[Solved]: sub-domain to sub-domain bridge issues [Solved]: sub-domain to sub-domain bridge issues


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[Solved]: sub-domain to sub-domain bridge issues

Started by drsawbones, March 03, 2008, 08:55:21 PM

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    [ID] => 92b712845f80862ecd49cb49d5a1ab54
    [am] => 1
    [lang] => english

    [user_id] => 1
    [user_name] => Administrator
    [groups] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [disk_max] => 0
    [disk_min] => 0
    [can_rate_pictures] => 1
    [can_send_ecards] => 1
    [ufc_max] => 3
    [ufc_min] => 3
    [custom_user_upload] => 0
    [num_file_upload] => 5
    [num_URI_upload] => 3
    [can_post_comments] => 1
    [can_upload_pictures] => 1
    [can_create_albums] => 1
    [has_admin_access] => 1
    [pub_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [priv_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [group_name] => Administrators
    [upload_form_config] => 3
    [group_quota] => 0
    [can_see_all_albums] => 1
    [group_id] => 1

    [0] => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg14x_filetypes; (0s)
    [1] => select * from cpg14x_plugins order by priority asc; (0s)
    [2] => delete from `carleen_ptt2forums_v3`.cpg14x_sessions where time<1204569190 and remember=0; (0.001s)
    [3] => delete from `carleen_ptt2forums_v3`.cpg14x_sessions where time<1203363190; (0s)
    [4] => select user_id from `carleen_ptt2forums_v3`.cpg14x_sessions where session_id=md5("fec214eae5d8a2f1175897d051fd4e05fb6f7f7db44d15ca3a796b9730f30484"); (0.001s)
    [5] => select user_id as id, user_password as password from `carleen_ptt2forums_v3`.cpg14x_users where user_id=1 (0.001s)
    [6] => SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username, u.user_password AS password, u.user_group+100 AS group_id FROM `carleen_ptt2forums_v3`.cpg14x_users AS u INNER JOIN `carleen_ptt2forums_v3`.cpg14x_usergroups AS g ON u.user_group=g.group_id WHERE u.user_id='1' (0.001s)
    [7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `carleen_ptt2forums_v3`.cpg14x_users AS u WHERE user_id='1' and user_group_list <> ''; (0.001s)
    [8] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) as disk_max, MIN(group_quota) as disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) as can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) as can_send_ecards, MAX(upload_form_config) as ufc_max, MIN(upload_form_config) as ufc_min, MAX(custom_user_upload) as custom_user_upload, MAX(num_file_upload) as num_file_upload, MAX(num_URI_upload) as num_URI_upload, MAX(can_post_comments) as can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) as can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) as can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) as has_admin_access, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) as pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) as  priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg14x_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0.001s)
    [9] => SELECT group_name FROM  cpg14x_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0.001s)
    [10] => update `carleen_ptt2forums_v3`.cpg14x_sessions set time='1204572790' where session_id=md5('fec214eae5d8a2f1175897d051fd4e05fb6f7f7db44d15ca3a796b9730f30484'); (0.001s)
    [11] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg14x_favpics WHERE user_id = 1 (0s)
    [12] => DELETE FROM cpg14x_banned WHERE expiry < '2008-03-03 19:33:10' (0.001s)
    [13] => SELECT * FROM cpg14x_banned WHERE (ip_addr=myIP' OR ip_addr='myIP' OR user_id=1) AND brute_force=0 (0s)
    [14] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg14x_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0s)
    [15] => SELECT * FROM cpg14x_bridge (0.001s)
    [16] => UPDATE cpg14x_config SET value = '0' WHERE name = 'bridge_enable' (0s)
    [17] => SELECT * FROM cpg14x_bridge (0s)
    [18] => SELECT * FROM cpg14x_config (0s)
    [19] => DELETE FROM cpg14x_usergroups WHERE 1 (0.001s)
    [20] => INSERT INTO cpg14x_usergroups
                        VALUES (1, 'Administrators', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5, 3) (0s)
    [21] => INSERT INTO cpg14x_usergroups
                        VALUES (2, 'Registered', 1024, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 3) (0s)
    [22] => INSERT INTO cpg14x_usergroups
                        VALUES (3, 'Anonymous', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 3) (0s)
    [23] => INSERT INTO cpg14x_usergroups
                        VALUES (4, 'Banned', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 3) (0s)



PHP version: 5.2.3 - OK
mySQL version: 5.0.41-community-log
Coppermine version: 1.4.16(stable)
Module: GD
GD Version: bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support: 1
FreeType Linkage: with freetype
T1Lib Support:
GIF Read Support: 1
GIF Create Support: 1
JPG Support: 1
PNG Support: 1
WBMP Support: 1
XPM Support:
XBM Support: 1
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support:

Module: mysql
MySQL Supportenabled
Active Persistent Links 0
Active Links 1
Client API version 5.0.45
MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql
MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient 
Module: zlib
ZLib Support enabled
Stream Wrapper support compress.zlib://
Stream Filter support zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate
Compiled Version 1.2.3
Linked Version 1.2.3
Server restrictions (safe mode)?
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
safe_mode | Off | Off
safe_mode_exec_dir | /usr/local/php/bin | /usr/local/php/bin
safe_mode_gid | Off | Off
safe_mode_include_dir | no value | no value
safe_mode_exec_dir | /usr/local/php/bin | /usr/local/php/bin
sql.safe_mode | Off | Off
disable_functions | no value | no value
file_uploads | On | On
include_path | .:/hsphere/shared/apache/libexec/php5ext/php | .:/hsphere/shared/apache/libexec/php5ext/php
open_basedir | no value | no value
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
sendmail_from | no value | no value
sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i  | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
SMTP | localhost | localhost
smtp_port | 25 | 25
Size and Time
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
max_execution_time | 30 | 30
max_input_time | -1 | -1
upload_max_filesize | 2M | 2M
post_max_size | 8M | 8M
Page generated in 0.055 seconds - 24 queries in 0.011 seconds - Album set : ; Meta set: ;

I have a dev area where I'm trying to bridge phpBB3 to coppermine.
I can get the bridge to work when:

http://forums.planetthinktanks2.com/skins - coppermine install
http://forums.planetthinktanks2.com/ThinkTanks - phpBBv3.0 olympus install

I CANNOT get the bridge to work when:
http://gallery.planetthinktanks2.com/skins - coppermine install
http://forums.planetthinktanks2.com/ThinkTanks - phpBBv3.0 install

I am using the latest bridge mod available at phpBBv3 forums.

I have .htaccess for this devArea

a test user account at the forum is:
who has moderator permissions

the Admin account at the coppermine is:

I have combed thru all the session settings and have been reading for 2 days.
../../forums.planetthinktanks2.com for a relative path gets me nothing as does any other acceptable /local/user/ paths

I hope that I have supplied enough information/as per your faq to get some help here as I'd really like to keep things on separate sub-domains.

Many thanks in advance,


*correction to above

QuoteI can get the bridge to work when:

http://forums.planetthinktanks2.com/skins - coppermine install
http://forums.planetthinktanks2.com/ThinkTanks - phpBBv3.0 olympus install

should read:
I can get the bridge to work when:

http://forums.planetthinktanks2.com/ThinkTanks skins - coppermine install
http://forums.planetthinktanks2.com/ThinkTanks - phpBBv3.0 olympus install


You have your forum cookie domain set to .forums.planetthinktanks2.com, so it will only work on .forums.planetthinktanks2.com. If you want it to work across subdomains then it needs to be .planetthinktanks2.com

Joachim Müller

Quote from: drsawbones on March 03, 2008, 08:55:21 PMI am using the latest bridge mod available at phpBBv3 forums.
Then why do you ask us for support?

Quote from: drsawbones on March 03, 2008, 08:55:21 PMI have .htaccess for this devArea
Quote from: drsawbones on March 03, 2008, 08:55:21 PMthe Admin account at the coppermine is:
Not a bright idea to post such sensitive data publicly. Change it immediately.


Thanks for your responses.

@Joachim Müller
I don't seem to be able to edit here, but as far as posting user/pass information for this dev area, it's harmless - I pass out tons of access keys to modders and uploaders. there's nothing there in that dev area that I can't put back in 45 seconds from phpmyadmin..anyway....I'd never post sensative information where a LIVE board/application would be involved, but thanks for the note.

I came here because I've been reading here and following the guide here....and until you mentioned it, I never thought to look for a bridge here so I downloaded that modbridgepack and I don't see a phpBB3 bridge in the pack. Is one available here that I'm missing? If you have a phpBB3 bridge at this forum, please post link or post title for me to search for if you would be so kind.

Thank you for another puzzle piece! I stopped researching and testing custom php.ini commands, sessions implimentations, and cookie behaviors and moved back to that area of the config files. I've tested numerous paths, no path, custom paths, combinations with the cookie store '/' and no path...clearing all cookies on board and in browser...time consuming! and have still gotten anywhere. [BTW in phpBB3 the entries aren't written as you state above with a "." proceeding the path, I recall that in phpBB2 days, but that "." if used in phpBB3 config mucks it up.] When I moved from phpBB2 to phpBB3 I implimented a globals=OFF config, would this be effecting the successful outcome of the coppermine to phpBB3 bridge? [just thinking of anything I can tell you that I've done that is different on my server].

Thanks All!


I thought I'd better post my custom php.ini file to keep ^ clear:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.planetthinktanks2\.com     [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)        http://www.planetthinktanks2.com%{REQUEST_URI}   [L,R=301]


Joachim Müller

Quote from: drsawbones on March 04, 2008, 12:35:15 PM
I never thought to look for a bridge here so I downloaded that modbridgepack and I don't see a phpBB3 bridge in the pack. Is one available here that I'm missing?
Nope, there is no official one. Not in the regular coppermine package, nor in the modpack (in fact, the modpack contains less working  bridges than the original package).
There is a user-contributed phpbb3-bridge file that you're welcome to try (search the board for it and make sure to read the thread that discusses that bridge file), but it goes unsupported. That's what I was trying to tell you: currently, bridging coppermine to phpbb3 goes completely, utterly unsupported as far as we (coppermine devs) are concerned. I have posted detailed explanations in the said phpbb3-bridge thread already, so I'm not going to repeat it here. Read up that thread if you want to find out more.
Nibbler already told you what to do from our perspective, that's about all the help we could give.


I got it working across sub-domains!

Thanks for your help and information.
