Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload ! - Page 7 Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload ! - Page 7


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Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload !

Started by etienne_sf, April 28, 2007, 10:41:28 AM

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I have problems with the script. Every time when I try to upload some pictures (doesn't matter what size it is, it can be as small as 200KB) I'm getting message from java:

16:31:52.203 [INFO] Debug level set to 0
16:31:52.531 [WARN] Invalid int value: , using default value: 0
16:31:52.531 [INFO] JUpload plugin for coppermine version 2.5.8
16:33:09.984 [INFO] Debug level set to 1
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] Upload stopped with errors
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "SUCCESS" was not found in the response body
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:559)
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:687)
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:442)
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "SUCCESS" was not found in the response body
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:559)
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:687)
16:33:10.000 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:442)
16:33:13.187 [ERROR] An error occured during log management (readingHttpBody)
16:33:13.187 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: Upload failed: unexpected HTTP response
16:33:13.187 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.sendDebugInformation(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:934)
16:33:13.187 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:498)

The only error in apache logs is:

[error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /home/soty/public_html/htdocs/galeria/wjhk

I'm using JUpload 2.5.8 with Coppermine 1.4.12. Standard upload works fine.
Any idea what's going on ?


Hi Etienne,

I have some problem with jupload in version
2.5.6 or 2.5.7 and IE 7 on windows vista.
(not tried with 2.5.8 )

So, I have the following error when I click
on the jupload link :


But I have no problem with :

version 2.5.6 and 2.5.7 with netscape 7.1 and with firefox 2.0 on windows vista
version 2.5.6 and 2.5.7 with IE 7 on windows XP
version 2.4.4 on all the previous navigators on XP and vista

I'm using coppermine 1.4.10 with the security fix from version 1.4.12

Some idea ?


Quote from: will on July 10, 2007, 08:44:29 PM
I updated to 1.4.12 last nite and still using JUpload today with no problems ???

??? Also. It may be wrong diagnostic ... Or a problem due to the 2.5.7 version of JUpload ...

The important is: it works !



Quote from: SotY on July 10, 2007, 11:42:28 PM

I have problems with the script. Every time when I try to upload some pictures (doesn't matter what size it is, it can be as small as 200KB) I'm getting message from java:

The only error in apache logs is:

[error] [client xx.xx.xx.xx] File does not exist: /home/soty/public_html/htdocs/galeria/wjhk

I'm using JUpload 2.5.8 with Coppermine 1.4.12. Standard upload works fine.
Any idea what's going on ?

1) You can ignore the apache log entry.
2) Can you try without Vista, to confirm Choupette anlysis ?
3) To analyse your problem, I need more information. Please enter the applet in debug mode, and send me the full generated output. To entre debug mode: do a CTRL + Right Click on the applet file list, and select 'Debug on'



Quote from: etienne_sf on July 11, 2007, 12:03:03 PM
2) Can you try without Vista, to confirm Choupette anlysis ?

I don't use Vista. I'm using XP SP2 with IE6
Quote from: etienne_sf on July 11, 2007, 12:03:03 PM
3) To analyse your problem, I need more information. Please enter the applet in debug mode, and send me the full generated output. To entre debug mode: do a CTRL + Right Click on the applet file list, and select 'Debug on'

Here you go. I have to split this post for parts cause it will be too long.

11:05:39.375 [INFO] Debug level set to 0
11:05:39.750 [WARN] Invalid int value: , using default value: 0
11:05:39.750 [INFO] JUpload plugin for coppermine version 2.5.8
11:06:05.906 [INFO] Debug level set to 100
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] =======================================================================
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by DefaultUploadPolicy
11:06:05.906 [INFO] JUpload applet, version 3.0.2b3 [SVN-Rev: 295] (05/07/2007 04:47 AM), available at http://jupload.sourceforge.net/
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] Java version: 1.6.0_01
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] Cookie: 1bd16da6bcb037c828b8defb497b9f7d=7994cda8cc668d5d658535a9b3cd85a5; coppermine_data=YTo0OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJiYjBjOTFlZTk5YjdlYTM5OTc3N2RmMWE5MjRhMGRmZiI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjM6ImxpdiI7YTowOnt9fQ%3D%3D
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] userAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; FDM)
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] List of all applet parameters:
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG]   language: us
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG]   country:
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] afterUploadURL: null
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] allowHttpPersistent: false
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] allowedFileExtensions: /jpg/jpeg/jpe/gif/png/bmp/jpc/jp2/jpx/jb2/swc/iff/asf/asx/mpg/mpeg/wmv/swf/avi/mov/mp3/midi/mid/wma/wav/ogg/psd/doc/txt/rtf/pdf/xls/pps/ppt/zip/gz/mdb/
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] debug: 100
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] filenameEncoding: null
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] lang: us
11:06:05.906 [DEBUG] maxChunkSize: 9223372036854775807
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] maxFileSize  : 9223372036854775807
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] nbFilesPerRequest: 1
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] postURL: http://mygallery.url.com/galeria/index.php?file=jupload/jupload&action=add_picture
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] serverProtocol: HTTP/1.1
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] showLogWindow: false
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] specificHeaders: null
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] stringUploadSuccess: SUCCESS
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] stringUploadError: ERROR: (.*)
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] urlToSendErrorTo: http://mygallery.url.com/galeria/index.php?file=jupload/jupload&action=log_error
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG]
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by PictureUploadPolicy
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] highQualityPreview : false
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] pictureCompressionQuality : 0.9
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] maxPicWidth : 10240, maxPicHeight : 10240
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] realMaxPicWidth : 2048, realMaxPicHeight : 2048
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] storeBufferedImage : false
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] targetPictureFormat : null
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG]
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by CoppermineUploadPolicy
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG] albumId : 2
11:06:05.921 [DEBUG]
11:06:08.984 [DEBUG] Action : Upload
11:06:08.984 [DEBUG] Upload done by using the wjhk.jupload2.upload.FileUploadThreadHTTP class
11:06:09.000 [DEBUG] Timer started
11:06:09.171 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
11:06:09.671 [DEBUG] freeMemory (after hasToTransformPicture) : 29984336
11:06:09.687 [DEBUG] IMG_2582.JPG : hasToTransformPicture = false
11:06:10.234 [DEBUG] freeMemory (after hasToTransformPicture) : 30780920
11:06:10.234 [DEBUG] IMG_2583.JPG : hasToTransformPicture = false
11:06:10.734 [DEBUG] freeMemory (after hasToTransformPicture) : 30773744
11:06:10.734 [DEBUG] IMG_2584.JPG : hasToTransformPicture = false
11:06:11.250 [DEBUG] freeMemory (after hasToTransformPicture) : 30781112
11:06:11.250 [DEBUG] IMG_2585.JPG : hasToTransformPicture = false
11:06:11.750 [DEBUG] freeMemory (after hasToTransformPicture) : 30774600
11:06:11.750 [DEBUG] IMG_2586.JPG : hasToTransformPicture = false
11:06:11.750 [DEBUG] file 0: content=4683887 bytes, getAdditionnalBytesForUpload=822 bytes
11:06:11.750 [DEBUG] chunkHttpParam: jupart=0&jufinal=1
11:06:11.750 [DEBUG] Cookie: 1bd16da6bcb037c828b8defb497b9f7d=7994cda8cc668d5d658535a9b3cd85a5; coppermine_data=YTo0OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJiYjBjOTFlZTk5YjdlYTM5OTc3N2RmMWE5MjRhMGRmZiI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjM6ImxpdiI7YTowOnt9fQ%3D%3D
11:06:11.750 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; FDM)
11:06:11.750 [DEBUG] Using non SSL socket, direct connection
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] === main header (len=1059):
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] POST /galeria/index.php?file=jupload/jupload&action=add_picture&album=2 HTTP/1.1\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Host: mygallery.url.com\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Accept: */*\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Connection: close\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Length: 4685111\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Cookie: 1bd16da6bcb037c828b8defb497b9f7d=7994cda8cc668d5d658535a9b3cd85a5; coppermine_data=YTo0OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJiYjBjOTFlZTk5YjdlYTM5OTc3N2RmMWE5MjRhMGRmZiI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjM6ImxpdiI7YTowOnt9fQ%3D%3D\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; FDM)\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] jupload/jupload\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="album"\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] 2\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action"\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] add_picture\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] === main header end
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] --- fileheader start (len=616):
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="mimetype[]"\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] image/jpeg\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="pathinfo[]"\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] C:\Documents and Settings\SotY\My Documents\My Pictures\2007_06_13\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="relpathinfo[]"\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userpicture"; filename="IMG_2582.JPG"\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:11.859 [DEBUG] --- fileheader end
11:06:11.875 [DEBUG] in UploadFileData.uploadFile (amount:4683887, getUploadLength(): 4683887)
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] --- filetail start (len=206):
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m\r\n
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="md5sum[]"\r\n
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] \r\n
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] 095008455bff8a137d0c015f859cce6b\r\n
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] -----------------------------nvig3ia7o5m--\r\n
11:06:41.578 [DEBUG] --- filetail end
11:06:42.046 [DEBUG] -------- Response Headers Start --------
11:06:42.046 [DEBUG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
11:06:42.046 [DEBUG] Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:06:10 GMT
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) DAV/2 SVN/1.4.2 mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 mod_jk/1.2.18 mod_python/3.2.10 Python/2.4.4 proxy_html/2.5 mod_ruby/1.2.6 Ruby/1.8.5(2006-08-25) mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.8
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.0-8+etch4
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] Set-Cookie: 38abe662f62b7ce6e0a24052c383bcd0=5fcf9589ae1344079e2530888b1e785d; expires=Wed, 25-Jul-2007 16:06:40 GMT; path=/
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] Set-Cookie: coppermine_data=YTo0OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJiYjBjOTFlZTk5YjdlYTM5OTc3N2RmMWE5MjRhMGRmZiI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjM6ImxpdiI7YTowOnt9fQ%3D%3D; expires=Fri, 10-Aug-2007 16:06:40 GMT; path=/
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] Vary: Accept-Encoding
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] Connection: close
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] Transfer-Encoding: chunked
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG]
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] --------- Response Headers End ---------
11:06:42.062 [DEBUG] Chunk: 404d dec: 16461
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] Chunk: 0 dec: 0
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] HTTP status: 200 OK
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] No error message found in HTTP response body
11:06:42.281 [ERROR] Upload stopped with errors
11:06:42.281 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "SUCCESS" was not found in the response body
11:06:42.281 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:559)
11:06:42.281 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:687)
11:06:42.281 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:442)
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] -------- Response Body Start --------
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <html dir="ltr">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <head>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <title>SotY Photo Gallery - Error</title>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/rainy_day/style.css" type="text/css" />
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <!-- $Id: template.html 2688 2005-12-04 03:22:35Z donnoman $ -->
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] </head>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <body>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   
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11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]               <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="42" height="53" border="0" alt="" />
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]             </td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]             <td width="100%" style="background-image:url(themes/rainy_day/images/template_r1_c5.gif)">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                 <div class="topmenu">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]           <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                   <tr>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <!-- BEGIN home -->
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td><img src="themes/rainy_day/images/button1_r1_c1.gif" width="5" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td style="background-image:url(themes/rainy_day/images/button1_r1_c2.gif)">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]           <a href="index.php" title="Go to the home page">Home</a>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   </td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td><img src="themes/rainy_day/images/button1_r1_c3.gif" width="5" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <!-- END home --><!-- BEGIN login -->
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td><img src="themes/rainy_day/images/button1_r1_c1.gif" width="5" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td style="background-image:url(themes/rainy_day/images/button1_r1_c2.gif)">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]           <a href="login.php?referer=index.php%3Ffile%3Djupload%2Fjupload%26action%3Dadd_picture%26album%3D2" title="Log me in">Login</a>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   </td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td><img src="themes/rainy_day/images/button1_r1_c3.gif" width="5" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <!-- END login -->
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                   </tr>
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11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   </div>
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11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]               <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="42" height="53" border="0" alt="" />
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]             </td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]           </tr>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]         </table>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]       </td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]     </tr>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]     <tr>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]       <td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]         <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]           <tr>
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11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]               <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="18" height="57" border="0" alt="" />
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]             </td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]             <td width="100%" style="background-image:url(themes/rainy_day/images/template_r2_c2.gif)">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]               <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                 <tr>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                   <td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                     <h1>&nbsp;SotY Photo Gallery</h1>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                   </td>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                   <td align="left">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]                     
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <form name="cpgChooseLanguage" id="cpgChooseLanguage" action="index.php" method="get" style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;margin-right:0px;display:inline">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <select name="cpgLanguageSelect" class="listbox_lang" onchange="if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) window.location.href='index.php?file=jupload/jupload&amp;action=add_picture&amp;album=2&amp;lang=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option selected="selected">Choose your language</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="albanian" >Albanian</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="arabic" >Arabic (&#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1610;&#1577;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="basque" >Basque (Euskera)</option>


2nd part:

11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="brazilian_portuguese" >Portuguese [Brazilian] (Portugu&ecirc;s Brasileiro)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="bulgarian" >Bulgarian (&#1041;&#1098;&#1083;&#1075;&#1072;&#1088;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="chinese_big5" >Chinese traditional (&#20013;&#25991; - &#32321;&#39636;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="chinese_gb" >Chinese simplified (&#20013;&#25991; - &#31616;&#20307;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="czech" >Czech (&#x010C;esky)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="danish" >Danish (Dansk)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="dutch" >Dutch (Nederlands)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="english" >English(US)*</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="english_gb" >English(British)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="finnish" >Finnish (Suomea)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="french" >French (Fran&ccedil;ais)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="galician" >Galician (Galego)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="georgian" >Georgian (&#4325;&#4304;&#4320;&#4311;&#4323;&#4314;&#4312;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="german" >German (Deutsch)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="german_sie" >German_sie</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="greek" >Greek (&#917;&#955;&#955;&#951;&#957;&#953;&#954;&#940;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="hebrew" >Hebrew (&#1506;&#1489;&#1512;&#1497;&#1514;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="hindi" >Hindi (&#2361;&#2367;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2368;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="hungarian" >Hungarian (Magyarul)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="indonesian" >Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="italian" >Italian (Italiano)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="japanese" >Japanese (&#26085;&#26412;&#35486;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="korean" >Korean (&#54620;&#44397;&#50612;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="lithuanian" >Lithuanian (Lietuvi&#0353;kai)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="norwegian" >Norwegian (Norsk)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="persian" >Persian (&#1601;&#1575;&#1585;&#1587;&#1740;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="polish" >Polish (Polski)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="portuguese" >Portuguese [Portugal] (Portugu&ecirc;s)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="russian" >Russian (&#1056;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1081;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="slovak" >Slovak (Slovensky)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="slovenian" >Slovenian (Slovensko)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="spanish" >Spanish (Espa&ntilde;ol)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="swedish" >Swedish (Svenska)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="thai" >Thai (&#3652;&#3607;&#3618;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="turkish" >Turkish (T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="ukrainian" >Ukrainian (&#1059;&#1082;&#1088;&#1072;&#1111;&#1085;&#1089;&#1100;&#1082;&#1072;)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="vietnamese" >Vietnamese (Tieng Viet)</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <option value="xxx">Default language</option>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] </select>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] </form>
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11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]   <td style="background-image:url(themes/rainy_day/images/button1_r1_c2.gif)">
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11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] </div>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG]
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] <!--Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.12 (stable)-->
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] </body>
11:06:42.281 [DEBUG] </html>
11:06:42.296 [DEBUG] --------- Response Body End ---------
11:06:42.296 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "SUCCESS" was not found in the response body
11:06:42.296 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:559)
11:06:42.296 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:687)
11:06:42.296 [ERROR] at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:442)
11:06:42.296 [DEBUG] FileUploadThread: within run().finally
11:06:49.484 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
11:06:49.593 [DEBUG] JUploadPanel: after !fileUploadThread.isAlive()


Quote from: SotY on July 11, 2007, 06:14:35 PM
2nd part:

The problem is that the user's session is lost. The response sent to the applet is the JUpload authentication page.

- Did you change anything in the plugin (code, config ...) ?
- Are you using a test version of your gallery, created from your 'production' database ? It's possible that the plugin tries to access to the production site, but your session is opened from the test server. It's impossible to guess these things as you masked your URL !

If these points don't give an answer to you, please send me the real debug output, by mail for instance, to prevent everyone to see these masked info.



Quote from: etienne_sf on July 11, 2007, 07:32:16 PM
The problem is that the user's session is lost. The response sent to the applet is the JUpload authentication page.

- Did you change anything in the plugin (code, config ...) ?
- Are you using a test version of your gallery, created from your 'production' database ? It's possible that the plugin tries to access to the production site, but your session is opened from the test server. It's impossible to guess these things as you masked your URL !

If these points don't give an answer to you, please send me the real debug output, by mail for instance, to prevent everyone to see these masked info.


OK I found the problem. I'm using Maxthon 2.0 (IE engine powered browser) and script doesn't work when I have option "Clean browsing history on exit" with sub-options: "Undo List", "Browser History", "Address Bar Drop-Down List", "Cache Files" enabled. I'm not sure why it messes with the script cause I don't close browser after I run the script but anyway sorry for trouble, your script is working fine and thank you for great work and fast answer :)


Quote from: choupette549 on July 11, 2007, 01:11:35 AM
Hi Etienne,

I have some problem with jupload in version
2.5.6 or 2.5.7 and IE 7 on windows vista.
(not tried with 2.5.8 )

So, I have the following error when I click
on the jupload link :


I can't have access to this picture. The link is refused by the remote server.

I'll look for someone having Vista ....



to Etienne :

I put a new link so that you can see the picture.

Thanks for your help


Quote from: choupette549 on July 11, 2007, 10:42:25 PM
to Etienne :

I put a new link so that you can see the picture.

Thanks for your help

What a ridiculous error !
Do you know the French site: la-rache.com ? You could add your screenshot there ...   ;-)

More seriously. I imagine the problem is when calling Java. But I can't try it.

Test on Vista added to my todo list.


scrambled egg


I am using CPG v1.4.12 bridged with SMF forum.

When trying to upload the ZIP file using the Plugin Manager, I get the following after trying 5 times:

There was an error copying the package to the plugins folder.

Any ideas?


Don't cross post; question already answered in your own thread.

scrambled egg

Yes, very sorry about this.  I posted here first and realized that I had to post somewhere else, and I did that and then had isp errors so I could not come back here right away to make a note. So this problem is SOLVED by doing a CHMOD 777 to the plugins folder.

@ Etienne

You have a fabulous plug-in, but may I suggest a few things to make life easier for those who use this plug-in:

* use checkboxes in front of each file, so that the user can just check the box of the file(s) he wants to upload.  Make sure to have a separate check box that says "check all".  In my case, I tried to upload several hundred files, and had to sit in front of the computer having to click BROWSE and then OPEN, and then BROWSE, and OPEN again also several hundred times.  So I may have saved a lot of time, but not as much as I would have wanted.

*change the word OPEN to ADD FILE, since the word OPEN is somewhat confusing for the type of function the plugin was designed.

Just my 2 cents.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: scrambled egg on July 17, 2007, 03:09:45 AM
In my case, I tried to upload several hundred files, and had to sit in front of the computer having to click BROWSE and then OPEN, and then BROWSE, and OPEN again also several hundred times.
That just doesn't make sense at all. Don't use this plugin, but what you already have: FTP-upload plus batch-add. It is (and will remain) the recommended method to upload a large number of files as admin. This plugin is fine if you use it for what it has been designed to do. Make sure that you have understood the upload methods built into coppermine's core first before randomly trying plugins.


Quote from: scrambled egg on July 17, 2007, 03:09:45 AM
* use checkboxes in front of each file, so that the user can just check the box of the file(s) he wants to upload.  Make sure to have a separate check box that says "check all".  In my case, I tried to upload several hundred files, and had to sit in front of the computer having to click BROWSE and then OPEN, and then BROWSE, and OPEN again also several hundred times.  So I may have saved a lot of time, but not as much as I would have wanted.

The applet is designed to upload the files you've selected and added to it: if you have to many files, you can remove them from the file list. Jut do CTRL+Click to select the files you don't have to upload, then 'remove selected'.

About the hundred files upload: I think this applet is fine enough to that. As it's better integrated in the web site, it's really easier to use than the FTP mode:

  • Select the category
  • Select the album
  • Drag and drop the files you want to upload
  • Click on the upload link!

But please note these points:

  • Currently, all uploaded files go to the user's directory. This may become a bottleneck, if you upload thousand of files. I'll change that in the next release.
  • If you have a lot of pictures to upload, and picture resizing is needed, the applet may lost the session, as it first prepares all files, then starts the upload
  • If you have a lot of pictures to upload, the page containing all uploaded pictures will be big. Again, you may lost the user's session when defining title and comments to these pictures

Quote from: scrambled egg on July 17, 2007, 03:09:45 AM
*change the word OPEN to ADD FILE, since the word OPEN is somewhat confusing for the type of function the plugin was designed.

I'll take a look to that. Not sure it's possible.


scrambled egg

About the hundred files upload: I think this applet is fine enough to that. As it's better integrated in the web site, it's really easier to use than the FTP mode:

Select the category
Select the album
Drag and drop the file you want to upload
Click on the upload link!

Etienne, can you please be more specific about how to accomplish this? Not sure I follow it.  I select the category, then I select the album, and then where do I see the files that I want to drag and drop?  I don't seem to be able see the files anywhere unless I click on BROWSE, but when I click on BROWSE, then I am back to the same old problem I was talking about - BROWSE, OPEN, BROWSE, OPEN, BROWSE, OPEN, etc. etc. etc.

thanks for your help.


Quote from: scrambled egg on July 20, 2007, 03:17:23 PM
Select the category
Select the album
Drag and drop the file you want to upload
Click on the upload link!

Etienne, can you please be more specific about how to accomplish this? Not sure I follow it.  I select the category, then I select the album, and then where do I see the files that I want to drag and drop?  I don't seem to be able see the files anywhere unless I click on BROWSE, but when I click on BROWSE, then I am back to the same old problem I was talking about - BROWSE, OPEN, BROWSE, OPEN, BROWSE, OPEN, etc. etc. etc.

To add files, you can:

  • Add several files at once, by using CTRL+Click or SHIFT+Click to select several files at once in the file chooser
  • Do a drag'n drop from the explorer or you photo explorer (I use ACDSee). Just drop the files on the applet. Here again, you can select several files through Shift (or Ctrl) + click.


scrambled egg

Still have not tried your suggestion, but the whole morning today I was having problems with JUpload. After clicking on the JUpload button, I would get the progress bar at the bottom right of the screen and it would be extremely slow, and the most I got it to go, even after waiting for around 30 minutes (it usually takes only about one minute), was 5 bars.  I repeated the process several times, and still same result. 

Any ideas or suggestions?



Quote from: scrambled egg on July 22, 2007, 04:02:03 AM
Any ideas or suggestions?

What action was running on ? I guess that 'preparing giles' was finished, and you was 'uploading files'. Correct ?

You wa probably running into a network problem. The question is: was the problem due to the applet or not... Hard to guess. If this occurs again, switch to debug mode (CTRL+Right click to open the popup menu), then copy the whole output, and send it by PM to me.
