Image Scroller - based on iTunes [link to Intermediate] - Page 2 Image Scroller - based on iTunes [link to Intermediate] - Page 2


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Image Scroller - based on iTunes [link to Intermediate]

Started by rphMedia, December 05, 2007, 02:17:20 PM

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Quote from: KB on December 31, 2007, 09:29:26 PMI saw a "no-resize" version of the swf on the previous (not-clickable) version... hoping to see one in this version!

Try the attached.


It works like a charm.  Thanks so much!
I really appreciate you spend the time on my request!
- Jake


As I look closely at the modified .swf, my images are a little pixilated.
Looking at my Coppermine gallery config, the max dimension of a thumbnail is set to 100px. 
Would this be my issue?


Try making the (Flash code) height @300 vice 400. Further play around with the dimensions until it looks OK to you.



I could not get it right. Here is what I did:

(1) Copied files AC_RunActiveContent.js, flow_link.php, flow_link.swf (noscale version) to cpg root, which is
(2) Copied these 2 line to template.php in /gallery/themes/GWFluid
<script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script>
<script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>

(3) Used cpg_db_query instead of mysql_query in flow_link.php, changed the number of photos to 5
(4) Copied the script to anycontent.php
if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) die('Not in Coppermine...');

starttable("100%", "Latest Images");

<tr><td class="tableb" >
<div align="center">
<script language="javascript">
if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
} else {
'codebase', ',0,0,0',
'width', '900',
'height', '400',
'src', 'flow_link',
                                        'FlashVars', 'xmlPath=', <!--Absolute path to 'flow.php'-->
'quality', 'high',
'pluginspage', '',
'align', 'middle',
'play', 'true',
'loop', 'true',
'scale', 'showall',
'wmode', 'transparent',
'devicefont', 'false',
'id', 'flow_link',
'bgcolor', '#000000',
'name', 'flow_link',
'menu', 'true',
'allowFullScreen', 'false',
'movie', 'flow_link',
'salign', ''
); //end AC code


Could not see the is blank. Tried removing www but still no change. What am I doing wrong?

Here is the link my gallery:

Jagannadha Ganti


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you didn't put 'flow_link.swf' in your gallery root.

Double-check that.


As I mentioned in Step-1, I copied .php, .swf, .js to the gallery root.
Does these have to be copied to the theme directory too?


I'd love to replace my image "slider" with your "image scroller", but the quality if the thumbnail images are noticeably less with your "image scroller".  You suggested resizing my .swf (see post above), but the image quality is still not even close. 
Would you happen to have any other suggestions to increase the quality of the thumbnails?
See my "image scroller":
And my image "slider"

Thanks again for your time!
- Jake



Here is the link my gallery:

For some reason, when clicking that link, you lose the www in the url (even though it's formatted in the post that way). Make sure that you don't have any redirects or htaccess issues.

Edit: and your server response time is extremely slow. Who's your host?


Quote from: jake on January 08, 2008, 07:13:28 PM
I'd love to replace my image "slider" with your "image scroller", but the quality if the thumbnail images are noticeably less with your "image scroller".  You suggested resizing my .swf (see post above), but the image quality is still not even close. 
Would you happen to have any other suggestions to increase the quality of the thumbnails?
See my "image scroller":
And my image "slider"

Thanks again for your time!
- Jake

Try 800x300 (vice 900x300). Try to keep the scale somewhat when you [change] the dimensions.

To better the image quality, you'll have to do that at your end. There's nothing I can do to the Flash file to better your image quality. When using the flow_link.swf at the original size, what you see for image quality is all you're going to get. You could batch increase the size of your thumbnails and maybe increase the quality setting a bit, but no imagery modification will make your images look any better, sorry.

There's also this mod I have (at the top of my test Gallery) -


Wow!  I really like that visual effect as well.  I'll have to tool around with it later tonight.  Is that effect on the mod board?
In the mean time, I've scaled down my .swf by 20% on both width and height (675, 300) . . . still the same problem.
My thumbnails are defaulted to a max of 100 px.  Is the container for the thumbnail images in the .swf larger than that?


The swf file is originally scaled to 900x400. Give me a couple days (may have to remind me) and I'll scale it down to your 675x300 and we'll see what that does for you.

And yes, I think the other mod subject line is Image "Scroller based on ??".


Hi all,
I tryed also to install this great scroller, but my page leaves blank  ???

I copied the 4 files included in the zip file to my gallery root, modified the path in the example file, but no scroller.

Here the link to the example file

I hope someon can tell me what I did wrong.

Thanks in advance. Regards, Francis


I'm also have a marked difference in image quality of the pictures between this and your previous stunning work.  I think I can guess why in one instance.

The top is your old "based on iTunes" in the no-scale, 175 version, cut down to 730 x 175.  I did resize all my thumbs to make them look good for this.

The bottom is your new "intermediate" in the no-resize flavor, at 900 x 400, which seems to take all the portrait orientated thumbs and turn them into squares, which causes bad pixelization.  The landscape oriented still don't look as sharp as the old flow.swf, but are better than the squares.  Downsizing to 730 x 325 didn't help.

Any way, keep up the outstanding work, this is a really cool mod.  I'd like to cast my vote for a shorter size when you get the time.

If you need to know, the gallery is at,
and the original flow.swf is on


QuoteFor some reason, when clicking that link, you lose the www in the url (even though it's formatted in the post that way). Make sure that you don't have any redirects or htaccess issues.

Edit: and your server response time is extremely slow. Who's your host?

There are no redirects. I tried removing www in the script but no change.

My site is hosted on
The site response was good last week. Not sure why it has slowed down. Anything I can check/do?



can't seem to figure how to link to a category, I'm sure it's simple - but "cid" doesn't work.

Any idea?


Quote from: rphMedia on January 09, 2008, 04:48:11 PM
Works for me.

Hmmm, thanks for checking, but I only get a blank (back) page with Win XP & FF/IE, MAC & Safari/FF. When I try to have a look on other sites mentioned here in the Forum it works fine for me.

What did I wrong?
