Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload ! - Page 4 Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload ! - Page 4


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Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload !

Started by etienne_sf, April 28, 2007, 10:41:28 AM

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Quote from: bit bit spears on June 05, 2007, 11:47:29 PM
hey etienne! for some reason it is finally working...but i've realized that there are many, MANY typos and grammatical erros within the java applet...do you know anyway that i can edit the applet to change the following:

image was correcly uploaded to server

the image is toot big!

thanks in advance,


Works now: 302 code is a temporary error. Seems like they stopped playing with your server config ...   

About translation: you seem to use the default language file. These two mistakes are now corrected, by copying the english translation (which is probably correct) onto the default one. It will be able in the next version.

To check translation:
You should be able to update it. Please send me a mail if you do it.



etienne_sf this is such a great program,  its very user friendly & it would be very fast IF

'picture title' wouldnt be automatically entered, instead left blank.. is there a way i can edit or do something to change this? if i upload 200 images. which would be quick. it slows me down to hafta go in and delete every single picture title so it can be blank..

picture titles just makes my gallery a bit ugly.. can ya help me?

i noticed you chatted it up wit some1 dealing with picture titles:

Quote from: will on May 08, 2007, 11:29:45 AM
The one thing I like about this plugin is that it adds the picture title for you so less modification is needed.

For example:


What I want is:

DJ Pocholo - Que Dios Salve A Las Vacas Y A To2 Nosotros Cd1 (Back)

Hope this helps

Thanks ;D

Quote from: etienne_sf on May 09, 2007, 10:26:38 PM
It's clear.

  I'll add it to the next release.



My appel doesn't want to upload again...

15:54:40.140 [INFO] Debug level set to 0
15:54:40.250 [WARN] Invalid int value: , using default value: 0
15:54:40.250 [INFO] JUpload plugin for coppermine version 2.5.0
15:55:42.187 [INFO] Debug level set to 1
15:55:42.187 [ERROR] Upload arrêté avec erreur
15:55:42.187 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): no file uploaded ()
15:55:42.187 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:533)
15:55:42.187 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:684)
15:55:42.187 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:442)
15:55:42.203 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): no file uploaded ()
15:55:42.203 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:533)
15:55:42.203 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:684)
15:55:42.203 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:442)
15:55:47.578 [INFO] Debug level set to 100
15:55:47.593 [DEBUG] =======================================================================
15:55:47.593 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by DefaultUploadPolicy
15:55:47.593 [INFO] JUpload applet, version 3.0.2b3 ($Revision: 224 $) ($Date: 2007-06-01 08:21:37 +0000 (ven., 01 juin 2007) $), available at http://jupload.sourceforge.net/
15:55:47.593 [DEBUG] Java version: 1.6.0
15:55:47.593 [DEBUG] Cookie: fcbb39d482fff925ec93bd2d48866efd=265b50988f59b2742ea43709ad9c94e0; cpg143_data=YTo0OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiIwZDA2NmI3ZWQ4YTMzN2UwZDU0MGZhNDE2M2Y0YjgzNSI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo2OiJmcmVuY2giO3M6MzoibGl2IjthOjE6e2k6MDtzOjQ6IjEwMjgiO319; FRQSTR=19549310|19549310|19549310|19549310|19549310
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] List of all applet parameters:
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG]   language: fr
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG]   country:
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] afterUploadURL: null
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG]   allowedFileExtensions: /jpg/jpeg/jpe/gif/png/bmp/jpc/jp2/jpx/jb2/swc/iff/asf/asx/mpg/mpeg/wmv/swf/avi/mov/mp3/midi/mid/wma/wav/ogg/psd/doc/txt/rtf/pdf/xls/pps/ppt/zip/gz/mdb/
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] debug: 100
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] filenameEncoding: null
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] lang: fr
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] maxChunkSize: 9223372036854775807
15:55:47.609 [INFO] maxFileSize  : 1024000
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] nbFilesPerRequest: 1
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] postURL: http://mpzportal.online.fr/index.php?file=jupload/jupload&action=add_picture
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] serverProtocol: HTTP/1.1
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] showLogWindow: false
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] stringUploadSuccess: SUCCESS
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] stringUploadError: ERROR: (.*)
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG] urlToSendErrorTo: http://mpzportal.online.fr/index.php?file=jupload/jupload&action=log_error
15:55:47.609 [DEBUG]
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by PictureUploadPolicy
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] highQualityPreview : true
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] pictureCompressionQuality : 0.8
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] maxPicWidth : 2048, maxPicHeight : 2048
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] realMaxPicWidth : 2048, realMaxPicHeight : 2048
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] storeBufferedImage : false
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] targetPictureFormat : null
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG]
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by CoppermineUploadPolicy
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG] albumId : 57
15:55:47.625 [DEBUG]
15:55:48.984 [DEBUG] Action : Envoyer
15:55:48.984 [DEBUG] Upload done by using the wjhk.jupload2.upload.FileUploadThreadHTTP class
15:55:48.984 [DEBUG] Timer started
15:55:49.000 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
15:55:49.015 [DEBUG] file 0: content=63181 bytes, getAdditionnalBytesForUpload=489 bytes
15:55:49.015 [DEBUG] chunkHttpParam: jupart=0&jufinal=1
15:55:49.015 [DEBUG] Cookie: fcbb39d482fff925ec93bd2d48866efd=265b50988f59b2742ea43709ad9c94e0; cpg143_data=YTo0OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiIwZDA2NmI3ZWQ4YTMzN2UwZDU0MGZhNDE2M2Y0YjgzNSI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo2OiJmcmVuY2giO3M6MzoibGl2IjthOjE6e2k6MDtzOjQ6IjEwMjgiO319; FRQSTR=19549310|19549310|19549310|19549310|19549310
15:55:49.015 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
15:55:49.015 [DEBUG] Using non SSL socket, direct connection
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] === main header (len=1053):
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] POST /index.php?file=jupload/jupload&action=add_picture&album=57 HTTP/1.1\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Host: mpzportal.online.fr\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Accept: */*\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Connection: close\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------psom5lru9dg\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Length: 64073\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Cookie: fcbb39d482fff925ec93bd2d48866efd=265b50988f59b2742ea43709ad9c94e0; cpg143_data=YTo0OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiIwZDA2NmI3ZWQ4YTMzN2UwZDU0MGZhNDE2M2Y0YjgzNSI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo2OiJmcmVuY2giO3M6MzoibGl2IjthOjE6e2k6MDtzOjQ6IjEwMjgiO319; FRQSTR=19549310|19549310|19549310|19549310|19549310\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] \r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] -----------------------------psom5lru9dg\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] \r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] jupload/jupload\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] -----------------------------psom5lru9dg\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="album"\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] \r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] 57\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] -----------------------------psom5lru9dg\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action"\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] \r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] add_picture\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] === main header end
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] --- fileheader start (len=285):
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] -----------------------------psom5lru9dg\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="mimetype"\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] \r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] image/jpeg\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] -----------------------------psom5lru9dg\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userpicture"; filename="SMDC0138.JPG"\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] \r\n
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] --- fileheader end
15:55:49.062 [DEBUG] in UploadFileData.uploadFile (amount:63181, getUploadLength(): 63181)
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] --- filetail start (len=204):
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] \r\n
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] -----------------------------psom5lru9dg\r\n
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="md5sum"\r\n
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] \r\n
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] 15dce42eb0192eab4b7478900466316d\r\n
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] -----------------------------psom5lru9dg--\r\n
15:55:52.796 [DEBUG] --- filetail end
15:55:53.500 [DEBUG] -------- Response Headers Start --------
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG] Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 13:55:34 GMT
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG] Server: Apache/ProXad [May 15 2007 17:32:34]
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG] X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.3-dev
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG] Connection: close
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG] Content-Type: text/html
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG]
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG] --------- Response Headers End ---------
15:55:53.515 [DEBUG] HTTP status: 200 OK
15:55:54.750 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
15:55:54.765 [ERROR] Upload arrêté avec erreur
15:55:54.765 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): no file uploaded ()
15:55:54.765 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:533)
15:55:54.765 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:684)
15:55:54.765 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:442)
15:55:54.765 [DEBUG] -------- Response Body Start --------
15:55:54.765 [DEBUG] Within upload_page
15:55:54.765 [DEBUG] ERROR: no file uploaded ()
15:55:54.765 [DEBUG] End of upload_picture.php
15:55:54.828 [DEBUG] --------- Response Body End ---------
15:55:54.828 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): no file uploaded ()
15:55:54.828 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:533)
15:55:54.828 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:684)
15:55:54.828 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:442)
15:55:54.828 [DEBUG] FileUploadThread: within run().finally
15:55:56.250 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
15:55:56.312 [DEBUG] JUploadPanel: after !fileUploadThread.isAlive()


Hi Etienne,

As promised I make some tests on your latest version.
There are a lot of improvements to your plugin.
Thanks for that.

I have a few remarks but of course you don't have to correct all these
within the week because I know the time it takes. It's just to mention it to you.
And if I can help you for something ask me.

So, is it possible to translate the following error that appears in english :
Error during applet initialization ! Have a look in your java console.

Is it also possible to translate what appears in the status bar :
done ==> pourcentage effectué
transfer rate ==> Taux de transfert
ETA ==> Temps restant

There is also a problem with displaying accent in french :
For example : strange caracters (like és for é) appears when the description of an albums
has accents and also in some of the applet messages like the quota error. Maybe the charset ?

For this last one, the quota error, I propose you to add some text like :
But the images already transfered are on the server.

and when this error occurs is it possible that the applet displays
the error but nevertheless go to the edit_uploaded_pics page ?

There is also an error in colModified = Modifé le ==> Modifié le

At the end you added some filter when the user choose the pictures and
thats really great. But, if the user select "all files" then if he add
a non authorised file it rise no error. Only when the files have been
transfered to the server. In the previous versions it was not the case.
It displayed directly the error and for me that choice is better.

That's all :)



Quote from: searchforme on June 08, 2007, 11:07:57 PM
etienne_sf this is such a great program,  its very user friendly & it would be very fast IF

'picture title' wouldnt be automatically entered, instead left blank.. is there a way i can edit or do something to change this? if i upload 200 images. which would be quick. it slows me down to hafta go in and delete every single picture title so it can be blank..


  You're right: I'll add a new config parameter, so that one can choose to have a default title from the picture filename, or have an empty one. Its now on my TODO list.



Quote from: Vincs on June 09, 2007, 03:59:03 PM
15:55:54.828 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): no file uploaded ()


  As written in the (very little) FAQ, this error often occurs when the file uploaded is bigger than the max upload size of your server.
  Check this page:



It's not that when I tried to upload my pictures from my girlfriend home with a good connection that works.
But with mine who sucks it said no upload blahblahblah....
I tried with my neighbour's wifi and it works too...
I presume it's because my connection is too slow.


Thanks for your tests.

Here is a first answer to them:

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
So, is it possible to translate the following error that appears in english :
Error during applet initialization ! Have a look in your java console.

Hum: this error should not be generated. Can you tell me

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
Is it also possible to translate what appears in the status bar :
done ==> pourcentage effectué
transfer rate ==> Taux de transfert
ETA ==> Temps restant

Added to my todo list.

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
There is also a problem with displaying accent in french :
For example : strange caracters (like és for é) appears when the description of an albums
has accents and also in some of the applet messages like the quota error. Maybe the charset ?

- Accents in album description: was Ok once upon a time  :-(
- Accents in error coming from Coppermine this is an ongoing job on he applet.

Added to my todo list.

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
For this last one, the quota error, I propose you to add some text like :
But the images already transfered are on the server.

This error message comes from Coppermine, not from my plugin. I can't manage this text in the plugin, as it can be updated and it is translated in various languages.

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
and when this error occurs is it possible that the applet displays
the error but nevertheless go to the edit_uploaded_pics page ?

Hum, right: is at least some pictures are correctly uploaded, the user should be redirected to the edit_uploaded_pics. The problem is: he'll then loose the list of pictures that are still to be displayed. So the edit_uploaded_pics should be displayed in a new window.

Added to my todo list.

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
There is also an error in colModified = Modifé le ==> Modifié le

Corrected on the applet SVN. Will be available in the next version.

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
At the end you added some filter when the user choose the pictures and
thats really great. But, if the user select "all files" then if he add
a non authorised file it rise no error. Only when the files have been
transfered to the server. In the previous versions it was not the case.
It displayed directly the error and for me that choice is better.

Hum, hum: the user should not be allowed to change the file filter.

Added to my todo list.

Thanks for these comments


Quote from: Vincs on June 11, 2007, 10:11:51 AM
It's not that when I tried to upload my pictures from my girlfriend home with a good connection that works.
But with mine who sucks it said no upload blahblahblah....
I tried with my neighbour's wifi and it works too...
I presume it's because my connection is too slow.

You're right, your picture is 64kb long: it's probably not bigger that the max upload size of your server ...   ;)

Can you confirm, that in your different tests you use the same (or not):
- Computer
- Navigator
- Java version
- Web site
- Coppermine user
- picture (to upload on the server)



Yes yes it was on my laptop than same version same user same navigator etc and same pictures too...
Just different connections and connections speed...


Quote from: Iamatree on May 21, 2007, 11:10:35 AM
You don't have permission to perform this operation.

If you're not connected, please login first

I get this error when trying to add captions to the photos after uploading. It works if I'm logged in as the admin, but regular members get this message.

  Thanks to the access on your site, I repeated the problem: your user may not have a personal gallery. In this case, you got the error you mentionned, after a successful upload.

In this configuration, the user may not update picture title, description... nor update the picture itself, like rotating it.
-> He must do no mistake. :-\

Seems to me that the user should be allowed to update the properties for the picture he uploaded. At least title, description.

What do you think about it ?



Yes, my users are not allowed personal galleries.

So, it is not really a problem with your plugin, but the way I have configured my gallery.

I guess there is no way to allow access to Registered members to change description, caption etc. of photos they themselves have uploaded?

What I don't understand is that it works when regularly uploading the photos.

Am I understanding this correctly?


Quote from: Iamatree on June 12, 2007, 12:55:56 PM
Yes, my users are not allowed personal galleries.

So, it is not really a problem with your plugin, but the way I have configured my gallery.

I guess there is no way to allow access to Registered members to change description, caption etc. of photos they themselves have uploaded?

What I don't understand is that it works when regularly uploading the photos.

Am I understanding this correctly?

Yes, with this precision: the plugin could display something else than an error. It could, for instance, just display the newly uploaded pictures.



Still no news about making it works under .htaccess ?
It will be very helpful


Quote from: Vincs on June 13, 2007, 08:57:01 PM
Still no news about making it works under .htaccess ?
It will be very helpful


  I have some problems to set up a password file: htpasswd just crash on my laptop :-(

Then, this issue seems not that important, as Coppermine already controls the user rights. Correct ?

BTW, you can try this:
- update the jupload/pages/upload_page.php
- Find the line containing < PARAM NAME = "postURL" VALUE="$URL"
- Replace $URL by the full path, like this:
I don't remember the exact way to write it.

Or give me a SIMPLE passwordfile, with one user like coppermine/test, so that I test it. I imagine you just want basic authentication?



I'll contact you by mail... it will be more simple :p



  Basic authentication is started. Will be available soon.

Here are some more comments on your tests:

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
So, is it possible to translate the following error that appears in english :
Error during applet initialization ! Have a look in your java console.

Do you have more info ?

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
Is it also possible to translate what appears in the status bar :
done ==> pourcentage effectué
transfer rate ==> Taux de transfert
ETA ==> Temps restant

Corrected in the 2.5.1, about to be released

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
There is also a problem with displaying accent in french :
For example : strange caracters (like és for é) appears when the description of an albums
has accents and also in some of the applet messages like the quota error. Maybe the charset ?

I don't see any problem on my test machine.

Do you have more info ?

Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
There is also an error in colModified = Modifé le ==> Modifié le

Corrected in the 2.5.1, about to be released




Sorry for this late response but I had a lot
of work with my exams.

QuoteSo, is it possible to translate the following error that appears in english :
Error during applet initialization ! Have a look in your java console.

It's very simple. You got this error when you click on cancel when
your browser ask you if you will execute the applet.

For the accents errors in french I will have a look this
weekend to give you more informations or maybe find it on my own.
In all cases, I will give you some feedback.

Thanks a lot for the work done on my test.



Quote from: choupette549 on June 09, 2007, 05:35:14 PM
So, is it possible to translate the following error that appears in english :
Error during applet initialization ! Have a look in your java console.

Added to the todo list of the applet. A lot of such strings are to be added this way... and they will !




  I just released the 2.5.1 version of the JUpload plugin for Coppermine.

Available here:


  • [Minor] Add of the generateDefaultPictureTitle config parameter. Default value will create a picture title from the picture filename. If you put 0 in this parameter, the plugin will let the picture title empty: nice when uploading a lot of pictures at once.
  • [Minor] Now, the plugin will ask Java from 1.5 and above. Previously, the plugin would ask for a 1.6 or higher JVM, which was unnecessary.
  • [Checked] All files check correctly that they are called from internal calls from other Coppermine PHP scripts.
  • [Minor] Corrected a typo in French translation.


  • [Minor] The following status bar texts can now be translated: done, transfer rate, ETA. Translation is currently available in French and English. See my wiki for all details.