Optional Category layout possible? Optional Category layout possible?


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Optional Category layout possible?

Started by skidpics, December 19, 2007, 04:00:39 AM

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What needs to be done to show 2 columns of categories, with descriptions underneath, then a specified amount of albums showing under that with no thumbnails for the albums?

attached is an example...

Joachim Müller


I did, but did not find what I was looking for.  Perhaps I was using the wrong key words to search for.  I will look again. 

Joachim Müller


Forgive me if I am posting another question, but it goes inline with what I am trying to do:

Category (picture Count)
    Album,album,albums, etc...

in the theme.php file, what exactly does the {CAT_ALBUMS} tag do?

I can delete it, and there is no difference - it still shows the categories, with the sub categories below.  If I read the tag correctly, should that not show category albums?

Quote // HTML template for the category list
$template_cat_list = <<<EOT
<!-- BEGIN header -->
                <td class="tableh1" width="80%" align="left"><b>{CATEGORY}</b></td>
                <td class="tableh1" width="10%" align="center"><b>{ALBUMS}</b></td>
                <td class="tableh1" width="10%" align="center"><b>{PICTURES}</b></td>
<!-- END header -->
<!-- BEGIN catrow_noalb -->
                <td class="catrow_noalb" colspan="3"><table border="0"><tr><td align="left">{CAT_THUMB}</td><td align="left"><span class="catlink"><b>{CAT_TITLE}</b></span>{CAT_DESC}</td></tr></table></td>
<!-- END catrow_noalb -->
<!-- BEGIN catrow -->
                <td class="catrow" align="left"><table border="0"><tr><td>{CAT_THUMB}</td><td><span class="catlink"><b>{CAT_TITLE}&nbsp;({PIC_COUNT})</b></span>{CAT_DESC}</td></tr></table></td>
                <td class="catrow" align="center">{ALB_COUNT}</td>
                <td class="catrow" align="center">{PIC_COUNT}</td>
            <td class="tableb" colspan="3">{CAT_ALBUMS}</td>

<!-- END catrow -->
<!-- BEGIN footer -->
                <td colspan="3" class="tableh1" align="center"><span class="statlink">{STATISTICS}</span></td>
<!-- END footer -->
<!-- BEGIN spacer -->
        <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="7" border="" alt="" /><br />
<!-- END spacer -->


Joachim Müller

The token is being populated in this section:function theme_display_cat_list($breadcrumb, &$cat_data, $statistics)
    global $template_cat_list, $lang_cat_list;
    if (count($cat_data) > 0) {
        $template = template_extract_block($template_cat_list, 'header');
        $params = array('{CATEGORY}' => $lang_cat_list['category'],
            '{ALBUMS}' => $lang_cat_list['albums'],
            '{PICTURES}' => $lang_cat_list['pictures'],
        echo template_eval($template, $params);

    $template_noabl = template_extract_block($template_cat_list, 'catrow_noalb');
    $template = template_extract_block($template_cat_list, 'catrow');
    foreach($cat_data as $category) {
        if (!isset($category['cat_thumb'])) { $category['cat_thumb'] = ''; }
        if (count($category) == 3) {
            $params = array('{CAT_TITLE}' => $category[0],
                    '{CAT_THUMB}' => $category['cat_thumb'],
                '{CAT_DESC}' => $category[1]
            echo template_eval($template_noabl, $params);
        } elseif (isset($category['cat_albums']) && ($category['cat_albums'] != '')) {
            $params = array('{CAT_TITLE}' => $category[0],
                '{CAT_THUMB}' => $category['cat_thumb'],
                '{CAT_DESC}' => $category[1],
                '{CAT_ALBUMS}' => $category['cat_albums'],
                '{ALB_COUNT}' => $category[2],
                '{PIC_COUNT}' => $category[3],
            echo template_eval($template, $params);
        } else {
            $params = array('{CAT_TITLE}' => $category[0],
                '{CAT_THUMB}' => $category['cat_thumb'],
                '{CAT_DESC}' => $category[1],
                '{CAT_ALBUMS}' => '',
                '{ALB_COUNT}' => $category[2],
                '{PIC_COUNT}' => $category[3],
            echo template_eval($template, $params);

    if ($statistics && count($cat_data) > 0) {
        $template = template_extract_block($template_cat_list, 'footer');
        $params = array('{STATISTICS}' => $statistics);
        echo template_eval($template, $params);

    if (count($cat_data) > 0)
        echo template_extract_block($template_cat_list, 'spacer');


Thank you for pointing that out - Can I copy that to my themes.php or do I need to create a new copy of the themes.inc.php file to edit that?  I know those files shouldn't be touched from reading threads across the board.


Thank you for pointing that out - Can I copy that to my themes.php or do I need to create a new copy of the themes.inc.php file to edit that?  I know those files shouldn't be touched from reading threads across the board.

Now I need to figure out how to display the albums within the category listings.  It appears using {ALBUM_TITLE} is not as simple as it appears.  I want the album listings on the main page, under the category listings, just the titles.  It appears this info gets pulled only when you enter the category.  Is there a global tag that pulls that info from the categories when you are not in the category?

Joachim Müller

Don't edit themes.inc.php. As suggested in the docs: copy the sections you want to change into your custom theme.