EnlargeIt! (AJAX user interface for CPG 1.4.x) - Page 21 EnlargeIt! (AJAX user interface for CPG 1.4.x) - Page 21


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EnlargeIt! (AJAX user interface for CPG 1.4.x)

Started by Timos-Welt, June 16, 2008, 06:19:13 PM

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Quote from: ngul on July 07, 2009, 06:30:17 PM
I've installed this great plugin but now don't work Piclens, installed with RSS plugin. There's some hack?

Removed, now work!  8)


Timos, is it possible, to add comment windows directly under the picture? ( picture will show up, with comment form below)

It is OK right now, but since I implemented your plugin I got 1 new comment per week :/
Will be easier  if users dont have to click special icons to add comment.
Thanks for help.


Is anybody else having problems with EnlargeIt! and "Last Viewed" meta?

View count is working but "Last Viewed" picture dows not update when  EnlargeIt! plugin is enabled.


Quote from: emerz on August 24, 2009, 01:31:38 AM
Is anybody else having problems with EnlargeIt! and "Last Viewed" meta?

View count is working but "Last Viewed" picture does not update when EnlargeIt! plugin is enabled.

Found the problem.

enl_cnt.php updates the hit counter but does not update the table "pictures" field "mtime" with current date/time "now()".

Added the statement and now it works great.


Is it possible to replace the current pop-up window with this EnlargeIt? I mean to open the photos from each photo url/page and not from album or main site page.

Joachim Müller


I have installed Slider and EnlargeIt.  For the most part it's working very well.  However, when I click on a picture in the slider bar, I have it open in full size.  If I then hover over the buttons, the tool tips either don't appear or it takes a long time for them to appear.  If I go into one of the albums (currently only have 2 with pictures in them) and click on a photo, the tool tips appear quicker in there, but still not immediately.  The link to my page is http://ravensonline.net/bandphotos/index.php.  I've set up a test user, with both the user name and password being test.

Also, is it be possible to have the album name display in the title bar next to the image name?

Thanks for your help.

Joe Carver

Check your settings for the Slider - your home page has my computer running nearly at 100% cpu load. (windows task manager)

Also you should also look at the file sizes of your images - one that I picked at random was sized at 827.86 KB. That was much larger than the resulting pop-up size and quality justified.

One or both of these fixes will improve things, but you must remember that you can only load a certain level of active js to your visitor's computers before it gets to be too much to bear.


i-imagine, thanks for your reply.  However, I don't know what slider settings I would change.  I used the defaults on it.  When I check my cpu load on the first page (after the login) I'm only at 10%.  If I check it when a picture is enlarged, it was at 66%.

The pictures are much larger than the pop-up size.  I have it set to full size, but they are somehow confined to a window that fits the screen, which is actually my preference.  I did not compress the file any before it was uploaded from my digital SLR camera.  This is going to be a site for parents to upload their photos from the various events, and if they have to compress the photos, they won't do it.

Besides the coppermine files, we will have 6 plug-ins running (currently only 5 until we get the email feature to work).  Is that too many?

Joe Carver

First I must compliment the author - I have just installed this on a test gallery and it is very well done!

I looked in the wrong place as regarding the size of your images. Another random selection gave this as a result...
3456 x 2304 pixels which (in my opinion) is of a size that "asks a lot" to be resized into a viewable window.

Do you have it set to show the Enlarge to pic in as full or intermediate? Are you resizing your images when they are uploaded?

I saw some differences with using various sized images from here, on my test gallery, but on a second visit to your site the tools/menu links came right up with the images from the Slider, within 1/4 second.

If you read the initial post in this thread you will find suggested ways to speed the loading - try those. Beyond that I would also suggest that you encourage your users to try to resize, make sure that you are resizing your intermediates too.


i-Imagine, I do have the Enlarge to pic in as full.  No, I'm not resizing my pictures.  I probably should, but I know the parents that will be uploading will not be resizing their photos and I was trying to test it out like they would be using it.

Do you know if I can get the album name added in the title bar with the photo name and how I would do it?


Hi TIme, thanks for that great plug/in.

Would it be possible to add also slideshow functionality to it? Then it would really cover it all.



Is there any possibility to change Title of the image ( which is next to navbar ) into category or album the picture is from?


Solution: just change alt section in codebase.php

Next question. How to move title of the image under it ( still in border )


Quote from: emerz on August 24, 2009, 02:24:52 AM
Found the problem.

enl_cnt.php updates the hit counter but does not update the table "pictures" field "mtime" with current date/time "now()".

Added the statement and now it works great.

I have the same updating problem while using Enlargeit. Could you expand on the "statement" you used to correct this issue using Enlargeit? I have no coding skills in PHP and have tried to find the equivalent code in Displayimage.php with no success.

Thanking you in anticipation,



Are there plugins that wouldn't be compatible with EnlargeIt!?

It is because I intalled EnlargeIt, file replacement and CPGMark plugins and the EnlargeIt doesn't work.
??? I wonder what's wrong.


Quote from: x3 on October 23, 2009, 07:50:49 PM
Are there plugins that wouldn't be compatible with EnlargeIt!?

It is because I intalled EnlargeIt, file replacement and CPGMark plugins and the EnlargeIt doesn't work.
??? I wonder what's wrong.



How can I use the FACEBOOK PLUGIN with EnlargeIt?


ok so i love this plugin so thank you very much for all your time and efforts....

i made a small "hack" mod to two files to allow the same option for comments as the current info button has...

so maybe some people will find this useful if they wish to have the full comments features available until when and if more comment functions are coded into the ajax interface...

long story short this gives you the option to have the comments button take users to the same "intermediate" page that the info button can...thus allowing for the "original" comments routines to be used....so just like the info button you can set the comments button to go to the "intermediate" page instead of the ajax snippet...

FILE codebase.php


    if ($ENLARGEITSET['enl_buttoncomment'])
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttonurl[".$i."] = 'index.php?file=enlargeit/enl_comment&pos=-';
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttontxt[".$i."] = \"".$lang_enlargeit['enl_tooltipcomment']."\";
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttonoff[".$i."] = -64;
    $i = $i + 1;


    if ($ENLARGEITSET['enl_buttoncomment'] == 1)
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttonurl[".$i."] = 'index.php?file=enlargeit/enl_comment&pos=-';
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttontxt[".$i."] = \"".$lang_enlargeit['enl_tooltipcomment']."\";
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttonoff[".$i."] = -64;
    $i = $i + 1;
    if ($ENLARGEITSET['enl_buttoncomment'] == 2)
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttonurl[".$i."] = 'site:displayimage.php?pid=';
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttontxt[".$i."] = \"".$lang_enlargeit['enl_tooltipcomment']."\";
      $enlargeit_headcode .= "enl_buttonoff[".$i."] = -64;
    $i = $i + 1;

FILE plugin_config.php


          <td align="right"><?php echo $lang_enlargeit['enl_buttoncomment']?>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
              <select name="enl_buttoncomment" id="enl_buttoncomment">
                 <option value="1" <?php if($ENLARGEITSET['enl_buttoncomment'] == 1) echo 'selected="selected"';?>><?php echo $lang_enlargeit['enl_yes']?></option>
                 <option value="0" <?php if($ENLARGEITSET['enl_buttoncomment'] == 0) echo 'selected="selected"';?>><?php echo $lang_enlargeit['enl_no']?></option>


          <td align="right"><?php echo $lang_enlargeit['enl_buttoncomment']?>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
              <select name="enl_buttoncomment" id="enl_buttoncomment">
                 <option value="2" <?php if($ENLARGEITSET['enl_buttoncomment'] == 2) echo 'selected="selected"';?>><?php echo $lang_enlargeit['enl_buttoninfoyes2']?></option>
                 <option value="1" <?php if($ENLARGEITSET['enl_buttoncomment'] == 1) echo 'selected="selected"';?>><?php echo $lang_enlargeit['enl_yes']?></option>
                 <option value="0" <?php if($ENLARGEITSET['enl_buttoncomment'] == 0) echo 'selected="selected"';?>><?php echo $lang_enlargeit['enl_no']?></option>

i basically just copied the existing routines for the info button but ported them into a similar working solution for the comments button...

cheers and have fun....


How to make the File description appear below the picture?
I meant, users don't have to click on the FILE INFORMATION BUTTON so they could see it.

Also, is it possible not to show the DISPLAYED TIMES on the FILE INFORMATION PAGE? :D


Joachim Müller

Stop requesting in-deep code modifications for your own use in each and every announcement thread.