Bridging between SMF 1.1.3 and cpg1.4 - login issue Bridging between SMF 1.1.3 and cpg1.4 - login issue


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Bridging between SMF 1.1.3 and cpg1.4 - login issue

Started by akc42, September 19, 2007, 03:53:32 PM

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I have only just set coppermine up, but I have just joined it to an existing SMF forum, by using the bridge tool.  I have changed no code.

I am not sure exactly what is happening, but if I have closed my browser, but remain logged on to the forum, then when I go to coppermine I am not logged in.  Selecting login takes me to the SMF login page (where I am shown as logged in given the page header, but of course the login page is there to login).  If I try and log in I get into the forum.  When I then go to coppermine I am still not logged in.

What I actually have to to do at this point is logout from the forum, then log in again and then when I go to coppermine.  At that point I am logged in.

Seems like there is a bug here somewhere.

Second - more minor (textual) issue - the text about selecting whether to use the membergroups based on the number of posts, or some basic facilities is confusing.  What I was trying to achieve is to only have groups which are the basic forum groups, but not the ones based on the number of posts.  So I selected no at this point and got very basic facilities.  You can't achieve what I want with the bridge tool.


Please follow the one issue per thread rule. For bridging support do as suggested in You should set post based groups to yes, which I agree is confusing.


Quote from: akc42 on September 19, 2007, 03:53:32 PM
I have only just set coppermine up, but I have just joined it to an existing SMF forum, by using the bridge tool.  I have changed no code.

I am not sure exactly what is happening, but if I have closed my browser, but remain logged on to the forum, then when I go to coppermine I am not logged in.  Selecting login takes me to the SMF login page (where I am shown as logged in given the page header, but of course the login page is there to login).  If I try and log in I get into the forum.  When I then go to coppermine I am still not logged in.

What I actually have to to do at this point is logout from the forum, then log in again and then when I go to coppermine.  At that point I am logged in.

Seems like there is a bug here somewhere.

Second - more minor (textual) issue - the text about selecting whether to use the membergroups based on the number of posts, or some basic facilities is confusing.  What I was trying to achieve is to only have groups which are the basic forum groups, but not the ones based on the number of posts.  So I selected no at this point and got very basic facilities.  You can't achieve what I want with the bridge tool.

Opps - can't modify own post and I missed out

Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.12
Forum version: SMF 1.1.3
Test user account: alan-test / tester
BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:  ttp://
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../forum/
Use post-based groups?:  1


Disable local storage of cookies in SMF. Coppermine can't read them if they are local.


Hey... I'm having the same issue:

Cookies are set to not be local,
Cookie name is SMF614,
Forum is stored in top directory, gallery at /gallery.

Any ideas?

Joachim Müller

Quote from: CoperHead on September 20, 2007, 02:44:57 AM
Any ideas?
Yes: don't try to hijack someone else's thread. Particularly not if that thread is marked as "solved". There is a sticky thread on this board named "When requesting bridge support - mandatory!" that exists for very valid reasons. In fact, it says the same thing as the section "Bridging support" of the docs that come with coppermine.
Locking this thread. Start a thread of your own, doing exactly as suggested in the sticky thread and the corresponding section of the docs.