Custom frontpage to gallery? Custom frontpage to gallery?


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Custom frontpage to gallery?

Started by renede, September 04, 2008, 11:33:33 AM

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Hey guys (and probably some girls?)
I have a question. I  am using a really simple looking theme called ipodlounge and customised it somewhat. But simple customisations is all i can do in php. So i come to the experts on this one: I would like to convert the existing frontpage of the gallery into the frontpage i made myself. Because it is a hassle to have to do by myself each time i would like to have one that does what i want by itself.

Examples: and

Each of these sites has an indexpage made by me (yes crude but effective) but i have to edit the original everytime i change it... What i would like is a galleryindexpage that looks like my selfmade indexpage. So a page header, a line with links (home, login, search, email), a random chosen (or just the first) picture from the latest (by date) gallery, and below that from right to left 3 columns with all the (or maybe just the 15 latest) galleries before, in the middle all the categories i created and on the right side some (5?) galleries of special interest to be chosen by me.

Anyone who is able to make me a new index may take all the credits for it! But who will do it for me? (if anyone reading this is Dutch please mail me...)

Thanks for reading this anyway if you do...



16 reads and no reply, i guess that is an answer to my question...

Joachim Müller

Well, spiders count as reads as well. This is not a hotline. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't understand your question in the first place, so please re-phrase.


Spiders read too? :-)
OK in spmpler terms: i use Coppermine with the ipodlounge theme and i made an indexpage myself so you can go directly to the latest gallery (the big picture below the head) and beneath some links to older galleries and other things.

In real short, i want the Coppermine indexpage to look like my own index.htm.

Is this clear enough? I hope so!

Joachim Müller

OK, as far as I understand it you want a splash page that contains content taken from coppermine but that is not actually coppermine-driven. Is that correct?


Yes sort of...
There is:
1.  ->which is the index of the Coppermine part of my site

And there is:
2.       ->which is the first page visitors see. Problem with this is that i have to adjust it by hand every time i add a new gallery. And that takes up a lot of time which i dont have.

Now if someone could rewrite the indexpage of Coppermine and Ipodlounge to make number 1 look like number 2 i would be very happy! That way the latest gallery would be automatically put on top of the frontpage and the second til 10th(maybe?) gallery would be on the left below. And some other adjustments but thats a later concern...

See the picture yet?

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Joachim Müller on September 05, 2008, 11:27:17 AM
OK, as far as I understand it you want a splash page that contains content taken from coppermine but that is not actually coppermine-driven.
There is a whole sub-board full of mods dedicated to this - we call this content syndication. The cpg dev team recommends using cpmFetch.


thanks Joachim, this is a little in the direction i wanted. But (and i overlooked cpmfetch quickly) this still means that i have to change my splash page BY HAND everytime i add a new gallery and that could be up to 3 times a week... And i wanted it to update automatically!

Any thoughts on automating cpmfetch?

Joachim Müller

Using cpmFetch you can instruct it to display the most recent or some random images. I thought that this is what you wanted to accomplish.

Pascal YAP


Here is my SPLASH page exemple.
I'd just created an INDEX.HTML with CpmFetch inside (refresh every 10s, using ramdom pix) :
with a link to my real Coppermine's start page :

Note : For browsers INDEX.HTML is "strongest" than INDEX.PHP

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Pascal YAP on September 08, 2008, 09:23:13 AM
Note : For browsers INDEX.HTML is "strongest" than INDEX.PHP
This is not up to the browser to "decide", but to the server - it's a matter of webserver setup, so you might get different results depending on your individual server setup.


Thanks PYAP! I will certainly try this. It may take some time because i have to relly look at what you made to make it my own and i am not a php wizz...

@Joachim: thanks for the warning but my server puts html before php files... (found out the hard way...)

Pascal YAP


Insert CpmFetch inside a HTML is really simple.
You need to use CFIMAGEGET.php who is an "image" !
Use a HTML TAG, like that :
<img src="http:/ />, who's catching a ramdom picture from Album N°6, that's all  ;)