Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload ! - Page 24 Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload ! - Page 24


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Upload applet (JUpload) : the easiest upload !

Started by etienne_sf, April 28, 2007, 10:41:28 AM

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About to test will let you know what happens

Testing and works when you set the JUpload as your session handler for uploading only. You may want to decrease the session time it looks like it keeps it alive for a day. Any who VERY impressed with your work. I will have the users test it now and see how it goes.


How can I remove the "Add files to the selected album", "Create Album" and "Update Album" buttons and the 'Album Name' and 'Album Description' fields out of the upload form? I simply want users to select existing categories + albums and upload to those. How can I do this?


Quote from: mrsleep99 on January 27, 2008, 04:16:36 AM
How can I remove the "Add files to the selected album", "Create Album" and "Update Album" buttons and the 'Album Name' and 'Album Description' fields out of the upload form? I simply want users to select existing categories + albums and upload to those. How can I do this?

There is no configuration parameter. You'll have to remove them from the plugins/jupload/page/upload_page.php script.



Thanks for the fast reply Etienne but what specifically should I remove?


Quote from: mrsleep99 on January 27, 2008, 09:33:00 PM
Thanks for the fast reply Etienne but what specifically should I remove?

You'll have to dig into PHP code ...  Which is just bad !
(and I would have to, now, to answer your question...)

  I really prefer Java programming ...  this not a troll, but this for sure out of topic !

Seems to be a good idea. I'll add a configuration parameter for that, in final 3.0.0.
  By the way, the "Add files to the selected album" just position the page on the applet. I'll keep it. Otherwise, the 'upload' button is not visible, which may make some user miss it.



I just installed the latest CR version and I'm still unable to use this plugin brigded with Joomla  :(


Quote from: PerformanceImagery on January 28, 2008, 06:52:33 PM
I just installed the latest CR version and I'm still unable to use this plugin brigded with Joomla  :(

Did you go to the configuration page, and change the value for sessionManagement ?




I tested the latest build rc3 and i get the following error:

Alert pop-up message: wjhk.upload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSucess(): The string "^SUCCESS$" was not found in the respone body

Logfile generated from error:

18:31:34.203 [INFO] Debug level set to 0
18:31:34.203 [INFO] Current debug output file: C:\DOCUME~1\JONNYE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\jupload_13944_log.txt
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] setLang - language read (no country): us
18:31:34.203 [WARN] Invalid int value: true, using default value: 0
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] cookie: e0d95d9701a71303eece217fec6abf99=e03713aa38afd8dfe1ccbbe08f7839fc; cpg143_data=YTo2OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJmMjJlZTU3YTI0ZDE2ZWNmMTcxMjcwYWUzZjNhMzE4MyI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjM6ImxpdiI7YTo1OntpOjA7czo2OiI0MDA5MTUiO2k6MTtzOjY6IjE3MDU4OCI7aToyO3M6NjoiNDAxNTQxIjtpOjM7czo2OiI0MDE1NTMiO2k6NDtzOjY6IjQwMTU2NyI7fXM6MzoibGFwIjtpOjY7czo2OiJzZWFyY2giO2E6ODp7czo2OiJzZWFyY2giO3M6MTY6IkpBTEJBMDYwOTA0XzAyNnYiO3M6NToiYWxidW0iO3M6Njoic2VhcmNoIjtzOjU6InRpdGxlIjtzOjI6Im9uIjtzOjEwOiJuZXdlcl90aGFuIjtzOjA6IiI7czo3OiJjYXB0aW9uIjtzOjI6Im9uIjtzOjEwOiJvbGRlcl90aGFuIjtzOjA6IiI7czo4OiJmaWxlbmFtZSI7czoyOiJvbiI7czo2OiJwYXJhbXMiO2E6Mzp7czo1OiJ0aXRsZSI7czoyOiJvbiI7czo3OiJjYXB0aW9uIjtzOjI6Im9uIjtzOjg6ImZpbGVuYW1lIjtzOjI6Im9uIjt9fX0%3D; PHPSESSID=7kjugskig5nnmn7v9i7t329kf4
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] uploadPolicy parameter = CoppermineUploadPolicy
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] uploadPolicy = wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by PictureUploadPolicy
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] fileChooserImagePreview: true
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] highQualityPreview : false
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] pictureCompressionQuality : 0.8
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] pictureTransmitMetadata : true
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] maxPicWidth : 7000, maxPicHeight : 7000
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] realMaxPicWidth : 7000, realMaxPicHeight : 7000
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] storeBufferedImage : false
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] targetPictureFormat : null
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG]
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by CoppermineUploadPolicy
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG] albumId : 0
18:31:34.203 [DEBUG]
18:31:34.250 [DEBUG] Within componentResized
18:31:34.250 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:31:34.250 [DEBUG] [CoppermineUploadPolicy] Call off setProperty: albumId =>
18:31:34.250 [WARN] Invalid int value: , using default value: 0
18:31:34.265 [DEBUG] Post URL (modified in CoppermineUploadPolicy) = http://myserver/index.php?file=jupload/jupload&action=upload_picture&album=0
18:31:34.265 [INFO] JUpload plugin for coppermine version 3.0.0rc3
18:31:34.296 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:31:35.156 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:31:38.890 [DEBUG] [CoppermineUploadPolicy] Call off setProperty: albumId => 34
18:31:38.890 [DEBUG] Post URL (modified in CoppermineUploadPolicy) = http://myserver/index.php?file=jupload/jupload&action=upload_picture&album=34
18:31:45.265 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:31:50.890 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:31:52.906 [DEBUG] Creation of the DefaultFileData for E:\testärå.jpg(root: null)
18:31:52.906 [DEBUG] Mime types list loaded Ok (/conf/mimetypes.properties)
18:31:52.968 [DEBUG] isPicture=true (testärå.jpg), extension=jpg
18:31:54.109 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:31:55.343 [DEBUG] File selected: testärå.jpg
18:31:55.343 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.calculateOffscreenImage(): trying to calculate offscreenImage (PicturePanel.calculateOffscreenImage()
18:31:55.375 [DEBUG] freeMemory (after start of getBufferedImage) : 2750248
18:31:55.375 [DEBUG] [getWorkingSourceFile] Creating a copy of testärå.jpg as a source working target.
18:31:55.375 [DEBUG] Using working copy temp file C:\DOCUME~1\JONNYE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\jupload_13945.tmp.jpg for testärå.jpg
18:31:55.375 [DEBUG] File read: C:\DOCUME~1\JONNYE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\jupload_13945.tmp.jpg
18:31:55.468 [DEBUG] Resizing factor (scale): 0.16847826086956522
18:31:55.468 [DEBUG] Resizing picture(using standard quality picture)
18:31:55.468 [DEBUG] bufferedImage.getColorModel(): ColorModel: #pixelBits = 24 numComponents = 3 color space = java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace@c7833c transparency = 1 has alpha = false isAlphaPre = false
18:31:55.468 [DEBUG] localBufferedImage.getColorModel(): ColorModel: #pixelBits = 24 numComponents = 3 color space = java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace@c7833c transparency = 1 has alpha = false isAlphaPre = false
18:31:55.515 [DEBUG] freeMemory (after end of wjhk.jupload2.filedata.PictureFileData.getImage()) : 3219928
18:31:59.687 [DEBUG] Action : Upload
18:31:59.703 [DEBUG] Upload done by using the wjhk.jupload2.upload.FileUploadThreadHTTP class
18:31:59.703 [DEBUG] Timer started
18:31:59.765 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:31:59.812 [DEBUG] freeMemory (after hasToTransformPicture) : 5841696
18:31:59.812 [DEBUG] testärå.jpg : hasToTransformPicture = false
18:31:59.843 [DEBUG] chunkHttpParam: jupart=1&jufinal=0
18:31:59.843 [DEBUG] Cookie: e0d95d9701a71303eece217fec6abf99=e03713aa38afd8dfe1ccbbe08f7839fc; cpg143_data=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%3D; PHPSESSID=7kjugskig5nnmn7v9i7t329kf4
18:31:59.843 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
18:31:59.859 [DEBUG] Using non SSL socket, direct connection
18:31:59.984 [DEBUG] in UploadFileData.uploadFile (amount:30000, getUploadLength(): 181099)
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] -------- Response Headers Start --------
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:32:34 GMT
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] Server: Apache
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] Pragma: no-cache
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] Content-Length: 128
18:32:00.031 [DEBUG] Connection: close
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG]
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG] --------- Response Headers End ---------
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG] HTTP status: 200 OK
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG] chunkHttpParam: jupart=2&jufinal=0
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG] Cookie: e0d95d9701a71303eece217fec6abf99=e03713aa38afd8dfe1ccbbe08f7839fc; cpg143_data=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%3D; PHPSESSID=7kjugskig5nnmn7v9i7t329kf4
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG] Using non SSL socket, direct connection
18:32:00.046 [DEBUG] in UploadFileData.uploadFile (amount:30000, getUploadLength(): 181099)
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] -------- Response Headers Start --------
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:32:34 GMT
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Server: Apache
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Pragma: no-cache
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Content-Length: 128
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Connection: close
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG]
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] --------- Response Headers End ---------
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] HTTP status: 200 OK
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] chunkHttpParam: jupart=3&jufinal=0
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Cookie: e0d95d9701a71303eece217fec6abf99=e03713aa38afd8dfe1ccbbe08f7839fc; cpg143_data=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%3D; PHPSESSID=7kjugskig5nnmn7v9i7t329kf4
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] Using non SSL socket, direct connection
18:32:00.093 [DEBUG] in UploadFileData.uploadFile (amount:30000, getUploadLength(): 181099)
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] -------- Response Headers Start --------
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:32:34 GMT
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Server: Apache
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Pragma: no-cache
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Content-Length: 128
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Connection: close
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG]
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] --------- Response Headers End ---------
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] HTTP status: 200 OK
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] chunkHttpParam: jupart=4&jufinal=0
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Cookie: e0d95d9701a71303eece217fec6abf99=e03713aa38afd8dfe1ccbbe08f7839fc; cpg143_data=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%3D; PHPSESSID=7kjugskig5nnmn7v9i7t329kf4
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] Using non SSL socket, direct connection
18:32:00.125 [DEBUG] in UploadFileData.uploadFile (amount:30000, getUploadLength(): 181099)
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] -------- Response Headers Start --------
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:32:34 GMT
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] Server: Apache
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] Pragma: no-cache
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] Content-Length: 128
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] Connection: close
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG]
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] --------- Response Headers End ---------
18:32:00.187 [DEBUG] HTTP status: 200 OK
18:32:00.203 [DEBUG] chunkHttpParam: jupart=5&jufinal=0
18:32:00.203 [DEBUG] Cookie: e0d95d9701a71303eece217fec6abf99=e03713aa38afd8dfe1ccbbe08f7839fc; cpg143_data=YTo2OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJmMjJlZTU3YTI0ZDE2ZWNmMTcxMjcwYWUzZjNhMzE4MyI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjM6ImxpdiI7YTo1OntpOjA7czo2OiI0MDA5MTUiO2k6MTtzOjY6IjE3MDU4OCI7aToyO3M6NjoiNDAxNTQxIjtpOjM7czo2OiI0MDE1NTMiO2k6NDtzOjY6IjQwMTU2NyI7fXM6MzoibGFwIjtpOjY7czo2OiJzZWFyY2giO2E6ODp7czo2OiJzZWFyY2giO3M6MTY6IkpBTEJBMDYwOTA0XzAyNnYiO3M6NToiYWxidW0iO3M6Njoic2VhcmNoIjtzOjU6InRpdGxlIjtzOjI6Im9uIjtzOjEwOiJuZXdlcl90aGFuIjtzOjA6IiI7czo3OiJjYXB0aW9uIjtzOjI6Im9uIjtzOjEwOiJvbGRlcl90aGFuIjtzOjA6IiI7czo4OiJmaWxlbmFtZSI7czoyOiJvbiI7czo2OiJwYXJhbXMiO2E6Mzp7czo1OiJ0aXRsZSI7czoyOiJvbiI7czo3OiJjYXB0aW9uIjtzOjI6Im9uIjtzOjg6ImZpbGVuYW1lIjtzOjI6Im9uIjt9fX0%3D; PHPSESSID=7kjugskig5nnmn7v9i7t329kf4
18:32:00.203 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
18:32:00.203 [DEBUG] Using non SSL socket, direct connection
18:32:00.203 [DEBUG] in UploadFileData.uploadFile (amount:30000, getUploadLength(): 181099)
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] -------- Response Headers Start --------
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:32:34 GMT
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Server: Apache
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Pragma: no-cache
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Content-Length: 128
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Connection: close
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG]
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] --------- Response Headers End ---------
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] HTTP status: 200 OK
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] chunkHttpParam: jupart=6&jufinal=1
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Cookie: e0d95d9701a71303eece217fec6abf99=e03713aa38afd8dfe1ccbbe08f7839fc; cpg143_data=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%3D; PHPSESSID=7kjugskig5nnmn7v9i7t329kf4
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] Using non SSL socket, direct connection
18:32:00.234 [DEBUG] in UploadFileData.uploadFile (amount:31099, getUploadLength(): 181099)
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] -------- Response Headers Start --------
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:32:34 GMT
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] Server: Apache
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] Pragma: no-cache
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] Content-Length: 251
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] Connection: close
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG]
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] --------- Response Headers End ---------
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] HTTP status: 200 OK
18:32:00.265 [INFO] Debug level set to 1
18:32:00.265 [INFO] Current debug output file: C:\DOCUME~1\JONNYE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\jupload_13944_log.txt
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by PictureUploadPolicy
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] fileChooserImagePreview: true
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] highQualityPreview : false
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] pictureCompressionQuality : 0.8
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] pictureTransmitMetadata : true
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] maxPicWidth : 7000, maxPicHeight : 7000
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] realMaxPicWidth : 7000, realMaxPicHeight : 7000
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] storeBufferedImage : false
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] targetPictureFormat : null
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG]
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] ======= Parameters managed by CoppermineUploadPolicy
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG] albumId : 34
18:32:00.265 [DEBUG]
18:32:04.875 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "^SUCCESS$" was not found in the response body (wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "^SUCCESS$" was not found in the response body)
18:32:04.875 wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "^SUCCESS$" was not found in the response body

18:32:04.875 at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:612)

18:32:04.875 at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:735)

18:32:04.875 at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:477)

18:32:04.875 [DEBUG] FileUploadThread: within run().finally
18:32:04.906 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:32:09.328 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null
18:32:09.437 [DEBUG] JUploadPanel: after !fileUploadThread.isAlive()
18:32:09.437 [WARN] CoppermineUploadPolicy.afterUpload: No file were uploaded! (0)
18:32:11.906 [DEBUG] PicturePanel.paint(): offscreenImage is null

I installed just as i installed the previous version i used (build 2.6.3)

Any clue whats wrong?

EDIT: Saw that this was related to Bridging, but my gallery has no bridge, its unclear in the config page which value i need to enter if im unbridged but id think the value should be nothing?


I tested 2.6.4 also, this will be hard to explain. I don't know how this happens but ill try to explain.

What i wanted was jupload to automaticly rename any foreign characters like "å ä ö" in filenames to "_" which it does on your demo page. With my current setup all foreign characters "å ä ö" are renamed to " ? ? ? " and my gallery cannot find the correct path with "?" in the filename, so i tested the following:

When testing the RC3.0 i get the error as in my post above. http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=43432.msg241161#msg241161

However just after installing RC3.0 i uninstall it, and then i install 2.6.4. Then i get the following message from PHP:
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'plugins/jupload/include/session.inc.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in D:\myserver\plugins\jupload\include\jupload.inc.php on line 36

now i restart apache (to clear whatever cache is still keeping sessions.inc.php running) and try upload a file containing foreign characters "å ä ö" and they are SUCCESSFULLY renamed to "___" and can be read by my gallery.


If i restart my apache server now and try upload again without doing any changes to jupload or my configuration, all foreign characters "å ä ö" will be renamed to "? ? ? " which my gallery cannot read.

So basicly what i have to do to get the result i want:

Install RC3.0
Uninstall RC3.0
Install 2.6.4
Get error from PHP :
(Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'plugins/jupload/include/session.inc.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in D:\myserver\plugins\jupload\include\jupload.inc.php on line 36)
Reboot apache:

And voila.

If it became unclear by the logs im running 2k3 servers (windows) i'm unsure this is the reason for the error?

Any help is appreciated, thank you.


Hi Etienne,

I think this applet may solve the confusion many users find with the CPG upload who are more familiar with the upload in Flickr  and other commercial sites.

I created a useralbum in your site, but it did not show the JUpload form, so I cannot do a dry run.  I generally have problems using browser based upload of images, so I use FTP mostly, and then use the mass edit for a set of images to include the text. It is cumbersome using the default mass "EDIT Files" of CPG because the following information are usually the same:

Location where photo was taken
Photographer's Name and Address
Key words
including similarities in the image caption, itself. Even a generic common "Title" for all the pics would be better than no Title at all -- a specific title for each image may be placed later.

Reading through what the first step seems to be in the JUpload (as I cannot test the JUpload process from your demo site), I assume it is possible to "fill" or provide the same information for a "number of related images"? Or, even to mass edit the same set of photos in the future, in case there was a mistake, or more common information or text need to be added?

Final touches, for each image may then be done for each image, once the upload is completed.  I would prefer still to upload via FTP, although for contributors, your applet may be best.

Thus, is there a feature in the JUpload so that I can enter -- during the mass Edit process -- the common information above (in one step) for related images? Obviously, during the mass Edit, you do not want to override specific information for each image already included, so that, if possible, there must be an "option" to specify to change during the mass Edit.

I hope the above features be integrated in the CPG upload  process. This is standard in Flickr, and people are used to that.



Quote from: dke on January 29, 2008, 06:37:12 PM

I tested the latest build rc3 and i get the following error:

Alert pop-up message: wjhk.upload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSucess(): The string "^SUCCESS$" was not found in the respone body

Logfile generated from error:

I installed just as i installed the previous version i used (build 2.6.3)

Any clue whats wrong?

Seems like chunk upload with filename containing accents doesn't work, or chunk upload is now broken. If my reading from your log is correct, your file needs 6 parts (chunks) to upload, and is named 'testärå.jpg'. Correct ?

Can you try to rename it to test.jpg, and upload it the same way ?
I'll test this on my own, tomorrow.

Quote from: dke on January 29, 2008, 06:37:12 PM
EDIT: Saw that this was related to Bridging, but my gallery has no bridge, its unclear in the config page which value i need to enter if im unbridged but id think the value should be nothing?

No, no link: there may be, in some cases, the same issue in bridge mode. This message just says something unexpectd happened.



Quote from: dke on January 30, 2008, 12:55:11 AM
I tested 2.6.4 also, this will be hard to explain. I don't know how this happens but ill try to explain.

What i wanted was jupload to automaticly rename any foreign characters like "å ä ö" in filenames to "_" which it does on your demo page. With my current setup all foreign characters "å ä ö" are renamed to " ? ? ? " and my gallery cannot find the correct path with "?" in the filename, so i tested the following:

When testing the RC3.0 i get the error as in my post above. http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=43432.msg241161#msg241161

However just after installing RC3.0 i uninstall it, and then i install 2.6.4. Then i get the following message from PHP:
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'plugins/jupload/include/session.inc.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in D:\myserver\plugins\jupload\include\jupload.inc.php on line 36

now i restart apache (to clear whatever cache is still keeping sessions.inc.php running) and try upload a file containing foreign characters "å ä ö" and they are SUCCESSFULLY renamed to "___" and can be read by my gallery.


If i restart my apache server now and try upload again without doing any changes to jupload or my configuration, all foreign characters "å ä ö" will be renamed to "? ? ? " which my gallery cannot read.

So basicly what i have to do to get the result i want:

Install RC3.0
Uninstall RC3.0
Install 2.6.4
Get error from PHP :
(Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'plugins/jupload/include/session.inc.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in D:\myserver\plugins\jupload\include\jupload.inc.php on line 36)
Reboot apache:

And voila.

If it became unclear by the logs im running 2k3 servers (windows) i'm unsure this is the reason for the error?

Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Thanks for the tests: it's a fight !

By the way, take care to close your browser each time you update the plugin: it's the only way I know to make Java load the applet you've updated on your web site. This may explain your 'twist'.

Partially, though, as your PHP error is really strange. session.inc.php is a new include file coming from the 3.0.0rc3. So it can not exist at any place in the 2.6.4 release. Looks like the uninstall/reinstall didn't really replace all 3.0.0rc3 files by 2.6.4, or you didn't wait enough for the server to take your files into account (hum, hum, should be immediate).



Quote from: cgc0202 on January 30, 2008, 02:46:29 PM
Hi Etienne,

I think this applet may solve the confusion many users find with the CPG upload who are more familiar with the upload in Flickr  and other commercial sites.

I created a useralbum in your site, but it did not show the JUpload form, so I cannot do a dry run. 


I don't understand your point: I can see a cgc0202 album in the album list. I guess it's yours ?

Quote from: cgc0202 on January 30, 2008, 02:46:29 PM
I generally have problems using browser based upload of images, so I use FTP mostly, and then use the mass edit for a set of images to include the text. It is cumbersome using the default mass "EDIT Files" of CPG because the following information are usually the same:

Location where photo was taken
Photographer's Name and Address
Key words
including similarities in the image caption, itself. Even a generic common "Title" for all the pics would be better than no Title at all -- a specific title for each image may be placed later.

Reading through what the first step seems to be in the JUpload (as I cannot test the JUpload process from your demo site), I assume it is possible to "fill" or provide the same information for a "number of related images"? Or, even to mass edit the same set of photos in the future, in case there was a mistake, or more common information or text need to be added?

Final touches, for each image may then be done for each image, once the upload is completed.  I would prefer still to upload via FTP, although for contributors, your applet may be best.

Thus, is there a feature in the JUpload so that I can enter -- during the mass Edit process -- the common information above (in one step) for related images? Obviously, during the mass Edit, you do not want to override specific information for each image already included, so that, if possible, there must be an "option" to specify to change during the mass Edit.

I hope the above features be integrated in the CPG upload  process. This is standard in Flickr, and people are used to that.


There is a text, just above the upload applet, that explain :

Click on this link, and enter data in the fields below, if you want these to be applied to all pictures in the next upload.

  It should be what you're looking for. This place, before upload, is actually the only place where you can 'mass edit' in my plugin. For any other place, a distinct plugin would be better. It may exist...



Quote from: etienne_sf on January 30, 2008, 10:13:25 PM
Thanks for the tests: it's a fight !

By the way, take care to close your browser each time you update the plugin: it's the only way I know to make Java load the applet you've updated on your web site. This may explain your 'twist'.

Partially, though, as your PHP error is really strange. session.inc.php is a new include file coming from the 3.0.0rc3. So it can not exist at any place in the 2.6.4 release. Looks like the uninstall/reinstall didn't really replace all 3.0.0rc3 files by 2.6.4, or you didn't wait enough for the server to take your files into account (hum, hum, should be immediate).


Hi Etienne,

I did as you told me and restarted the browser, also tested with a file named "test.jpg" but stll the same message on RC3 version

10:40:39.156 [INFO] Debug level set to 0
10:40:39.187 [INFO] Current debug output file: C:\DOCUME~1\JONNYE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\jupload_1299_log.txt
10:40:39.187 [WARN] Invalid int value: true, using default value: 0
10:40:39.531 [WARN] Invalid int value: , using default value: 0
10:40:39.531 [INFO] JUpload plugin for coppermine version 3.0.0rc3
10:41:01.109 [INFO] Debug level set to 1
10:41:01.109 [INFO] Current debug output file: C:\DOCUME~1\JONNYE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\jupload_1299_log.txt
10:41:04.468 [ERROR] wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "^SUCCESS$" was not found in the response body (wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "^SUCCESS$" was not found in the response body)
10:41:04.484 wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed: wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(): The string "^SUCCESS$" was not found in the response body
10:41:04.484 at wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.checkUploadSuccess(DefaultUploadPolicy.java:612)
10:41:04.484 at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.doUpload(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:735)
10:41:04.484 at wjhk.jupload2.upload.DefaultFileUploadThread.run(DefaultFileUploadThread.java:477)
10:41:05.437 [WARN] CoppermineUploadPolicy.afterUpload: No file were uploaded! (0)

Thanks again for all your hard work!


Quote from: dke on January 31, 2008, 10:40:45 AM
Hi Etienne,

I did as you told me and restarted the browser, also tested with a file named "test.jpg" but stll the same message on RC3 version

Can you put debug on, and do the upload again. With this output, I can not check anything.

FYI: Chunk upload works Ok on my tests platform. With or without accents in the filename.




  Here is the announce for the 3.0.0 Release Candidate 4 version.

This version is available as a Release Candidate. Due to the picture quality correction, all people using 2.6.5 to 3.0.0rc3 version are encouraged to swith to this version.
The release is available here :

The only reason why this is not the official 3.0.0 release is the problems reported by dke. I can't repeat them. So two possibilities:
1) (My preferred one) It's now solved, or it was an installation issue, as he had problems there.
2) It's a bug on his configuration.

Release notes for 3.0.0rc4:

  * [Major] Corrected a regression introduced in 2.6.4 release: uploaded pictures, resized by the applet, had a bad quality (basic resizing, instead of smooth resizing)
  * [Minor] Add a configuration parameter, to control whether the user can see title and desc field, or not. See the new configuration parameter: albumShowEditFields, on the JUpload plugin configuration page.
  * [Minor] metadata management changed:
    * Setting it to false now always remove metadata from picture, before upload.
    * Default value changed to false.
    * There is still a problem, when transmitting metadata, with some metadata configuration. Letting false to this parameter prevent the uploaded picture to changed to 'strange' colors.

  * [Major] Accents in filename are now correctly managed. UTF-8 filenames are now re-encoded, so that UTF-8 bytes can be filtered by replace_forbidden Coppermine core function.
  * [Major] 3.0.0rc1 to 3.0.0rc3 was not compatible with PHP older than 4.0.6, because of a debug output! 

- [Swedish] Add of the Swedish translation, thanks to Erik Lindahl (erik@fisensmosse.se)
- [Minor] The applet is now displayed in Hebrew, not in the default language.
- British english now displays english, instead of the language corresponding to the local computer (default language).



Hi Etienne_sf,

Im sorry for the deelay, i had to take some time to update my gallery to 1.4.16. I just tested your new release with my recent updates of my gallery and i finally get pictures to successfully upload with the new version. However filenames containing strange characters like " å ä ö " will still not be viewable by my gallery.

Accents in filename are now correctly managed. UTF-8 filenames are now re-encoded, so that UTF-8 bytes can be filtered by replace_forbidden Coppermine core function.

This is not working for me, the replace_forbidden cp core function uses "_" to replace forbidden characters, when i forbid "å ä ö" and upload with the latest jupload build the å ä ö characters are replaced with "?" and the gallery cannot read the path :(

However if i upload using the default upload tool "upload.php" forbidden characters are successfully replaced with "_" and read by the gallery.

Im not sure why this happens only on my gallery, i have reinstalled everything using the latest 1.4.16 build. I do have some custom code but nothing that should interfer with the jupload process.

Thanks again for the time you take to make this plugin so great!


I've got JUpload v3.0.2b3

but see on your site (http://etienne.lesgauthier.fr/wiki/doku.php?id=jupload_coppermine_download_gb) that the latest version is 3.0.0rc4.

Which version would you recommend?



Quote from: Gephri on February 06, 2008, 08:22:37 PM
I've got JUpload v3.0.2b3

but see on your site (http://etienne.lesgauthier.fr/wiki/doku.php?id=jupload_coppermine_download_gb) that the latest version is 3.0.0rc4.

Which version would you recommend?


The latests one, just released today is the best one: 3.0.0rc4.

  From dke info, he gave have just after, I could have released the 3.0.0, instead of the 3.0.0rc4 . I'm just add a control on the configuration page.
  I attach 3.0.0rc4 to this thread, as uploaded pictures are of better quality than 2.6.4, and previous 3.0.0 (which contains a regression).

