Image Scroller - based on iTunes Image Scroller - based on iTunes


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Image Scroller - based on iTunes

Started by rphMedia, May 25, 2007, 03:28:54 PM

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Been doin' the mess-around again. I'm not totally finished with this yet (you know how I like to tease first anyway). If you're familiar with iTunes, you'll recognize this (I think). I don't take credit for the interface, but I do for the CPG database/XML integration:

Here it is active in my test Gallery via anycontent: iTunes Sample

Give me some time to work out the details.


Awesome !

Can't wait for the initial release!


We need a huge clapping emoticon here
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Hein Traag

It does look very slick rph. Nice job!


wow,  Very nicely done.  I too am looking forward to the release.  Cant wait to use it on my website.  Great job...


Pascal YAP


I said in an other topic : ABSOLUTLY PERFECT !  ;D
Many thank's about your work with FLASH and Coppermine  ;)



Thanks guys, I have not forgotten about this, just been real busy with life issues. I'll be back soon :)


OK, I've attached the files. Instructions are pretty straight forward, but this mod is not recommended for the novice because of the edits required. If there are questions, I'll answer when I can.

I provided a sample html file to test with - where ever you see, this is the absolute path to your gallery. If you want to add it to anycontent (advanced users), you'll have to modify your theme's template.html - again, not for the novice.
Edit flow.php with yoursite information and the number of images you want extracted.

Place 'flow.php' in your Gallery root.
Place 'flow.swf' AND 'AC_RunActiveContent.js' where you want to run the application. It's that simple.

This will run anywhere on your site (domain), doesn't have to be in the gallery only. Flash has a security feature built in to not allow cross-domain executions. There is a fix for this if desired and your server(s) support(s) it. This means that you could have the mod at site A and extract the images from your gallery at site B. Obviously, you'll need control of both (all) domains.

You can change the background color to whatever you want - everything is currently black (#000000). I made the images 120x120 (no scale). I think the app looks better when all the images are the same size.

That's it, have fun with it.

Pascal YAP

i Ron,

Your work turn perfectly at the first time. PERFECT...
(expl here)



Can someone move this to the Mods/Visuals board?  Thanks,

Hein Traag

Done. Good work on this rphmedia  ;)


Wow!  I had this up on my site in about 10min.  Looks great!

I did have a question though on how to change the scaling of the images.  On mine, they look kind of blocky.


Quote from: jacob0719 on June 20, 2007, 10:10:31 PM
Wow!  I had this up on my site in about 10min.  Looks great!

I did have a question though on how to change the scaling of the images.  On mine, they look kind of blocky.
Actually, not the application's fault, you resized it which will always distort the images a bit more. What actual size are your thumbnails?


That's superb !!! Does it ignore protected albums or does it shows everything. It would be nice, that it only shows pictures that are not in a protected album.


Quote from: testomat on June 21, 2007, 07:45:55 PM
That's superb !!! Does it ignore protected albums or does it shows everything. It would be nice, that it only shows pictures that are not in a protected album.
It won't show private thumbnails.


I actually went thru an updated all of my thumbnails to be a bit larger thinking that was the issue.  They are all now set at 200px.  Does the swf have the ability to adjust itself to the size of the thumb?  Should I make my thumbs smaller to compensate?


Quote from: jacob0719 on June 22, 2007, 02:22:41 PM
I actually went thru an updated all of my thumbnails to be a bit larger thinking that was the issue.  They are all now set at 200px.  Does the swf have the ability to adjust itself to the size of the thumb?  Should I make my thumbs smaller to compensate?
I don't really understand your questions at all. The swf doesn't adjust itself, you did, when you manually changed the dimensions. I mentioned in the download post that the image size in the swf containers is 120x120px. Even if you change your thumbs to that dimension, you may still notice skew because you resized the entire app.

I checked your current configuration and I think it looks pretty good.


Is there a way to change the 120x120 size ?


Hello rphMedia,

sometimes it works and sometimes not. I don't know on what it depends. It doesn't show the pictures.
You have an idea ? You can see it at my site
I put the following code in my template.html

<body onload="initLightbox()">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/e107/lightbox/css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="themes/e107/lightbox/js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="themes/e107/lightbox/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="themes/e107/lightbox/js/lightbox.js"></script>

<script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script>
<script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript">
   if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
      alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js. In Flash, run \"Apply Active Content Update\" in the Commands menu to copy AC_RunActiveContent.js to the HTML output folder.");
   } else {
         'codebase', ',0,0,0',
         'width', '730',
         'height', '300',
         'src', 'flow',
         'FlashVars', 'xmlPath=';, <!--Absolute path to 'flow.php'-->
         'quality', 'high',
         'pluginspage', '',
         'align', 'middle',
         'play', 'true',
         'loop', 'true',
         'scale', 'showall',
         'wmode', 'window',
         'devicefont', 'false',
         'id', 'flow',
         'bgcolor', '#000000',
         'name', 'flow',
         'menu', 'true',
         'movie', 'flow',
         'salign', ''
         ); //end AC code


Try it with the www -

The link you provided doesn't include it. You need to be consistent throughout the code.