[cpg1.4.x]: PHPBB3 bridge - Page 2 [cpg1.4.x]: PHPBB3 bridge - Page 2


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[cpg1.4.x]: PHPBB3 bridge

Started by Nibbler, July 04, 2008, 07:37:20 PM

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Quote from: Nibbler on July 27, 2008, 05:09:32 PM
Did you enable 'post based groups' when you activated the bridge?
Yes, it is turned on. I'm not sure if its any help but here is the contents of my gal_bridge table (fields with no value not displayed)
('short_name', 'phpbb3'),
('full_forum_url', 'http://www.octavianvanguard.net/forum'),
('relative_path_to_config_file', '../forum/'),
('use_post_based_groups', '1'),
('cookie_prefix', 'phpbb3_cm3ls'),
('use_standard_groups', '0'),
('admin_group', '497'),
('recovery_logon_failures', '0'),
('recovery_logon_timestamp', '2008-07-27 07:10:06');


I also had the problem regarding a lack of admin access in CPG once I installed the bridge. Manually adjusting the phpbb3 bridge file  (line 120?) to the admin group # (299 in my case) seemed to work perfectly.


Quote from: cognoscento on July 31, 2008, 04:58:42 AM
I also had the problem regarding a lack of admin access in CPG once I installed the bridge. Manually adjusting the phpbb3 bridge file  (line 120?) to the admin group # (299 in my case) seemed to work perfectly.

This works for me as well, except my admin group was 37, mine was also converted from PHPBB2.


Do your coppermine installations collect the groups from the phpbb3 tables correctly so you can permission them? I'm still having no luck with mine.


Quote from: Imaboyo on July 31, 2008, 08:49:13 PM
Do your coppermine installations collect the groups from the phpbb3 tables correctly so you can permission them? I'm still having no luck with mine.

It appears mine are grouping correctly when I look at my users, everyone but my account is in the registered group in Coppermine.


Quote from: paithan on July 31, 2008, 08:24:41 AM
This works for me as well, except my admin group was 37, mine was also converted from PHPBB2.

I am having the same problem. My bridge file will take me to the login page, I login and it shows that I am logged in on the message board. Yet it does not show I am logged in on the coppermine. I however checked to make sure of the numbers and they are...

Database Info for PHPBB3 Groups
Guests 1
Registered 2
Registered_Coppa 3
Global_Moderators 4
Administrators 5
Bots 6

// define the var array
$default_bridge_data['phpbb3'] = array(
  'full_name' => 'phpBB version 3',
  'short_name' => 'phpbb3',
  'support_url' => 'http://www.phpbb.com/',
  'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.mysite.com/forums',
  'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash',
  'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../forums/',
  'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php',
  'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0', ( I SET IT TO YES WHATEVER NUMBER IT WOULD BE AFTER I DID THAT)
  'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0',
   'cookie_prefix_default' => '',
   'cookie_prefix_used' => 'phpbb3_dgff',

PHPBB3 Bridge File on lines 111-113
      // Group ids
$this->admingroups = array(5);
$this->guestgroup = 1;

So as far as I see everything should be working. Its setup correctly it just dont work. Any other information you need just ask.

My gallery is located at http://www.mysite.com/cpg
So the above relative path should be right, correct?


I'm guessing your PHPBB3 is on your server under /forum directory?

Also what did you use for your cookie prefix when you first setup the bridge (found in the PHPBB ACP)?


Cookie: phpbb3_dgff

PHPBB3 URL: http://www.dannysgamefowlfarm.com/forums
Coppermine URL: http://www.dannysgamefowlfarm.com/cpg

PHPBB3 Server Location: /usr/local/4admin/apache/vhosts/dannysgamefowlfarm.com/forums/
Coppermine Server Location: /usr/local/4admin/apache/vhosts/dannysgamefowlfarm.com/cpg/


To enable 'post based groups' support you need to add a line I forgot to add.


require_once($BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file'] . 'config.php');

After that, add

$this->use_post_based_groups = $BRIDGE['use_post_based_groups'];



Quote from: cognoscento on July 31, 2008, 04:58:42 AM
I also had the problem regarding a lack of admin access in CPG once I installed the bridge. Manually adjusting the phpbb3 bridge file  (line 120?) to the admin group # (299 in my case) seemed to work perfectly.

I am having this problem now, and I can't figure it out. (This phpbb3 bridge file is phppp3.inc.php?) If not which file? Also I am a bit confused about my admin group # how do I find what I need to input?


Thank you so much - it works fine. :)


just to colaborate a bit i resolved the "Im logged in the forum but not in the gallery issue" by using phpmysql and copy the name of the cokkie found in the configuration of phpbb3 to 2 places the table bridge and the tabe config of coppermine, in both places was different one was the name of my old phpbb2 board and the one in coppermine was sql something... Now im logged in the 2 places,  but im not and admin in coppermine, the table bride has aal the groups empty I placed 1456 (the ID of my admin group in phpbb3) in the bridge table under "admin_group" field but im still not an admin, were do i supose to find the group id? is "group_id" from Table: phpbb3_groups ???


You need to edit the bridge file here:

$this->admingroups = array(5);

Change 5 to 1456.

You shouldn't set Coppermine's cookie name to the same as phpbb.


which file is this located in?  Thanks

Quote from: Nibbler on August 08, 2008, 06:53:06 PM
To enable 'post based groups' support you need to add a line I forgot to add.


require_once($BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file'] . 'config.php');

After that, add

$this->use_post_based_groups = $BRIDGE['use_post_based_groups'];


It's already done in the current version of the file attached to this thread.



i am REALLY out of my depth here, so please forgive any stupid things i say or do in this post.  my goal is to have my phpbb 3.0.2 install and my coppermine 1.4.19 install use the same user database, so that registering or logging in on one, does so for both.  they are both clean installs more or less...  phpbb might have been 3.0.1 new, and coppermine was 1.4.18 new.

this thread is very confusing.  can someone layout in a single post what all i need to do to make this happen?  i was hoping it would be in the FAQ or install docs.  there's all kinds of posts in this thread saying "add this line" and so on...  i just want one complete set of instructions for dummies like me.

also, the bridging page lists "phpbb2.2"  ...i don't think there ever was a 2.2

anyway, i take it i need to make a txt php file, copy stuff into it, and upload it as the bridge instructions.  is that right?

what is "post based groups"?

do coppermine and phpbb3 use the same cookie name?  do i need to change the defaults?



The file attached to the first post is up to date. Follow the instructions there then PHPBB3 will appear in the bridge manager.

PHPBB 2.2 became PHPBB3. People asked for a bridge for it but it was never actually released.

Cookie names and 'post based groups' are described in the manual.



thx!  i think i got it going...  i'll see when people actually try to use it.

two things tho...  the one bridge says "2.0.18 and newer"  ...if i hadn't checked here i would have used that one by mistake.  i think it should be made clear its only for 2.0.18 to .23

second, i don't understand the optional redirect thing.  i didn't do it yet, so my question is what is the current logout behavior for the gallery / forum, and what will the new behavior be if i implement the optional code?

sorry for the dummy questions, this isn't my forte!


I hope this is the correct place to post, apologies if it isn't  ::)

PHPBB3 3.0.2 ~ clean new install
Coppermine 1.4.19 ~ clean new install

All mandatory bridging mods completed and checked (optional mods not done yet)
Cookies are left at their default settings
No plugins installed
All on a test server pending going live ASAP

PHPBB3 and Coppermine both work standalone but when I run the bridge manager wizard I get taken to the board index of PHPBB3 when I login or call up the URL of Coppermine ~ my only way to access Coppermine is to run the wozard again and disable the bridge.

Any advice gratefully received

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