Coppermine Forum Plugin (cpgforum) - Page 15 Coppermine Forum Plugin (cpgforum) - Page 15


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Coppermine Forum Plugin (cpgforum)

Started by foulu, April 01, 2008, 07:46:11 AM

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waiting for the stable version thanks for the fix .


Foulu, your website doesn't work anymore. Additionally, I made some bugfixes/improvements/etc since your beta_1a release.
I haven't touched my last version since 3 months now :-[

I can bundle a package and can attach it to your initial posting, if you want.
I also can write a short changelog what I have done and some notes what still doesn't work, too.

The package should be released to the public IMO. Maybe someone finds some time to complete the plugin.

Please let me know your thoughts.


Yes, I have problem with my host. I will try to bring the site back online ASAP. You already have the SVN access so you can commit your work there. And you are free to pack and release new version, just keep my copyright.


I have installed the forum plugin v.2 but when i click on 'forum' or ' forum  manager' i got error like this
Fatal error: Class 'Config' not found in /home/nidhog/public_html/forum/import.php on line 15



Quote from: foulu on May 02, 2009, 11:08:19 AM
You already have the SVN access so you can commit your work there. And you are free to pack and release new version, just keep my copyright.
Changes committed to your svn.
Package of the recent version attached to the initial post.



tried to install first version 2.0beta and then 1.1.3, both with the same result: the forum plugin is not shown up in the plugin manager. For testing I uploaded the online stats plugin as zip, and it finally worked. However, neither version 1 or 2 are shown up, regardless if using the zip upload method or the ftp method. Any idea, why this can be?

Regards, Thomas


Quote from: tofo on May 10, 2009, 10:11:34 PM

tried to install first version 2.0beta and then 1.1.3, both with the same result: the forum plugin is not shown up in the plugin manager. For testing I uploaded the online stats plugin as zip, and it finally worked. However, neither version 1 or 2 are shown up, regardless if using the zip upload method or the ftp method. Any idea, why this can be?

Regards, Thomas

Forget it, my mistake. it is solved.

Regards, Thomas


It's currently not possible to attach new files to the initial post. Please follow the links on the first post to get the latest version.


I have this error

IE: Its an HTTP 500 error.

Firefox: Fatal error: Class 'Inspekt' not found in /var/www/web144/html/forum/import.php on line 24

Can somebody help?

Joachim Müller

Happens if you use the version that was designed for cpg1.5.x with your cpg1.4.x-driven gallery. Use the proper plugin version that was designed for your coppermine version.


Quote from: dawid8 on June 15, 2009, 04:03:13 PM
I have this error

IE: Its an HTTP 500 error.

Firefox: Fatal error: Class 'Inspekt' not found in /var/www/web144/html/forum/import.php on line 24

Can somebody help?

Quote from: Joachim Müller on June 15, 2009, 05:48:16 PM
Happens if you use the version that was designed for cpg1.5.x with your cpg1.4.x-driven gallery. Use the proper plugin version that was designed for your coppermine version.

Inspekt is bundled with the latest beta 2.0 version to run the forum in cpg1.4.x - it run's on my cpg1.4.x installation, too.

When does the error appear? What exactly are you doing?


i have the problem since the last cpg update + stramms mod



www. sucharkiewicz .net

user: Test
pw: 1234


i get the error when i click on forum or forum manager.

the forum was installed some months ago. ther was no problem.

but since the last update cpg1.4.24 + stramms mod i have this error


Quote from: dawid8 on June 16, 2009, 10:31:09 PM
but since the last update cpg1.4.24 + stramms mod i have this error
1. I made a fresh Coppermine installation -> works
2. I installed the forum plugin -> forum works
3. I replaced all files from Stramm's modpack -> forum does not work
4. I run update.php -> forum works again


the update.php was started.

i will make it second time


I run the update.php second time but stilll the same error


Do you have the latest forum version (released on 2009-05-28)?