Freelancer requested due to gallery issues Freelancer requested due to gallery issues


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Freelancer requested due to gallery issues

Started by cancanshan, October 20, 2008, 06:15:47 PM

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The budget: $20.00 Will pay when completed with Paypal
The time schedule: Prefer this job be completed today. But we can be fleixble.
The site url is
Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.19

Here are the issues:
Unable to delete images
unable to upload as you just get a upload of a red X
Thumbnails show up when entering coppermine but when you click to view there is a box with a X stating Click to View Full Size Image. Once that is clicked the image shows.

I'm subscribed to this thread and will be sure to follow up on any offers.



Are you using any plugins or made any changes to the code? Was it working before or is this a fresh install? Is this using a bridge to your forum? Your gallery requires login which you didn't supply so I can't see what's going on.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Quote from: Gizmo on October 21, 2008, 12:39:55 PM
Are you using any plugins or made any changes to the code? Was it working before or is this a fresh install? Is this using a bridge to your forum? Your gallery requires login which you didn't supply so I can't see what's going on.

This has been solved. Thank you.