Admin rights lost after PHPBB upgrade Admin rights lost after PHPBB upgrade


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Admin rights lost after PHPBB upgrade

Started by jBottrop, November 14, 2008, 06:40:39 PM

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I had a PHPBB 2.x and Coppermine gallery running. Bridge was working fine, all user rights and login sessions were working.

After upgrading the PHPBB to v3, all users still exist in Coppermine, but nobody's got admin rights anymore. Therefore, I can't create new albums. Just user albums are still working, but that's stupid. How can I reset all user rights in Coppermine to be inherited from the board? I want my user rights back :-)

Maybe just copy the new bridge file into the Coppermine installation? But maybe that will destroy everything and the gallery won't run at all. Since there are more than 6000 photos in it (all with description texts and categories), that would mean a hell of a job to get everything running again.

Thanks for any help!



One addition: I don't know which Coppermine version it was, since it's not shown anywhere :-(

Joachim Müller

Quote from: jBottrop on November 14, 2008, 06:40:39 PM
After upgrading the PHPBB to v3, all users still exist in Coppermine, but nobody's got admin rights anymore.
Only posted the same issue today:,56344.msg275485.html#msg275485

Quote from: jBottrop on November 14, 2008, 06:42:08 PM
One addition: I don't know which Coppermine version it was, since it's not shown anywhere :-(
Really? That's strange. Look at the config page, the docs or inside any source code file.

Also read the sticky thread on this sub-board: When requesting bridge support - mandatory!


OK, in the thread you mention, there is a link to another thread which has a bridge file attached. I used it, but nothing changed.

I looged into phpMyAdmin and set "bridge_enable" to "0", no I can at least log into the gallery as an admin (but now, all other users are not recognized, of course). I think the problem is, that the data from the old bridge file is still in the database. How can I reset it? Simply delete or clear table "cpg1410_bridge" ?

I also read in the "When requesting bridge support - mandatory" thread that I should provide a test account, but since this would mean a test account in the forum the gallery is being bridged to, it would not be allowed by the forum supervisors (can't help it). I can of course provide a test account in the gallery, but it would be of no use, since it won't work anymore after reactivating the bridging.

Is there no possibility of just *resetting* all bridging data into a totally unbridged state, so that all user rights etc. are refreshed from the forum when activating the bridge?



That's what the bridge manager is for.

If you read through the phpbb3 bridge thread there are discussions about setting the admin group number manually. You may need to do that.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: jBottrop on November 14, 2008, 09:02:29 PM
I also read in the "When requesting bridge support - mandatory" thread that I should provide a test account, but since this would mean a test account in the forum the gallery is being bridged to, it would not be allowed by the forum supervisors (can't help it).
Huh? You're not the forum admin? Then ask the forum admin for permission to create a temporary test user account for the coppermine supporters. If you need the gallery bridged, and you want our support, the forum staff should be ready to provide such a test user account. It's supposed to be a non-admin account, so what harm could potentially be done to the forum?