Mod for email notification for members? Mod for email notification for members?


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Mod for email notification for members?

Started by Frankieloum, July 09, 2008, 02:49:48 PM

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I saw a post somewhere that said you Stramm had created a mod that allows the members to upload their photos in the gallery and THEY get email notifications saying that someone commented on it?
I have looked and looked and cannot find it?

I had copied this down? Is this the mod? If so where do I find the download for it? If this is not it can someone please point me in the right direction so I can get this installed for the members.

($CONFIG['email_comment_notification'] && !USER_IS_ADMIN ) {
                $mail_body = "<p>" . bb_decode(process_smilies($msg_body, $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'])) . "</p>\n\r ".$lang_db_input_php['email_comment_body'] . " " . $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'] . (substr($CONFIG["ecards_more_pic_target"], -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . $redirect;
                cpg_mail('admin', $lang_db_input_php['email_comment_subject'], make_clickable($mail_body));
and then do I replace it with this?? or add this somewhere in it lol Sorry I AM SO NEW at this

// send an email to the owner of the picture
            $result = db_query("SELECT user_name,user_email FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p, {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} AS u WHERE u.user_id=p.owner_id and".$pid);
            if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
              $picture_owner_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
              $subject = "New GJPix Comment by ".USER_NAME;
              $mail_body  = "Hi ".$user_name."!\n\n".USER_NAME." just wrote a comment on one of your photos, click the link below to read and reply to it.\n";
              $mail_body .= "".$pid;
              cpg_mail($picture_owner_data['user_email'], $subject, $mail_body, 'text/plain', "GJPix", '');



Email notifications are part of the modpack. There is no standalone mod as it's to hard to maintain for me. If you need it, you have to install the modpack.


Straam can you point me to the mod to install? I have now lost it and cannot figure where it was?
thank you and also what would you charge to install the gallery members comment email notification mod?


click the 'download' link in the top menu and chose 'Modifications and AddOns'


ok I had 2 people that I paid to do install of forum, mods, gallery etc. Well they are no longer doing that and I need help getting email notification in the gallery to my members. So can you please let me know who does this and what the cost would be to get the email notification for members so that when they upload anything in the gallery and someone leaves a comment they get a email letting them know.


If you're looking for someone to install this mod for you, it's a good idea to post your request on the freelancer board,30.0.html
