New Windows Batch uploader coming..."Coppermine Helper" - Page 2 New Windows Batch uploader coming..."Coppermine Helper" - Page 2


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New Windows Batch uploader coming..."Coppermine Helper"

Started by tigrane, November 27, 2008, 09:44:00 PM

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I really like the flow of this program.

I used Helper to create and upload a couple of albums.  I added titles and descriptions to each of the photos.  However, when I went to the directory, none of the descriptions existed.  I checked the database as well and no descriptions or titles were added to it...just the location of the file and filename.

Am I missing something?

Thank you!


Quote from: MikeFL on December 24, 2008, 03:50:57 AM
I really like the flow of this program.

I used Helper to create and upload a couple of albums.  I added titles and descriptions to each of the photos.  However, when I went to the directory, none of the descriptions existed.  I checked the database as well and no descriptions or titles were added to it...just the location of the file and filename.

Am I missing something?

Thank you!

Hi Mike, no you didn't miss anything... I did!

I uploaded a new release, should be better with the correct insert...

Let me know if it's ok.

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WoW!!!  ;D It's really cool and easy use  ;)

Thanks Sir...

and I'm thinking.... Can I tranlate the "Trad. Chinese" Language interface ?

thank many !!   ;D


Quote from: evildeepblue on December 28, 2008, 04:19:20 PM
WoW!!!  ;D It's really cool and easy use  ;)

Thanks Sir...

and I'm thinking.... Can I tranlate the "Trad. Chinese" Language interface ?

thank many !!   ;D


yes you can :

In the install folder xxxx\Coppermine Helper\LANGUAGES

you will find two languages, english and french.
use the one you're more familiar with.
Just save the file under a new name. (ex : chinese.xml)
those file are ANSI encoded.
If you need to use unicode, name the file with _unicode (ex : chinese_unicode.xml)

You can switch the language in the registry here :
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Neogie Software\CPH
there a key "language" which contains the file to load.

Then send me the file for inclusion in the setup binary, and I'll add chinese also during the setup (I use inno setup, which should be translated in chinese for a long time)

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so is this just for those who have access to FTP? Will it ever be able to pull user id's directly from coppermine for uploading?


Quote from: SaigonK on January 02, 2009, 03:23:08 PM
so is this just for those who have access to FTP? Will it ever be able to pull user id's directly from coppermine for uploading?

Yes only FTP for now.
I don't know how to do anything else.

Obvisously there's an optional API...but I don't intend to look at it...

FTP is easier to program, and everybody should have access to it.

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I´m stuck on tunelling , do i need a file or a software installed to fill this parameters


Quote from: me-pica on January 28, 2009, 07:34:35 PM
I´m stuck on tunelling , do i need a file or a software installed to fill this parameters
In the tunneling parameters you need to fill only the Coppermine HTTP url and Upload root path and save the configuration.

Im getting error on the logging window if i put the url to my site the users don't appear,i need to go to the configuration window then only open and save again.After that all work also when i click on the Coppernime Helper icon pop up window give me an empty error.
How to fix that ?

Thank you Ivo :)


I like it very !But i have a problem :can  i get the url of  fullsize  picture in my Coppermine through it? I have been keenly looking forward the function for a long  time. Thank you!


I have just installed this application. After installing I am also having problems at the setup screen.

I managed to remove the greyed out lower section by clicking the "get from config file" button, even though it reported wrong data. I just edited them after that, but it made the PHP-section available.

However, I am also stuck with tunnelling issues. My FTP parameters works, I can browse to the coppermine root (top section) and in the lower section it uploads the php4wd-file fine. In the "coppermine URL" field I enter the same URL as I use in the browser to get to the application (, I punch in the admin username and the selected password.

Upload root path is not editable, so I click browse FTP folders, and I then get the "Unable to connect to PHP tunnelling" message.

Any ideas?


Quote from: Heroe on January 31, 2009, 02:13:45 PM
In the tunneling parameters you need to fill only the Coppermine HTTP url and Upload root path and save the configuration

The "save" button is greyed out?


Quote from: delanvital on March 02, 2009, 12:26:11 PM
I have just installed this application. After installing I am also having problems at the setup screen.

I managed to remove the greyed out lower section by clicking the "get from config file" button, even though it reported wrong data. I just edited them after that, but it made the PHP-section available.

However, I am also stuck with tunnelling issues. My FTP parameters works, I can browse to the coppermine root (top section) and in the lower section it uploads the php4wd-file fine. In the "coppermine URL" field I enter the same URL as I use in the browser to get to the application (, I punch in the admin username and the selected password.

Upload root path is not editable, so I click browse FTP folders, and I then get the "Unable to connect to PHP tunnelling" message.

Any ideas?

When you type in is there a response or a browser error?
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Quote from: me-pica on January 28, 2009, 07:34:35 PM
I´m stuck on tunelling , do i need a file or a software installed to fill this parameters

No the parameters screen is all you need.

The coppermine root folder must correspond to the http site url, when you upload the files, you must be then able to type "http://www.yousite/php4wd.php or you'll get a tunneling error message
My software website :


Quote from: youki517 on February 24, 2009, 01:08:28 PM
I like it very !But i have a problem :can  i get the url of  fullsize  picture in my Coppermine through it? I have been keenly looking forward the function for a long  time. Thank you!

No but that can be arranged for a future release.
My software website :


Sorry, I'm new to all this so apologies if I'm asking stupid questions.

I'm stuck on the Settings screen.  I've filled in the Server address, username & password.  When I click on Browse folders I can see the root folders for my server.  I seclect public_html and then add /gallery/ to it so it looks like /public_html/gallery/

When I click on Get from config file it fills in Server & Table Prefix with 'localhost'.  I'm assuming this is wrong but don't really know what these should be?

Can you tell me where I can get these settings from?



That's a very nice program, thank you very much!
However, FTP is a bad idea regarding the security issue. One can always use ip address filtering, of course, allowing access to FTP only from certain addresses - however, this will not be possible for non-owned hostings. Maybe you could consider adding SFTP? I guess you could use something like OpenSSH for that.


Oh, btw. Looks like it has problems with non-english characters. I've got a gallery suited for Russian language (utf-8), and everything I can get from this tool are just "?????" instead of actual categories and album names.


WOW ... I REALLY like this app!!!

Easy to configure and super easy to use!!!




I am also stuck on the last line, when I use the upload button it says Success and I see the program php4wd.php in my gallery's root.
But when to use the button Browse FTP folders it says "unable to connect to php tunneling"

When I type in I get this error
Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /usr/home/deb11675/domains/ on line 121

Please help?
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