Displaying block Displaying block


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Displaying block

Started by kiwi_pearlsnz, September 09, 2008, 03:03:29 AM

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hi there,

I am trying to display a random image block in postnuke - yet is says it cannot find my cmuser db.

I know why it is not finding it as the script is placing a underscore _ after my copermine table prefix  of cm - so it is trying to find the table cm_user and not cmuser.

I don't know how to edit the php to stop it from adding the underscore.

I eagerly look forward to hearing from you.


In that case, go to the modules/pnCPG/pnblocks directory.
There you will find the random.php block.
In the code search for $cpgprf. You can see the underscores and remove them where apropriate.
That is all.
Suggest you make a backup first of that file just in case you make a mistake.

Good luck


Hi there,

thank you for your reply.

I've tried to edit the file and still it is not working.

$db=pnModGetVar('pnCPG', '_db');
$cpgprf=pnModGetVar('pnCPG', '_prf');
$std_db = $ntPrefix = pnConfigGetVar('dbname');
$cur_usr = pnUserGetVar(uname) ;
$cur_logged =  pnUserLoggedIn() ;
$pcModInfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName('pnCPG'));
$ModName = pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);
$_dbhost=pnModGetVar('pnCPG', '_dbhost');
$_dbuser=pnModGetVar('pnCPG', '_dbuser');
$_dbpw=pnModGetVar('pnCPG', '_dbpw');
$_pnroot=pnModGetVar('pnCPG', '_pnroot');

I have tried modifying that so many ways.

$cpgprf=pnModGetVar('pnCPG', 'prf');

If I take the underscore away in there I get the error
Query0 failed : Table 'kiwipearls_Senility._users' doesn't exist

does not put the prefix of cm on it.

If I put it back, I get the normal error with prefix and dreaded underscore.
Query0 failed : Table 'kiwipearls_Senility.cm_users' doesn't exist

In the admin settings I just have "cm" entered as the prefix.

I look forward to hearing from you again.


Here is the correct code:

function pnCPG_randomblock_init()
// Security
pnSecAddSchema('pnCPG:random:''Block title::');

 * get information on block
 * @return       array       The block information
function pnCPG_randomblock_info()
    return array(
'text_type'      => 'random',
'module'         => 'pnCPG',
'text_type_long' => 'Show random images',
'allow_multiple' => true,
'form_content'   => false,
'form_refresh'   => false,
'show_preview'   => true);

 * display block
 * @param        array       $blockinfo     a blockinfo structure
 * @return       output      the rendered bock
function pnCPG_randomblock_display($blockinfo)
// Security check - important to do this as early as possible to avoid
    // potential security holes or just too much wasted processing.
// Note that we have Example:Firstblock: as the component.
if (!pnSecAuthAction(0,

// Get current content
$vars pnBlockVarsFromContent($blockinfo['content']);

// Defaults
if (empty($vars['amount'])) {
$vars['amount'] = 5;

    if (empty(
$vars['shrandom'])) {
$vars['shrandom'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['shalbum'])) {
$vars['shalbum'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['shlast'])) {
$vars['shlast'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['usejava'])) {
$vars['usejava'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['loadjava'])) {
$vars['loadjava'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['showmenu'])) {
$vars['showmenu'] = 'L';
    if (empty(
$vars['nouser'])) {
$vars['nouser'] = 'n';
    if (empty(
$vars['show1'])) {
$vars['show1'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['show2'])) {
$vars['show2'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['show3'])) {
$vars['show3'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['shstats'])) {
$vars['shstats'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['amount2'])) {
$vars['amount2'] = 100;

$cpgpath trim($cpgloc1);
$cpgpath .= "/albums/" ;
$target "" ;
if (
$CPGwindow == ) {
$target "target=_blank" ;
$std_db $ntPrefix pnConfigGetVar('dbname');
$cur_usr pnUserGetVar(uname) ;
$cur_logged =  pnUserLoggedIn() ;
$pcModInfo pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName('pnCPG'));
$ModName pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);

// is there another database owner, let's connect
if ($_dbhost !==""){
$link mysql_connect($_dbhost$_dbuser$_dbpw) or mysql_error();
$true mysql_select_db($db) ;

// Incorporate Coppermine Authorizations
// take user_group  as list, compare with visibility in album
// WHERE FIND_IN_SET ('albums.visibility',view_list)>0;
// let's buid the list
if (!cur_logged) {
$view_list="0" ;
} else {
$view_list="0" ;
$query0"select user_group,user_id from $cpgprf".users." where user_name= '$cur_usr'";
$result0 mysql_query($query0) or die("Query0 failed : " mysql_error());
$num_rows mysql_num_rows($result0);
if ($num_rows ){
$row0 mysql_fetch_row($result0) ;
$view_list .= "," ;
$view_list .= $row0[0] ;
$base 10000 ;
$usercat $base $row0[1];
$view_list .= "," ;
$view_list .= $usercat ;
// by now we have the bloody list
// let's try to build it into the query string
// string would be something like :
// where find_in_set( visibility, '$view_list') > 0

if ($vars['shstats'] == 'y'){

// number of Albums
$query="SELECT * FROM $cpgprf".albums."" ;
$result mysql_query($query) or die("Query1 failed : " mysql_error());
$numalbums mysql_num_rows($result);

// number of pictures
$query="SELECT * FROM $cpgprf".pictures."" ;
$result mysql_query($query) or die("Query1 failed : " mysql_error());
$numpic mysql_num_rows($result);

// number of hits
$query="SELECT SUM(hits) FROM $cpgprf".pictures."" ;
$result mysql_query($query) or die("Query1 failed : " mysql_error());
$row mysql_fetch_row$result );
$numhits$row[0] ;

// number of votes
$query="SELECT SUM(votes) FROM $cpgprf".pictures."" ;
$result mysql_query($query) or die("Query1 failed : " mysql_error());
$row mysql_fetch_row$result );
$numvotes$row[0] ;

// number of comments
$query="SELECT * FROM $cpgprf".comments."" ;
$result mysql_query($query) or die("Query1 failed : " mysql_error());
$numcomments mysql_num_rows($result);


if (
$vars['shrandom'] == 'y'){

if ($vars['nouser'] == 'y'){
$query "SELECT $cpgprf".pictures.".owner_name, $cpgprf".albums.".title, $cpgprf".pictures.".caption,$cpgprf".pictures.".filepath,$cpgprf".pictures.".filename,$cpgprf".pictures.".hits,$cpgprf".albums.".aid,$cpgprf".pictures.".pid  from $cpgprf".pictures.",$cpgprf".albums."   WHERE $cpgprf".pictures.".aid = $cpgprf".albums.".aid and $cpgprf".pictures.".approved = 'YES' and category < 10000  and find_in_set( visibility, '$view_list') > 0 and UPPER(RIGHT($cpgprf".pictures.".filename,3))='JPG' order by RAND() limit 1 ";
} else {
$query "SELECT $cpgprf".pictures.".owner_name, $cpgprf".albums.".title, $cpgprf".pictures.".caption,$cpgprf".pictures.".filepath,$cpgprf".pictures.".filename,$cpgprf".pictures.".hits,$cpgprf".albums.".aid,$cpgprf".pictures.".pid  from $cpgprf".pictures.",$cpgprf".albums."   WHERE $cpgprf".pictures.".aid = $cpgprf".albums.".aid and $cpgprf".pictures.".approved = 'YES' and find_in_set( visibility, '$view_list') > 0 and UPPER(RIGHT($cpgprf".pictures.".filename,3))='JPG' order by RAND() limit 1 ";
$result mysql_query($query) or die("Query1 failed : " mysql_error());
$items = array();
while (list($owner$title$caption$path$name$hits,$aid,$pid) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$picture $cpgpath ;
$picture .= $path ;
$picture .="thumb_";
$picture .= $name ;
if ($title==""){
$title$name ;
$popup1="" ;
$menu1="" ;
if ($vars['usejava'] == 'y'){
$expand _PNCPG_EXPAND;
$email _PNCPG_ECARD ;
if ($vars['showmenu'] == "L"){
$menu1 "LEFT" ;
} else {
$menu1 "RIGHT" ;
if ($vars['show1'] == 'y'){
$popup1 .= "<a href=index.php?module=pnCPG&func=view&soort=1&album=$aid&pos=$pid ".$target.">$expand</a>" ;
$popup1 .= "<br>";
if ($vars['show2'] == 'y'){
$popup1 .= "<a href=index.php?module=pnCPG&func=view&soort=2&album=$aid&pos=0".$target.">$go</a>" ;
$popup1 .= "<br>";
if ($vars['show3'] == 'y'){
$popup1 .= "<a href=index.php?module=pnCPG&func=view&soort=3&album=$aid&pos=$pid ".$target.">$email</a>" ;
$items[] = array('url' => $url,'picture' => $picture'owner' => $owner'hits' => $hits,  'title' => $title'caption' => $caption);

if (
$vars['shalbum'] == 'y'){
if ($vars['nouser'] == 'y'){
$query "SELECT  pid,aid from $cpgprf".pictures." where approved = 'YES' order by pid desc limit ".$vars['amount2']." ";
$result mysql_query($query) or die("Query2 failed : " mysql_error());
$last_albums = array() ;
$alb_num 0;
while (list($pid,$aid) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if (!in_array($aid$last_albums)) {
$alb_num ++;
$last_albums[$alb_num] = $aid ;
$items2 = array();
while ($num_alb<=$alb_num and $counter2<$vars['amount']){
if ($private == 'y'){
$query1 "SELECT title,aid,category  from $cpgprf".albums."  where find_in_set( visibility, '$view_list') > 0 and category < 10000 and  aid='$last_albums[$num_alb]' ";
} else{
$query1 "SELECT title,aid,category  from $cpgprf".albums."  where find_in_set( visibility, '$view_list') > 0 and  aid='$last_albums[$num_alb]' ";
$result1 mysql_query($query1) or die("Query failed : " mysql_error());
$num_rows mysql_num_rows($result1);
if ($num_rows>0){
$row1 mysql_fetch_row($result1) ;
$title $row1[0];
$aid1 $row1[1];
$content .= "<center>" ;
$url="index.php?module=pnCPG&func=view&soort=2&album=".$aid1." ".$target."";

$items2[] = array('url' => $url'title' => $title);
$counter2 ++;
$num_alb ++ ;

if (
$vars['shlast'] == 'y'){
if ($vars['nouser'] == 'y'){
$query "SELECT $cpgprf".pictures.".owner_name, $cpgprf".albums.".title, $cpgprf".pictures.".caption,$cpgprf".pictures.".filepath,$cpgprf".pictures.".filename,$cpgprf".pictures.".hits,$cpgprf".albums.".aid,$cpgprf".pictures.".pid  from $cpgprf".pictures.",$cpgprf".albums."   WHERE $cpgprf".pictures.".aid = $cpgprf".albums.".aid and $cpgprf".pictures.".approved = 'YES' and $cpgprf".albums.".category < 10000 and (find_in_set( visibility, '$view_list') > 0 ) and UPPER(RIGHT($cpgprf".pictures.".filename,3))='JPG' order by pid desc limit 1 ";
} else {
$query "SELECT $cpgprf".pictures.".owner_name, $cpgprf".albums.".title, $cpgprf".pictures.".caption,$cpgprf".pictures.".filepath,$cpgprf".pictures.".filename,$cpgprf".pictures.".hits,$cpgprf".albums.".aid,$cpgprf".pictures.".pid  from $cpgprf".pictures.",$cpgprf".albums."   WHERE $cpgprf".pictures.".aid = $cpgprf".albums.".aid and $cpgprf".pictures.".approved = 'YES' and (find_in_set( visibility, '$view_list') > 0)  and UPPER(RIGHT($cpgprf".pictures.".filename,3))='JPG' order by pid desc limit 1 ";

$result mysql_query($query) or die("Query3 failed : " mysql_error());
$items3 = array();
$popup2="" ;
$menu2="" ;
while (list($owner$title$caption$path$name$hits,$aid,$pid) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$picture $cpgpath ;
$picture .= $path ;
$picture .="thumb_";
$picture .= $name ;
$picture1 $cpgpath ;
$picture1 .= $path ;
$picture1 .= $name ;
if ($vars['usejava'] == 'y'){
$expand _PNCPG_EXPAND;
$email _PNCPG_ECARD ;
if ($vars['showmenu'] == "L"){
$menu2 "LEFT" ;
} else {
$menu2 "RIGHT" ;
if ($vars['show1'] == 'y'){
$popup2 .= "<a href=index.php?module=pnCPG&func=view&soort=1&album=$aid&pos=$pid ".$target.">$expand</a>" ;
$popup2 .= "<br>";
if ($vars['show2'] == 'y'){
$popup2 .= "<a href=index.php?module=pnCPG&func=view&soort=2&album=$aid&pos=0 ".$target.">$go</a>" ;
$popup2 .= "<br>";
if ($vars['show3'] == 'y'){
$popup2 .= "<a href=index.php?module=pnCPG&func=view&soort=3&album=$aid&pos=$pid ".$target.">$email</a>" ;
$items3[] = array('url' => $url,'picture' => $picture'owner' => $owner'hits' => $hits,  'title' => $title'caption' => $caption);

if (
$_dbhost !==""){
// Decode encoded DB parameters
if ($pnconfig['encoded']) {
$pnconfig['dbuname'] = base64_decode($pnconfig['dbuname']);
$pnconfig['dbpass'] = base64_decode($pnconfig['dbpass']);
$link mysql_connect($pnconfig['dbhost'], $pnconfig['dbuname'], $pnconfig['dbpass']) or mysql_error();
$true mysql_select_db($std_db) ;

// Create output object
// Note that for a block the corresponding module must be passed.
$pnRender =& new pnRender('pnCPG');

// settings

// variables





// Populate block info and pass to theme
$blockinfo['content'] = $pnRender->fetch('pnCPG_block_random.htm');

 * modify block settings
function pnCPG_randomblock_modify($blockinfo)

// Get current content
$vars pnBlockVarsFromContent($blockinfo['content']);

// Defaults
if (empty($vars['amount'])) {
$vars['amount'] = 5;

    if (empty(
$vars['shrandom'])) {
$vars['shrandom'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['shalbum'])) {
$vars['shalbum'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['shlast'])) {
$vars['shlast'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['usejava'])) {
$vars['usejava'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['loadjava'])) {
$vars['loadjava'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['showmenu'])) {
$vars['showmenu'] = 'L';
    if (empty(
$vars['nouser'])) {
$vars['nouser'] = 'n';
    if (empty(
$vars['show1'])) {
$vars['show1'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['show2'])) {
$vars['show2'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['show3'])) {
$vars['show3'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['shstats'])) {
$vars['shstats'] = 'y';
    if (empty(
$vars['amount2'])) {
$vars['amount2'] = 100;

// Create output object
$pnRender =& new pnRender('pnCPG');

// As Admin output changes often, we do not want caching.
$pnRender->caching false;

// assign the approriate values

// Return the output that has been generated by this function
return $pnRender->fetch('pnCPG_block_random_modify.htm');


 * update block settings
function pnCPG_randomblock_update($blockinfo)
// Get current content
$vars pnBlockVarsFromContent($blockinfo['content']);

// alter the corresponding variable
$vars['amount'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('amount');
$vars['shrandom'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('shrandom');
$vars['shalbum'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('shalbum');
$vars['shlast'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('shlast');
$vars['usejava'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('usejava');
$vars['loadjava'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('loadjava');
$vars['showmenu'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('showmenu');
$vars['nouser'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('nouser');
$vars['show1'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('show1');
$vars['show2'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('show2');
$vars['show3'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('show3');
$vars['shstats'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('shstats');
$vars['amount2'] = pnVarCleanFromInput('amount2');

// write back the new contents
$blockinfo['content'] = pnBlockVarsToContent($vars);

// clear the block cache
$pnRender =& new pnRender('pnCPG');




Thank you so much that worked brilliantly.