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Started by crdm, July 10, 2007, 07:44:58 PM

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I have recently installed cpg1412, I had v148 previously installed. However after backing up the albulms directory and the files /include/ and anycontent.php, my previous gelleries and phots are no longer visable.

I used the same database for both

I have had to re-install as my isp had removed my previous version due to in being hacked and spaming

Any ideas on what to do next to resolve this problem

gallery can be loacted here



I think correct URL is:
You should put your old db info to include/ , mostly your old db prefix
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I have this already done this.

I used an older verion of the


Here is what the config file lists (I have xxx out the user id and password)

// Coppermine configuration file

// MySQL configuration
$CONFIG['dbserver'] =                         'localhost';        // Your database server
$CONFIG['dbuser'] =                         'xxxxxxxxxxxx';        // Your mysql username
$CONFIG['dbpass'] =                         'xxxxxxxxxxxx';                // Your mysql password
$CONFIG['dbname'] =                         'lyntovak_gallery';        // Your mysql database name

$CONFIG['TABLE_PREFIX'] =                'cpg1412_';

The only difference between this cofig file and the previous on eis the Table_Prefix


Check your DB , if you have your old tables then put their prefix on instead of cpg1412_
- if you don't have your old tables on db you should restore them from backup
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Actually both versions are present in the db

Joachim Müller

Quote from: crdm on July 10, 2007, 07:44:58 PM
I have recently installed cpg1412, I had v148 previously installed.
Did you actually perform a fresh install or an upgrade?



I have removed the reference to 1412 from the config file and added in 148, now the gallery loads, however no thumbnails or any other previously saved images are loading.


Sorry none of the images are loading now, at least the gallery setup is the same as the last version of coppermine.



Here is the gallery as it is now, at least after changing the table version in the config it has laoded the previous galleries, however none of the images are now loading

I actually created a new install as the ISP removed certain directories from the previous install of coppermine as it was spamming at an alarming rate.

I installed coppermine in a totally different directory and copied across the albums directory and the config file.


I can't find your old folders under Albums/userpics (i.e. 10001) check if they are really there
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Joachim Müller

This thread looks insanely complicated to me for no apparent reason. Please answer my question:
Quote from: GauGau on July 11, 2007, 09:59:24 AMDid you actually perform a fresh install or an upgrade?


Quote from: crdm on July 11, 2007, 10:53:56 AM
I actually created a new install as the ISP removed certain directories from the previous install of coppermine as it was spamming at an alarming rate.

I installed coppermine in a totally different directory and copied across the albums directory and the config file.
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Thanks to everyone who has assisted to date.

Im runninginto one finalproblem now on the gallery, the thumbnails are not displaying.

The intermediate and large photos are all now restored to the 10001 directory

Any ideas

Again thanks for the ongoing support.


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board



After the isp restore, there were no thumb_xxxxx files in the 10001 directory.

Is there a way to re-create these by bulk? or do I have to upload all files individually now, to re-create the thumbnail?



‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board



‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board



Just one final error after completing the rebuild, Im getting htis error on abut 40% of the images, even though the full image and normal image are loacted once you clickon the incomplete thumbnail

ERROR creating : albums/userpics/10001/thumb_HPIM1677.JPG