[Solved]: Removing the username from the Lastcomment block [Solved]: Removing the username from the Lastcomment block


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[Solved]: Removing the username from the Lastcomment block

Started by Necko, March 27, 2004, 04:04:37 PM

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Hey,im cureently using coppermine 1.2.1 i think ,its really great.
i wanted to make an anonymous posting for registerd user,since i dont know alot of php i decided to go on the hide username way.
i've started deleting the entries of msg_author and user_name from the air head template and replacing it by Anonymous,well it worked great!
i also removed the last comment fro, the user profile!
the only thing that left is the username at the lastcomment block which i couldnt seems to find a vriable that stores it.
notice,i dont want to remove those entries fromd database,i mean i want to be able to see who post this comment on what mage on what date only from the database( or only for administrtor access) but i dont want to delete this information from the data base,just from the templates and from the "EYE".
so someone can tell me which part of the code is conected to the block?so i can remove the variable and finish with this?
thanks in advance.

Joachim Müller

if you want anonymity, why don't you remove the lastcomments block alltogether?
In themes/yourtheme/theme.php, look for<a href="{LASTCOM_TGT}">{LASTCOM_LNK}</a>and comment it out like this<!--<a href="{LASTCOM_TGT}">{LASTCOM_LNK}</a>-->



Because i still want it to be shown, its a great part of the system and make it look better.




$caption = '<span class="thumb_title">'.$user_link.'</span>'.'<span class="thumb_caption">'.localised_date($row['msg_date'], $lastcom_date_fmt).'</span>'.'<span class="thumb_caption">'.$msg_body.'</span>';

change it to:

$caption = '<span class="thumb_caption">'.localised_date($row['msg_date'], $lastcom_date_fmt).'</span>'.'<span class="thumb_caption">'.$msg_body.'</span>';


Thank you very very very much,it worked...