Coppermine Live-Demo - Page 3 Coppermine Live-Demo - Page 3


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Coppermine Live-Demo

Started by Joachim Müller, July 31, 2006, 12:59:52 AM

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Abbas Ali

Quote from: blackgem on September 17, 2007, 03:14:41 PM
i need a simple web site developing tool that does what i need it to do, with simple interfaces and easy to understand functions without a lot of jargon. 

Coppermine Photo Gallery, as the name indicates is a photo gallery software and NOT a website building tool.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Quote from: Abbas Ali on September 18, 2007, 08:23:48 AM
Coppermine Photo Gallery, as the name indicates is a photo gallery software and NOT a website building tool.

Of course, but "Coppermine Photo Gallery" may be used also as a website building tool, if website is simple photo gallery ;)

Joachim Müller

Stop this discussion on the demo thread -  I told you so before already. Future postings like yours on this thread will be deleted without further notice.

Joachim Müller

Version 1.4 of the Live-demo has been released - get it from the downloads section or download it directly by clicking here. Here is the readme that contains the changelog as well:
QuoteCoppermine Photo Gallery - Live-Demo for Windows Desktops


1. About Coppermine


Coppermine is a multi-purpose fully-featured and integrated web picture gallery script written in PHP using GD or ImageMagick as image library with a MySQL backend.

It is free software (released under GNU GPL) which you can download and install on your webspace.

2. About this live-demo


This live-demo that you're currently browsing is not the actual Coppermine package that you should run on your webserver/webspace. The sole purpose of this live-demo is to give you an impression how the admin backend of Coppermine looks and feels. It is only meant to be used for evaluation purposes. You mustn't run it as a production system, because it has deliberately been configured in an unsecure manner to provide a newbie-proof experience in the first place.

If you have downloaded this package in error and you are actually looking for the "real thing" (the production-ready application), go to the download section of the official Coppermine web page ( and download the most recent stable release there.

2.1 No support


The actual Coppermine release is well-documented and supported. However, this live-demo is not! It comes as-is, simply as a courtesy for the community. Do not clutter the coppermine support board or any other channels by requesting support on issues that are inherent to the live-demo.

2.2 Additional benefit


Although the main purpose of this live-demo is evaluation, advanced Coppermine users may use it as well as a testbed for hacks/mods/plugins to test them before actually applying them on their production system. Keep in mind though that the webserver-configuration of this live-demo will no doubt differ from your production-gallery.

The live-demo can be particularly helpful to create and edit a custom-theme and test-drive it before actually appyling it to your production environment.

Before doing as suggested above, make sure that you have the skills to transfer your local changes to your production environment - it would be frustrating to have your changes applied to the live-demo and not being capable to transfer them to the production server, especially since you can't ask such questions on the Coppermine support board (remember: the live-demo goes unsupported!).

2.3 Recommendations


This live-demo might give you the impression that running your own webserver on your desktop might be a good idea, as it appears to be working well for you. However, we don't recommend self-hosting at all. We're convinced that running a real, production-server available on the internet should only be done by professional admins who have the skills and time to maintain and monitor the webserver 24/7.

3. Technology


The live-demo has been created using the tool server2go (, which is an app that allows you to create a portable webserver environment (using Apache, PHP, mySQL) for Windows. The software is donation-ware (everybody can use it for free, however you're asked to donate to the author). The Coppermine dev team would like to thank Timo Haberkern (the author of server2go) for providing this nice tool. It's mandatory though that you understand that the Coppermine group is not afiliated with server2go in any way - we do not provide support for it, and subsequently we don't support the live-demo.

3.1 No emails


The server2go application does not come with a service to send emails. Therefor, you can't use any of the email-related functions that are built into Coppermine. Coppermine doesn't come with an email engine of it's own, it relies on the webserver it runs on to be configured to send emails.

Another limitation is the known issue of the browsable batch-add interface not working properly on Windows-driven servers. Therefor, you can't test-drive this feature using the live-demo. Most "real" production webservers are Linux/Unix-driven, so the limitation usually doesn't apply there.

3.2 Existing webserver


If you already have an Apache webserver running on your desktop PC, you can't start another one. Therefor, you can't use the Live-Demo unless you end the other server first. Anyway: the Live-Demo is meant for people who don't have a webserver yet and want to test Coppermine first. It's not meant for people who already have a webserver running. Subsequently: if this known issue applies to you, then you shouldn't be running the Live-Demo.

3.3 Minimum requirements


32-bit Windows (Windows98 or better)

3.4 Software versions


The Live-demo is in fact a bunch of applications rolled into one. Below you will find the apps used in this version of the Live-demo. This is not the minimum requirements list for Coppermine.

    * Server2Go 1.5.1

    * Apache 2.0.58

    * PHP 5.2.3

    * mySQL server 5.0.41

    * mySQL client API 5.0.22

    * Coppermine 1.4.16

    * GD 2.0.34

    * FreeType 2.1.9

4. How to use


OK, we understand that you didn't download the live-demo package just to read another page of boring instructions - just double-click on the start.exe. You can go back to this page at any time by clicking the link "Live-Demo documentation".

To log in as admin, use the username/password "admin"/"admin". To see what logged-in users can do, use the account "user" (password "user"). Please note that it would be silly and unsecure to name accounts this way in a real, production environment. It is only OK to do so in this testbed environment.

5. Changelog


From Live-Demo 1.3 to 1.4


*  Added some files to this package from the "official" Coppermine demo, mainly from the "artists wanted competition"

* Updated server2go-version to 1.5.1

* Updated coppermine-package integrated into the live-demo from cpg1.4.12 to cpg1.4.16

* Issues reported by end users about temporary files should be fixed

* Edited include/ to deliberately "cripple" the mailing capabilities. Server2go doesn't come with capabilities to send emails, so the live demo can't neither

* Added a new splash screen

From Live-Demo 1.2 to 1.3


* Fixed broken images

* Fixed custom header path

* Fixed broken link to demo on the documentation page

From Live-Demo 1.1 to 1.2


* Updated coppermine-package integrated into the live-demo from cpg1.4.8 to cpg1.4.12

* Updated documentation

* Updated server2go-version to 1.4.3 (featuring Apache 2.0.58, PHP 5.2.3, MySQL 5.0.41)

* Added a small number of user-contributed plugins to illustrate the use

From Live-Demo 1.0 to 1.1


6. Re-packaging


In order to give this Live demo to others (e.g. when using a medium like an USB stick), you should delete the file server/php/php.ini after having shut down the server.


Live Demo version has not added last year's GSOC addings, isn't it? I can't find that plugins.


The gsoc contributions from 2007 came in after the 1.4 release, so they will be in 1.5.


Thank You very much Nibler  :P. I was becoming crazy looking for them.  ::)

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Nibbler on March 22, 2008, 09:17:40 PM
The gsoc contributions from 2007 came in after the 1.4 release, so they will be in 1.5.
Clarification: Nibbler was refering to cpg1.4.x and cpg1.5.x, not to Live-Demo v1.4.
The Live-Demo is based on cpg1.4.x (as suggested in the docs that come with it).

Quote from: Radyan on March 22, 2008, 09:14:57 PM
Live Demo version has not added last year's GSOC addings, isn't it? I can't find that plugins.
The GSoC contributions don't come as a plugin, no matter what version.

Joachim Müller

Version 1.5 of the Live-demo has been released - get it from the downloads section or download it directly by clicking here. Compared to the live-demo v1.4 the only difference is the fact that live-demo v1.5 is being built against cpg1.4.18, while live-demo v1.4 used to built against cpg1.4.16
Since the live-demo is not meant for production use, the security impact does not apply. Anyway, you should upgrade your live-demo copy just to make sure that nothing bad can happen.


Do you know when version 1.5 will be released as a stable version?
Mac OSX 10.3.9, CopperMine 1.4.18, not bridged.

Joachim Müller

This thread deals with the Live-Demo. It doesn't deal with cpg1.5.x. Don't spread one and the same question over multiple threads - you already got a reply in another thread: there is no scheduled release date for cpg1.5.x
Butt out of this thread with further questions related to cpg1.5.x - it will be released when it's ready. If you can't wait, check out the unsupported SVN version.
You have the line
QuoteFYI: I Always read Docs, FAQs, and hours of forum search before I venture to post a question or request.
in your signature, but quite frankly: it doesn't appear as if that is correct.