Briging SMF 1.1.5 & CPG 1.4.18 Fatal Error Briging SMF 1.1.5 & CPG 1.4.18 Fatal Error


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Briging SMF 1.1.5 & CPG 1.4.18 Fatal Error

Started by tehnoacid, August 07, 2008, 02:06:40 PM

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Please help me  :'(

I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine 1.4.18 and SMF 1.1.5 :
Coppermine critical error. Unable to connect to database !

This Error only when guests trying go to gallery, but if first login in SMF and then go to the Coppermine - no error

Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.18
Forum version: SMF 1.1.5
Test user account: test
Password: 111222

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:
Relative path to my SMF config file:  ../forum/
Use post-based groups?:  0 

Please sorry for my english, I'm Russian.


Your English is much better than my Russian.

I get a different error message

"There was an error while processing a database query "

If you disable bridging can you log on successfully in coppermine and smf?

There is a Russian support board if you find that more comfortable though I am not sure how active it is compared to here.,41.0.html

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: phill104 on August 07, 2008, 03:51:05 PM
"There was an error while processing a database query "
Enable debug_mode to see what query actually fails and post that query (not the debug_output, just the error message).


QuoteIf you disable bridging can you log on successfully in coppermine and smf?


After update to CPG 1.4.19 this problem disabled.

Joachim Müller

Scroll down a little for the cpg1.4.19 package:
  • Danish language file updated
  • spacer for empty album list cells fixed
  • improper nesting of form-tag in various files fixed
  • invalid <f>-tag in upload.php removed
  • type translation in reports fixed
  • resources consumption for slideshows in meta albums fixed
  • hard-coded string "edit keywords" replaced with translation
  • Spanish documentation added
  • SMF anonymous user fix
  • security issue reported at fixed
  • profile email check issue fixed