Sitemap mod with cache Sitemap mod with cache


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Sitemap mod with cache

Started by basisbyte, March 25, 2007, 08:40:59 PM

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Hello everyone out there. First thing: please forgive my bad english, it's not my mother tongue. If something is confusing I'll try to explain.

I hope that this is the right place, I didn't know where to put it.

I made a quick and dirty hack (very dirty) for this sitemap mod I found ->

My problem was that my gallery contains about 4000 Files and images, and everytime a user opend the sitemap the database had to cycle through this 4000 Entrys.

So I made a quick and dirty hack to write the content to a txt file, with the oppotunity to activate the writing process manually.

Put the following code into a file called sitemap.php and save it in your coppermine root folder:




if (

// Select all photos
$result mysql_query("SELECT, a.aid, a.title, a.caption, a.keywords, b.title atitle from {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} a, {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} b where a.aid = b.aid order by a.aid, desc");
if (!
mysql_num_rows($result)) cpg_die(ERROR$lang_errors['non_exist_ap']);

$p_aid = -;

// Result to table
"<br>-------------Cache Writer start-------------<br>";
$cache "albums/cache.txt";

$fh fopen($cache'w');

   while (
$row mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
                if (
$row[aid] != $p_aid) {
$write="<tr><td class=\"tableh2\" colspan = \"3\">$row[atitle]</td></tr>";

// weer geef de data 
$write2="<tr><td><a href=\"displayimage.php?pos=-$row[pid]\" title=\"$row[title]\">$row[title]</a></td><td>$row[caption]</td><td>$row[keywords]</td></tr>";
$p_aid $row[aid] ;
    } ; 
// while
"<br>-------------Cache Writer finished-------------<br>";            
"Hello engines";


Afterwards active the writing process for the first time as described below.

You can active the writing process by putting the following into your browser adress field: path-to-coppermine/sitemap.php?sitemap=build

Afterwards place a link from somewhere on your site to the sitemap.php (without the ?sitemap.php=build ending) and activate the writing process from time to time. (Perhaps @ night when your server load is low).

PS: Thanks to the coppermine team for the superb software. I'm using it for two years now (just updated to 1.4.10), and I love it :)


Neat idea.

How about a link to your site so we can take a peek?


I don't want to place a link now: I just updatet from 1.3.5 to 1.4.10 (which worked like a charme) and I still have to do a lot of work (adding some mods and own stuff which will take some weeks to finish),and I don't want to show my half-done work. I will place a link, once  it's finished.

At the moment I'm adding a little addon to this mod, so that only logged in admins can start the writing process - Perhaps I add a button in the ACP too.

A second mod I'm working on is a kind of a User Blog System, so that registered Users can start a small Multimedia blog right in Gallery. Is this only interesting for my, or would it be useful for other users here too?  I think I'll finish it in one or two month.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: basisbyte on April 04, 2007, 06:35:52 PM
A second mod I'm working on is a kind of a User Blog System, so that registered Users can start a small Multimedia blog right in Gallery. Is this only interesting for my, or would it be useful for other users here too?  I think I'll finish it in one or two month.
Separate issues should go into separate threads. Please respect board rules.



How to transform the sitemap.php in sitemap.xml for the google?
I have the sitemap.php works correctly but google only accept in format xml.


Quote from: basisbyte on March 25, 2007, 08:40:59 PM
Hello everyone out there. First thing: please forgive my bad english, it's not my mother tongue. If something is confusing I'll try to explain.

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À on what we chatter?

Joachim Müller