File location needed File location needed


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File location needed

Started by Zaaka, March 10, 2007, 10:02:38 PM

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I am wanting to place a small button under each thumbnail (and main picture) but which files do I need to edit?


Locate the templates you need to change in the sample theme's theme.php, copy them to your theme.php and modify your copy. Look for

// HTML template for thumbnails display


// HTML template for intermediate image display


Managed to do that, however i Have a query, how would I insert the picture filename, into a form fields value?

eg. I would need the filename instead of the ########

<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="########">

Joachim Müller

Depends on where you want to use that piece of code.


What I am trying to do is sell my photo's on my site, I have all the code etc to use paypal (places a Buy Now button below the picture), however I need to insert the photo's filename as a URL parameter when passing the paypal details to paypal.

you can view what I have done so far by visiting

Joachim Müller