The install instructions only explain after you get the installer up so... I don't know where else to look.

I am not good with computers, I am not good with technical stuff, I am just trying to find away to make a Coppermine Gallery like the ones I see on other sites. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but I have been up all day and night trying to finish my project. Please help  ??? And thank you!

Joachim Müller

Quote from: housefan42 on March 07, 2007, 07:59:02 AM
I am both computer illiterate and a noob.
I am not good with computers, I am not good with technical stuff
Then don't run a webserver. Go for (paid) webhosting instead. ::)


hehe hehe hehe Thanks a lot for all your help (sarcastic)! Where's the delete profile thing since I obviously don't need Coppermine anymore as you say?! There's no action column on my profile. Oh well, I'll just leave. Good riddance.  >:(

BTW: This customer service obviously reflects on the product!

Joachim Müller

Quote from: housefan42 on March 07, 2007, 09:36:05 AM
This customer service obviously reflects on the product!
There is no customer service for coppermine, as we don't have customers. Being a customer implies that you actually paid something for the "product". You haven't, so you're not a customer. You actually asked for support on setting up a webserver in the first place, which is beyond the scope of this support board. We provide free support (free of charge, unpaid) for Coppermine only. We asssume that your webserver is up-and-running when you start with Coppermine (that's why we call the webserver "minimum requirement"). If you have issues setting up a webserver, you're on your own and free to look for support somewhere else. You obviously haven't understood the concept of open source software. It's people like you who make developers doubt their work. Leave for good, I hope that you will be successfull somewhere else with your rotten attitude.