Unistall forum smf impossible use link to bridgemgr.php Unistall forum smf impossible use link to bridgemgr.php


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Unistall forum smf impossible use link to bridgemgr.php

Started by VEGA, November 08, 2008, 08:06:54 PM

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I tried to integrate the SMF forum. Not finding "Admin tools" in the control panel I used http://www.maranimage.it/bridgemgr.php taken from here (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm # bridge_manager_start )

I would not go back and install the forum but with the initial link can not lose access :'(


Quote from: VEGA on November 08, 2008, 08:06:54 PM
I tried to integrate the SMF forum. Not finding "Admin tools" in the control panel I used http://www.maranimage.it/bridgemgr.php taken from here (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm # bridge_manager_start )

I would not go back and install the forum but with the initial link can not lose access :'(

i have solve erase all file smf forum.

Joachim Müller


Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 08, 2008, 10:46:14 PM
huh? You did what to accomplish what?

I could no longer see the gallery. I have deleted all files on the server of the forum and I resolved. The problem has been that the bridge not find it. I do not see the panel "admin tools." Perhaps the problems had to install the forum are some files missing bridge. I do not know

Joachim Müller

I have no ida what you're talking about. If you have deleted your forum, unbridge using the bridge manager as suggested in the docs. If you have further questions, follow board rules and the sticky thread on this sub board.


Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 11, 2008, 11:08:11 PM
I have no ida what you're talking about. If you have deleted your forum, unbridge using the bridge manager as suggested in the docs. If you have further questions, follow board rules and the sticky thread on this sub board.

I tried to integrate the SMF forum. I have not found "Admin tools" in the control panel and i used http://www.maranimage.it/bridgemgr.php taken from here (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm # bridge_manager_start )

Joachim Müller


Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 13, 2008, 07:18:14 AM
So what?

simple, I do not have the bridge manager and so I asked how. Delete from the server all the files forum I do not think that was the normal procedure in the future.

Joachim Müller

If you don't have a link to the bridge manager then you have over-modified your custom theme. That's your fault, not our's.


Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 13, 2008, 07:52:55 PM
If you don't have a link to the bridge manager then you have over-modified your custom theme. That's your fault, not our's.

In my theme I just inserted the image I have not modified its structure.
Do not talk in the plural because I have not blamed anyone.
I think you have something against me.

Joachim Müller

This entire thread is useless, let's end it, OK? I am oppossed to threads where people blame the app or anything/someone else for not understanding things or making mistakes. It's you who made mistakes. However, your postings sound like you're trying to blame someone else. Like you were reporting a bug. You haven't discovered a bug. Deleting files is not part of the regular steps to bridge nor to unbridge, so your posting might give others coming across this thread the impression that there are secret things that one needs to perform to bridge, like deleting files. This is not the case. Like I said initially: your postings are completely invalid. Please let it end like this. There's no reason for you to reply to this thread.